Beginners and Beyond


Surftown HM RR FTS (Read 55 times)


delicate flower

    Mixed feeling about today's race.  My PR going into this was 1:32:50 from three months ago, and I knew that'd be tough given how my training has been going.  I just haven't had the speed that I had earlier in the year.  Training has its ups and downs, and right now I'm probably in the latter.


    Race conditions were cooler than the weather we've been having.  68 degrees and cloudy, with a 68 dew point.  I ran the first half at what I thought was a sustainable effort, but I slowed down in the second half and just couldn't pick it up.  I was feeling the humidity and there was just enough headwind the last couple of miles to make me feel like a turtle.  I ran about a 2.5 minute positive split.  Ouch.  I was completely soaked when I finished, sweat literally dripping off my clothes.


    Final time was 1:36:37, almost four minutes off my PR.  Not good for a marathon predictor.  This predicts out to a 3:23 marathon.  I know I've slowed down so I pretty much expected this today.  With my marathon 26 days away, I think I can pretty much forget about a BQ (3:15), which is fine.  


    Placement was 60/1475 OA, 9/75 AG.  Statistically this is the highest up I've finished in a half marathon (top 4%), so at least I've got that going for me.  Like I say, any day I cross the finish line of a race is a good day.  And the medal is nice.



    From the Internet.

      68 dew point


      Ouch. That's going to make it really hard to race well. Nice job on the placement, and hopefully you'll have a much less humid day for your marathon!


        This predicts out to a 3:23 marathon.


        That would be fine if it were an actual predictor race that you trained and tapered for. Since it was not you take it for what it was; a good, tough training run deep in MRT that in the grand scheme of things means absolutely nothing for race day.


        The plan is to peak in 26 days, not today. Now go ESU.

        From the Internet.


          That would be fine if it were an actual predictor race that you trained and tapered for. Since it was not you take it for what it was; a good, tough training run deep in MRT that in the grand scheme of things means absolutely nothing for race day.


          The plan is to peak in 26 days, not today. Now go ESU.


          That's what I thought, but not having raced a marathon yet I wasn't sure, haha. Don't lose hope yet Boon!!


          Super B****

            Humidity is evil.  I'd say you did a good job given the conditions.

            chasing the impossible


            because i never shut up ... i blog


              Your placement is really great and that counts for a lot, Phil. Congratulations! Don't forget that you're in the middle of marathon training and racing a HM at this moment, without a true taper, will never yield the best result. Also, the weather conditions were certainly not the best. Too humid for sure... One last thing: it's possible that after your strong spring marathon you are still recovering from it somewhat and a PR may (and I say "may") be out of reach next month. It's been a long hot summer for most of us and training has not been easy because of it (I speak for myself but I think you had it tough weather wise also). I'm 100% certain that after a good winter training cycle, you will kill it come spring. Now go enjoy the rest of your day, you worked hard this morning!

              PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                      Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

              18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


              delicate flower


                That would be fine if it were an actual predictor race that you trained and tapered for. Since it was not you take it for what it was; a good, tough training run deep in MRT that in the grand scheme of things means absolutely nothing for race day.


                The plan is to peak in 26 days, not today. Now go ESU.


                True, but the hilly HM I ran in March was 1:32:58 and was five weeks out from my marathon.  I was actually better rested today.



                delicate flower

                  Your placement is really great and that counts for a lot, Phil. Congratulations! Don't forget that you're in the middle of marathon training and racing a HM at this moment, without a true taper, will never yield the best result. Also, the weather conditions were certainly not the best. Too humid for sure... One last thing: it's possible that after your strong spring marathon you are still recovering from it somewhat and a PR may (and I say "may") be out of reach next month. It's been a long hot summer for most of us and training has not been easy because of it (I speak for myself but I think you had it tough weather wise also). I'm 100% certain that after a good winter training cycle, you will kill it come spring. Now go enjoy the rest of your day, you worked hard this morning!


                  This is very true, and no PR would also be fine.  I've PR'd every marathon by a lot and I know that can't continue.


                  I know a 1:36 HM and a 3:16 marathon are times a lot of people would be thrilled to run and I am thankful that I can do it, so don't go feeling too bad for me.     This RR is meant to be matter-of-fact, not woe is me.




                    That would be fine if it were an actual predictor race that you trained and tapered for. Since it was not you take it for what it was; a good, tough training run deep in MRT that in the grand scheme of things means absolutely nothing for race day.


                    The plan is to peak in 26 days, not today. Now go ESU.


                    Your marathon will not have a 68 dp. That makes a difference.


                    And what the fuck is wrong with a 3:23??? 

                    Just kidding. You would have run faster if it had been cooler and lower humidity. I can't race in those conditions.



                      This is very true, and no PR would also be fine.  I've PR'd every marathon by a lot and I know that can't continue.


                      I know a 1:36 HM and a 3:16 marathon are times a lot of people would be thrilled to run and I am thankful that I can do it, so don't go feeling too bad for me.     This RR is meant to be matter-of-fact, not woe is me.


                      Don't worry, I'm all out of feeling sorry. I've been wasting it all on myself recently.  I actually think you are in overall awesome shape at the moment!

                      PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                              Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                      18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                        With my marathon 26 days away, I think I can pretty much forget about a BQ (3:15), which is fine.  



                        Are you gonna go for it if the weather seems nice? I hope so.


                        I have not raced when not properly rested and tapered like most of you do, but my guess is that in a race like that, in the middle of MRT, off days are bound to happen.


                        Former Bad Ass

                          Lily and LRB are right.  You are not training for a HM and you're in the midst of marathon training.  This does not necessarily predict a slower marathon.  Just take it with a grain of salt, shake it off and continue training.  Nice job on the placing.



                          delicate flower


                            Are you gonna go for it if the weather seems nice? I hope so.



                            Hell-to-the-yes!  If I take a manage to BQ, great!  If not, it doesn't really matter if I run a 3:17 or a 3:40.



                              You would have run faster if it had been cooler and lower humidity. I can't race in those conditions.

                              Half Crazy K 2.0

                                FWIW, I think racing in conditions like you did (high 60s DP and temp) is more difficult than heat + high humidity. In the summer, you know you have to slow. When it is cooler, it isn't as obvious, until you hit a point where your body screams WTF are you doing, you need to slow now.  The last half I did in conditions like that, I had something like a 12 minute positive split.


                                +1 to what others said about not tapering & being in the middle of training.


                                I would think if this is your highest placement, then it probably reflects improvement & that conditions were tough for all.
