Beginners and Beyond


Saturday (Read 42 times)




    Anyone have any news on Step?


    I'm heading out to run, I'll be back to play later.


    See you!


      I'll be spending 2 x 1.5 hours by a soccer field today. 9:00-10:30, and 11:30-1:00. I'll run during the second one. It's pretty chilly out, and since I get to choose, I'll go for the warmer of the two, since it will be a shake out run of... I don't know how long. Maybe an hour? I'll make the call when I'm running.




        I'm going back to sleep. Run later.


        Former Bad Ass

          Morning.  I have 10 tonight.


          Hip Redux




              I'll be spending 2 x 1.5 hours by a soccer field today. 9:00-10:30, and 11:30-1:00. I'll run during the second one. It's pretty chilly out, and since I get to choose, I'll go for the warmer of the two, since it will be a shake out run of... I don't know how long. Maybe an hour? I'll make the call when I'm running.




              I usually start back with 3-4 miles.  But marathons destroy me.



                I usually start back with 3-4 miles.  But marathons destroy me.






                  Slept in till 6:30, which was awesome. Having some death star now, and breakfast. Will go out a bit later.



                    Slept in till 6:30, which was awesome. Having some death star now, and breakfast. Will go out a bit later.


                    Excellent! it was 6:27 for me, which was a miracle. lol


                    I ran 10 with 8 strides, and yes, I lost count of the stupid things as I usually do.


                      6 soon.






                        Hi D. What's the plan for tomorrow's run?


                        Enjoy your run Cy.


                        Good morning J.


                        You are funny BP.


                        Can I assume your run will be around an hour as well Dave?


                        As for me, Imma ESU today. That started after my run with them yummy fruit flips I bought yesterday, and will continue until my eyeball closes tonight. Big grin

                        Little Blue

                          4 miles in 64 degrees and a misty drizzle.  Yuk.  I can categorically say that I don't like running in rain.  Grocery store stops on the way home, and I shall spend the afternoon cooking.  Baked oatmeal is on the list.


                          Are we there, yet?

                            10.1, probably a little too much and more than a little too hard. But the weather was ideal!

                             2024 Races:

                                  03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                  05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                  06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                              Baked oatmeal is on the list.


                              I was thinking the same thing for tomorrow.


                              Ideal weather is ideal, George. Smile


                                I'll get out there later today. Not sure how far or for how long.  I walked all over Chicago (about 6 miles) in platform sandals yesterday which wasn't the smartest idea I've ever had and my knee is yelling at me a bit.


                                ETA:  I just read about Step's race in the Fridalies. I hope it's going well!
