Beginners and Beyond

Saturdailies for remembering (Read 38 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Lily - motivation for your cat to keep up with the world's clumsiest feline nerd: Smile



    Awww, poor rat but cool cat!



      Lily - motivation for your cat to keep up with the world's clumsiest feline nerd: Smile



      LOL! You have a he-nerd, I have a she-nerd. My cat is afraid of the mouse. 


      Good luck tomorrow! Run like the wind!

      PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

              Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

      18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


        I like and will eat almost anything, but for some reason, I just hate beets.  Although a friend's Russian Grandma cooked some borsch that was the lone exception to this.   Maybe it was all the sour cream -- or pre-dinner vodka.


        8.4 miles done on the treadmill.  Tomorrow, I'm off to visit some friends for wine-tasting and pizza.  When I get back on Monday, I hope to see some truly epic RRs.

        Life is good.


          Back from soccer game and I'm drunk. Trying to get a replay of the Ottawa marathon 10k going but it ain't happening. Oh well, I'll guess I'll catch the end of the hockey game instead.


            Late checking in. Ended up a little short of 15 miles and was feeling the effects of yesterday's fast(er) miles. Or maybe it was the sun and warmth. Or the fact that I drank more wine and coffee yesterday than I did water. Then I spent an hour mowing the lawn this afternoon. So now I am drinking MORE wine and eating chocolate. Because I can.

            20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


              10 today.  Still running a tad faster than easy for my LRs, and my stride feels really good at that pace, but I was sure tired at the end!


              Good luck tomorrow to Jack, Mrs. K, Phil, and Jay!  Gonna be a great day of racing for the B&B!


              D2- Ooh, can't wait for the details!  Sounds like you have a rival now!  Might need to do some speedwork to catch him. 



                Wow, I read all of the posts up until now. It was quite the novel. Let's see...


                Good luck racers going out tomorrow (and Dave on Monday)!


                Sly - Now job! That's smoking fast!


                D2 & FS: Too bad on missing your goals. Sad The nice thing about a race is there's always another one.


                AFM: I did 7.5 at an Easy pace in 83 degree heat today. Yikes. I checked the DP and it was in the mid 60s. Other than that I baked some cookies, which have a serious dent in them now. The wife actually said I couldn't bake any banana bread or muffins today because she can't handle herself around them. I did some mowing and sprayed some pest control stuff around the foundation. That's about it for today. Smile

                - Andrew


                Former Bad Ass

                  Wow, I read all of the posts up until now. It was quite the novel. Let's see...


                  Good luck racers going out tomorrow (and Dave on Monday)!


                  Sly - Now job! That's smoking fast!


                  D2 & FS: Too bad on missing your goals. Sad The nice thing about a race is there's always another one.


                  AFM: I did 7.5 at an Easy pace in 83 degree heat today. Yikes. I checked the DP and it was in the mid 60s. Other than that I baked some cookies, which have a serious dent in them now. The wife actually said I couldn't bake any banana bread or muffins today because she can't handle herself around them. I did some mowing and sprayed some pest control stuff around the foundation. That's about it for today. Smile


                  Good job checking the DP!  Nice job.  I am still struggling with the heat and it's been here since the earth started.  It will get better soon!
