Beginners and Beyond


Things that drive you batty (Read 107 times)


Former Bad Ass

    People that press the elevator button when it's already pressed and lighted.


    People that use the wheelchair access button and wait 30 seconds for the door to open (like in my building) when they are carrying nothing nor are in a wheelchair.


    Boss that is meeting with me and answers every fucking phone call.



    delicate flower


      Boss that is meeting with me and answers every fucking phone call.


      *sigh*  I get this too.  I hate it when my boss wants to meet in his office.  He'll also take calls on his cell phone.




        *sigh*  I get this too.  I hate it when my boss wants to meet in his office.  He'll also take calls on his cell phone.


        How else is he supposed to make you feel small and insignificant? Have some understanding for him, for god's sake!

        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010



          I thought runners were supposed to be happy people.  You know, from all those endorphins.

          You people have issues 


          Former Bad Ass


            *sigh*  I get this too.  I hate it when my boss wants to meet in his office.  He'll also take calls on his cell phone.


            From all his kids, bah.


            Hip Redux


              Where do you want people's sneezes and coughs to go? Sometimes they come on unexpectedly.  Sleeve? Elbow? Into the air? A Kleenex is not always a viable option.


              Elbow is perfectly acceptable.   Hands - ick.



                People who crowd in front of the doors at elevators and then don't move to let you out.


                drivers who come to a stop in a merge lane




                Singer who runs a smidge

                  I thought runners were supposed to be happy people.  You know, from all those endorphins.


                  Big grin

                  When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.


                    Elbow is perfectly acceptable.   Hands - ick.


                    Unless they immediately excuse themselves to wash their hands.

                    Jess runs for bacon

                      Just a rant: I was driving through an intersection today (I had the green) and this lady with three kids in her stroller walked right in front of my car without even looking. Good thing I was. Blew my mind.

                      From the Internet.


                        Elbow is perfectly acceptable.   Hands - ick.


                        Agree, elbow is fine, hands are gross. I once saw a woman at the grocery store hack all over her hands and then proceed to go pawing through the cereal aisle. No cereal for me that day.



                          Agree, elbow is fine, hands are gross. I once saw a woman at the grocery store hack all over her hands and then proceed to go pawing through the cereal aisle. No cereal for me that day.




                          And ewww...

                          PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                  Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                          18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

                          Hip Redux


                            Unless they immediately excuse themselves to wash their hands.


                            Yes...but that never happens!  Tight lips


                            I guess we are all a grumpy bunch today. Big grin


                            Singer who runs a smidge

                              Two things that do make me scratch my head a bit -- the toilets at my workplace are automatic flush.  In five years, not once has the toilet not immediately flushed behind me.  But somehow, someone manages to get the toilet to not flush behind them on a regular basis.  I'm always "Eww, gross!  Now, how did they manage that?"


                              The second thing is how many people don't wash their hands after using the restroom.  Seriously, I am NOT touching that door handle!

                              When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.

                                More disturbing was the woman who put her timesheet on the floor of the stall while she used the facilities.  Maybe she dislikes the payroll staff?
