Beginners and Beyond

Kansas City area Runner Missing Since Monday (Read 177 times)


Smaller By The Day

    An ID just tells them who to deliver your body to in this situation.  His tattoos were plenty of ID. I recently read about a runner at a race with his information on his bib and shoe.  Had his phone on him.  All of it was left at the race when they took his clothes off, and the hospital listed him as John Doe.  He's okay now, but phone and ID didn't help.  I'm ordering a road ID so hopefully someone would notify my wife, but this phone is expensive and useless if I'm passed out in the road.


    Yes, but again, you're comparing the extremes.  No one was advocating running with a helmet or running safely "at all costs" with a paramedic on standby- we're talking simple things like running with a phone.   Yes, people should be free to do whatever they feel is appropriate for them, I never said differently.  My point was comparisons to how other things are more dangerous doesn't actually have anything to do with what we're talking about - which is safety while running.  


    On my bike, I wear a helmet.  In the car, I wear my seat belt.  While running, I have a RoadID.   Each situation is different, has different levels of risk, and warrants a different level of "safety", up to your own personal choice.  But I am not going to not wear a seat belt when the most dangerous thing I do is ride my bike.    They're unrelated decisions.


    Weight 100 pounds lost

    5K 31:02 Sept. 2012 / 23:36 Sept. 2013 (Same Course)

    10K 48:59 April 2013

    HM 2:03:56 Nov. 2012 / 1:46:50 March 2013

    MARATHON 3:57:33 Nov. 2013


    Former Bad Ass

      I don't see it as safety so much as identification.


      But I agree, Oski.



      Former Bad Ass

        Depends on the phone.  Most phones will be able to identify you in some way.


        An ID just tells them who to deliver your body to in this situation.  His tattoos were plenty of ID. I recently read about a runner at a race with his information on his bib and shoe.  Had his phone on him.  All of it was left at the race when they took his clothes off, and the hospital listed him as John Doe.  He's okay now, but phone and ID didn't help.  I'm ordering a road ID so hopefully someone would notify my wife, but this phone is expensive and useless if I'm passed out in the road.



        Hip Redux

          An ID just tells them who to deliver your body to in this situation.  His tattoos were plenty of ID. I recently read about a runner at a race with his information on his bib and shoe.  Had his phone on him.  All of it was left at the race when they took his clothes off, and the hospital listed him as John Doe.  He's okay now, but phone and ID didn't help.  I'm ordering a road ID so hopefully someone would notify my wife, but this phone is expensive and useless if I'm passed out in the road.



          No, of course, we're not talking 100% security here.   Nothing we do will ever save us from every scenario.


          But - when I fell, hit my head, and was knocked unconscious with temporary amnesia - having a list of emergency numbers on my RoadID was helpful.  My husband was called after 911, and he was able to ride in the ambulance and give them my medical history.



            I think of many of the precautions discussed as being more for my family than me: identifying me if something happens and they find the body by the road, or providing a frame of reference for starting a search if I don't come home after a run.

            20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.

            Hip Redux

              There are a bunch of stories in the testimonials section for RoadID, people getting into sketchy situations where ID helped at least contact the family and get a medical history.   They've been more popular with the cycling crowd, but I see more and more people running with them (I am getting one for my dad for when he's on his motorcycle, too).


              (I swear, I don't work for them. lol)



              Former Bad Ass

                I have it but don't use it often (as I run within 2-3 miles from my house).  But I need to get back to the habit of using it whenever I don't take my phone.  Better to let my husband know I won't be making him dinner if I am in the hospital, oops.



                  At this point I think some folks are just splitting hairs. For years I ran early mornings with a woman who is 5'0". When I moved away from the area I did suggest pepper spray or mace as she now runs alone most mornings. She looked into those things but never changed which is her choice.


                  This morning I ran on a treadmill at the gym. This place is the least friendly gym that I have ever been to so most people keep to themselves. If something happened to me there someone may know my first name but that's it. I don't walk around there with ID etc. because I'm not worried about it.

                  YAYpril - B-Plus

                    I wear my RoadID on every run. It has my husband's cell phone number on it so someone can call him if I pass out in a ditch somewhere. I bring my phone for my longer runs when I'm more likely to be further than 2-3 miles from my house (I live in a big neighborhood with lots of roads and can easily do 10 miles within 3 miles of my house if I choose to). On longer runs, I bring my phone in case I break my ankle or need to call him to pick me up for whatever reason.


                    I thought I was being super-diligent late yesterday. I mapped out my 10-mile route and emailed it to him at 4:45. I got home, he was mowing the lawn, I said "I emailed you my route!" and left for my run. I got home and he said "Uhh, I never got an email from you..." I got into work this morning and realized I emailed it to his work address, and he leaves work at 4:30. Oops.


                      Does road ID do anything for you other than listing your name/ emergency numbers/brief medical info?  my LRS has the little tabs you write on and it snaps on your shoe laces for $3.  It's also reflective.  That's what I use.




                      Hip Redux

                        Does road ID do anything for you other than listing your name/ emergency numbers/brief medical info?  my LRS has the little tabs you write on and it snaps on your shoe laces for $3.  It's also reflective.  That's what I use.


                        It's just ID unless you get the 'interactive' one which has a website/phone number that can connect EMTs to a live person who has your "Emergency Response Profile."   If you have a particular medical condition, this would be helpful I think, but for most, probably overkill.


                        YAYpril - B-Plus

                          Does road ID do anything for you other than listing your name/ emergency numbers/brief medical info?  my LRS has the little tabs you write on and it snaps on your shoe laces for $3.  It's also reflective.  That's what I use.


                          Like Oski said, the interactive one can pull up your medical history and all that, but I don't have much of a medical history so I just got the regular wristband. One issue I've heard with shoe tags is that in a collision your shoes may come off which renders the ID useless (because they're probably not going to actively search for your shoes).



                            You people argue about the most inane shit.

                            You people have issues 


                            Smaller By The Day

                              You'd like that, if it were only true.


                              You people argue about the most inane shit.


                              Weight 100 pounds lost

                              5K 31:02 Sept. 2012 / 23:36 Sept. 2013 (Same Course)

                              10K 48:59 April 2013

                              HM 2:03:56 Nov. 2012 / 1:46:50 March 2013

                              MARATHON 3:57:33 Nov. 2013

                              Hip Redux

                                You people argue about the most inane shit.


                                It's a forum on running.  By definition, everything we talk about is inane.


                                If you want, I'm sure there's a forum for you to go debate the finer points of things like the Nigerian governments response to Boko Haram's Islamist insurgency.