Beginners and Beyond


Penguins Drink Coffee Tuesday (Read 17 times)


    The "Penguin" daily threads were originally conceived to emphasize that all members of the community have a place on the boards. Encouragement, motivation, a little love nip (you will love one, give it a try!) or even a little kick in the pants when needed -- it can happen here. Basically, we celebrate just getting out there and moving our tails! What is "slow"? "Slow" is a perception but one of the common benchmarks is the 10:00/mi pace; but there's no firm line. In fact, there are many of us that have slipped past this, and just hope that no one notices and revokes their "igloo privileges." And some penguins don't run at all, we just hang out for the company! It can be confusing for the forum newbies, but we're not one of the teams in any of the fine games. It's a totally open group, so stop lurking, post an introduction of yourself dive in and join the fun! No application necessary! There might even be a lovely picture for Scotty (we love pics!)


    Happy Coffee Day!



      Good morning Penguins!


      I just finished my coffee.  6-7 planned for today.  I should leave now because it is nice and cool!  Yesterday I ended up on the treadmill at they gym because 90+ degrees when I had a chance to run. 

      From the Internet.



        I am cranky. I just called our health insurance provider and we are responsible for all of the costs for the tests and X-rays the kid had a few weeks ago. Supposedly this is the expensive plan, too - deductibles are stupid. I should have just told her to suck it up instead of taking her to the doctor, apparently.


          Hey pens.  Got my decaf ready. 


          I have 9 planned for late tonight.


          Brilliant- Hope you get your run done in cool weather!


          Lauren- That's pretty much us with every doctor visit, but we chose the high deductible plan.    Do either of you have a way to set aside money pre-tax for medical expenses?

          From the Internet.

            Zel - I don't know, I'll have to ask H if he does. I definitely don't right now, still a student so my benefits are limited.

            Singer who runs a smidge

              Morning, Penguins!!  I didn't celebrate beer day, but I am all over coffee day!!  I'm really spoiled -- I mail-order my coffee from a little hole-in-the-wall vegetarian restaurant in Athens, Georgia.  Because it's the best cup of coffee I've ever had.  Second best was from a coffeeshop called Ink in Denver.  In case you were curious.
              No microchip on the kitty.  I made up some found kitty flyers for DH to post, but since nobody has posted lost kitty flyers in the past two days, I suspect we have a new kitty.  I think we're going to name her Maggie, and as long as Chewie comes around (he's pretty much the lone holdout.  Dusty doesn't care, and Kaycee is ok as long as Maggie doesn't get too close.) we'll probably keep her.  I just don't want Chewie to feel displaced.

              Brilliant -- enjoy your cool 6-7!!

              Lauren -- deductibles are really annoying.  You think insurance will help, but not until you've paid ridiculous money out of pocket!

              Zelanie -- Enjoy your 9 later!!

              When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.


              Former Bad Ass

                Morning!  I have Pilates and 6.


                Did I miss beer day?


                Ugh, Lauren.



                Penguin Power!

                  No coffee for me =(  I gave it up when my tummy was being a jerk and haven't gotten back on the addiction train.  Maybe some instant coffee since that's not nearly as acidic as drip coffee.


                  Lauren - can you fight them at all on this?  I'd think that a necessary x-ray should be covered.


                  Morning Pens.  7ish today.  Probably on the TM because it is (a) sunny (b) humid and (c) warm outside.  I've really become a wimp this summer re: heat and humidity.  I should just get up earlier and go for my run.  I'm awake in the morning but I prefer to read the news and snuggle with my dog and husband rather than run =P  This will all be solved in a month or two when 11am is the ideal running weather.


                  Also Amazon is having some amazing sales on running clothes lately.  I bought a bunch that's coming tomorrow and depending on how they fit I may buy more =D

                  Upcoming Races: Run as One 4M (4/24) * Japan Run 4M (5/8) * Brooklyn Half (5/21) 


                    Morning, 10 done this morning 6 mp. Just finished my second cup. Need more!


                      Lauren - I have a high deductible policy too.  Last year I spent $700 for a few blood tests (CBC, Lyme and thyroid), plus $200 for  the doctor visit. Makes me very leery of seeing a doctor for any reason.  Unfortunately, they won't give me my thyroid prescription without seeing the doctor.  It's a gamble.  Pay less for the policy and hope you don't need to use it.  But it's there if something goes catastrophically wrong.


                      Brilliant - I've already had my coffee x 3, but I could happily ingest another cup.  I hope you had a cool run today.


                      Z - good luck with your nighttime nine.


                      HopesMom - hurray for a new family member.  I hope Chewie settles down soon.


                      D - enjoy your Pilates and six.


                      sapf - I'm with you on the late runs.  It hasn't been that hot here though - high 70's - so I've managed to stay outside. I missed the Amazon sale.  Running clothes can be so expensive, unless you go to Target.


                      AFM:  Rain is forecast, so I'll probably run on the TM this afternoon.  It's really humid.


                      Penguin Power!

                        Ginny - it is only about 80 here now, but with the sun and the humidity it isn't pleasant.  I wish I lived in an area with more trees (shade) because it is really the sun that does me in.  There are still lots of items at good prices on Amazon but you have to hunt a bit. I got a couple of pairs of capris and four tops for under $45.

                        Upcoming Races: Run as One 4M (4/24) * Japan Run 4M (5/8) * Brooklyn Half (5/21) 

                        From the Internet.

                          sapf - unfortunately I don't think so. It's all technically covered and I got a pittance of a "discount" from what the hospital wanted to charge the insurance company, from the look of it.


                          Only $17 and change until the kid's limit is reached, though - if anything else happens with her, it'd better happen before December 31!


                          Ginny - I'm really kinda surprised that this is the most expensive/lowest deductible policy available through H's job! The copays aren't terrible and it's a PPO so we don't need referrals for anything, so it could be worse, but it would have been nice to know I'd be on the hook for all those tests before we went ahead with them. Now that I know this is how it works, I'm going to get a crapton of free bloodwork done through my university's health services this fall before I lose my student insurance.


                            Lots of coffee for me so far!


                            Return To Racing

                              Yesterday was a singlet run, today long sleeves and hat.  I never know how these afternoon runs are going to go so after about 2 steps I decided I was good for a practice run for Sunday's 5K (my second 5K). Since my first 5K ( a LR back then) was 32:00, 3 years ago, the goal for Sunday is 29:59.  So I gave it all I had (which isn't much) and tomtom kept saying mid 9:30 and I was able to maintain the pace for the distance.  Although I did stop to pick up some branches on the bike path,  since the cyclists certainly are not going to stop.  Watch time was 29:44. I don't know if the stop slowed me down or if It just incented me to run faster.  Anyway, I am at least, cautiously optimistic for sub 30:00 if I don't trip over a run/walker.


                              Had my fill of coffee for the day, so back to celebrating Drink Beer Day.



                              Return To Racing

                                Ginny - it is only about 80 here now, but with the sun and the humidity it isn't pleasant.  I wish I lived in an area with more trees (shade) because it is really the sun that does me in.  There are still lots of items at good prices on Amazon but you have to hunt a bit. I got a couple of pairs of capris and four tops for under $45.


                                Did you try the Balegas, sapf ???

