Beginners and Beyond


Wednesday Penguins are sleeping in! (Read 42 times)


    Good morning!  I posted last night that I ended up with some extra daylight, so I ran my week's LR yesterday- 12 miles!  It's another distance PR for me.  Got dumped on by rain and then frozen into a popsicle by the wind ("feels like" temp dropped 20 degrees while I was out), but I guess that doesn't get too much sympathy from those of you dealing with ice and snow.


    Today is either a RD or up to 6.5 easy, or somewhere in the middle.  I would rest today, but fitting in a run tomorrow will be tough.  Still leaning towards RD today though.


    Kristin- Good luck getting through staff development!  Wish I could post more during the day to help you out!  And good luck at the doc!


    Awood- Good luck this weekend!


    Gustav- I think when I was coming back from ITBS I went from every other day to 4 days a week fairly early on, then held there a bit before going to the 5th.


    Margo- Enjoy the run later!  Glad you stayed safe on the ice!


    Jerry- Good luck on the track later.


    Bin- You have four pairs of Asics that you haven't even worn yet?  Jealous!


    Vance- Hope the miles are going well!


    Scotty- Sounds like you've earned a RD for sure!

    D- Glad you are safe today!  Enjoy the miles later.


    Tori- Good luck with your interview!


    Will run for beer.

      5 miles at a 10:30 pace on the treadmill.  Wish I had more time but I have 20 min to shower and pick my DS up for an appointment.  Have a good day!


      Former Bad Ass

        Tori, good luck with the interview!


        Singer who runs a smidge

          Morning, Penguins!!  Work stuff today, quartet practice tonight, woo-hoo!!  I'm working on a couple of animations for my slides, so that's interesting and frustrating at the same time.  It's all good, though -- I think I can sub in a YouTube movie for one of the animations, which will make things a little easier on me.  

          Oh, and for jblack, I commute 120 miles per day.  The drive is my downtime, where I usually either sing with the radio or listen to audiobooks.  But it's all in what makes your life good -- I love my house and my community, so I don't want to move closer to my job.  And I work in a really good environment, so I don't want to work closer to home -- there's only one place available, and the environment there is extremely toxic (I know, I spent 6 years there).  So, I drive.  It's all good.

          kristin -- woo-hoo for your not-rushed morning, and hope you aren't completely bored!!

          awood -- I already liked!  Now I'm wishing I could re-like and be part of the surge!

          Gustav -- sorry you're working early!!

          Phillie -- the lake run sounds nice, the icy patches not so much.

          jerryb -- have a good track run!!

          Bin -- nothing in the world would make me buy shoes if I had 4 UNOPENED PAIR???  Yeah, no.

          N-Bug -- get those miles in!!

          scottydawg -- woo-hoo for kicking hill butt!!  And woo-hoo for Gail having so much fun at the Y!!  Although, her doing  kickboxing may not be such a great idea ... for you ...

          Docket -- glad you're ok!!

          Tori -- good luck at the interview!!

          Zelanie -- have fun with whichever you decide to do today!!

          When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.

          Jack K.

          uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

            Hi Pens...


            Last night I went out and wanted to give my legs a good test with the compression socks so I tried a 5 mile tempo run; 1 mile warm up, 3 @ 7:30, 1 mile cool down. It went well! My calves are less sore than they have been in months. With the socks, foam roller, and a few strength exercises, I am starting to see a difference. I really think the socks are helping so they have been a good investment so far. My only regret is that I have plain, boring black! I went online after I bought them from the LRS and saw some in purple and even red, white, and blue tye dye. Next time...  Regardless, it is good to support local mom and pop businesses.

            Bin Running

              Mel, 3pair of mizuno and 1pair of saucony.


              Hopesmom, you are right.  Maybe I should spend my money on something else. Haa. Hope I don't get weak and cave in. Sale is up to 7feb. So, I just need to tide over 24 hours.


              Soaked my ankle in Epsom salt. Feel good.

              2015 Races

              2XU HM - 29 Mar

              Bin Running

                Jack, not too late to buy more. There's some sale at running warehouse. Wink

                2015 Races

                2XU HM - 29 Mar


                Skirt Runner

                  Jack I have 3 pairs now of calf compression sleeves. I wear them for most runs and sometimes to bed or to work after a tough run so the investment was worth it! Also, the colors look good with my running outfits Smile I realized how many pink and purple running clothes I have but my first 2 compression sleeves were black and blue, so I just bought a pink pair Smile you would look good in pink too methinks haha

                  PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                  I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to

                  From the Internet.

                    Heh, I actually did sleep in this morning. So tired!


                    Had my last PT visit today! They gave me a list of all the exercises I've been doing so I can keep up with them on my own, and I just have to use my smart brain and continue to be careful with mileage increases/stick to flat ground and reintroduce hills very slowly so the shin splints remain in the past. I still feel good after yesterday's run, so I'll lift this afternoon if I have time/energy and run another 3ish miles sometime tomorrow.


                    Skirt Runner

                      congrats on your PT graduation, Lauren! Hey, what are some good shin splint prevention exercises? Since it is such a common injury and I've had them before, I want to add some shin exercises into my routine.

                      PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                      I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


                        Good morning All!


                        6 mile ER tonight.


                        Everyone have a great day!

                        Jack K.

                        uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                          Kristin: I don't know if I could bring myself to wear pink ones, but judging by some of the socks I own, you never know!


                            Morning beautiful Penguin friends!


                            tori- gonna be a big girl nurse???? Oh, woot woot!  You can do it!  Good luck at the interview!

                            kristin-  yay@ having that little extra time to enjoy your coffee and news before work.  Things like that can make the whole day go better.

                            Awood, towards that final push tell us again, I have my "real" facebook I'll vote for you next time with!

                            philliefan- glad you got your run outside yesterday!

                            scotty- glad you got in a nice run today, because that tomorrow's spinal injection thing sounds awful.  Dead  We'll be virtually holding your hands, and sending good vibes.

                            Docket, no getting smashed, it's not even the weekend!

                            Zelanie, your training is going so well!

                            Jack K- glad your investment is actually helping, and your legs are feeling better!  With everyone talking about those compression socks I may have to try some out just for the heck of it (in maybe pink perhaps....)

                            Lauren- it sounds like you're doing well, and playing it safe. Glad you can now do the exercises on your own.

                            Rickdecker-  I think I must have missed your introduction, but hello and welcome, and you even get a *hug* from me!  Good luck on your run tonight (ER? what's that?  Sounds ominous!)


                            I tried to just have a really easy recovery run today, so only did 4-1/2.


                            "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson

                            From the Internet.

                              Kristin - Venomized's shin splint routine is a good one, I do most of those plus a few extras because my weak left hip was the real cause of the problem for me. Glute bridges and variations (1 legged, feet up on an exercise ball), lateral walks with a theraband around toes (works hip flexors), various squats and lunges. Toe raises are good for targeting the muscles on the front of the leg but I'm weird and my shins were stronger than my calves so we dropped those pretty quickly.


                              Skirt Runner

                                Thanks! Shin splints can come from weak hips too, like ITBS? man who knew hips were so important, gotta get my hips in gear lol

                                Kristin - Venomized's shin splint routine is a good one, I do most of those plus a few extras because my weak left hip was the real cause of the problem for me. Glute bridges and variations (1 legged, feet up on an exercise ball), lateral walks with a theraband around toes (works hip flexors), various squats and lunges. Toe raises are good for targeting the muscles on the front of the leg but I'm weird and my shins were stronger than my calves so we dropped those pretty quickly.

                                PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                                I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to
