Beginners and Beyond


Tuesdailies runnin' away with it (Read 51 times)


Go figure

    Good morning everyone.  I'm up for my usual Tuesday 10, and crossing my fingers that someone will be there.  I know my store owner is out because he's on the board for a local half that is meeting today, but there are supposed to be a couple other guys there.  There's nothing more frustrating than expecting company on an early morning run and then going it alone.  Later tonight I'll be doing my friend's workout with her, which is 7 miles including 4x4min at her 10k pace...not enough to be a hard effort for me, but enough that I can count it as a decent fartlek.


    Run well!

    Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn

    Will run for scenery.

      Don't worry, we'll be there with you in spirit.  Except me, maybe. I'm going back to sleep.  It's too frickin early to be awake.

      Stupid feet!

      Stupid elbow!


        What up doe!


        I am gearing up for a run in the hood here in a bit, my first in two weeks.  I am not exactly sure which way I am going or for how long, and I do not really care, as a weekday outdoor run is just welcomed.


        I am just going to walk outside, hit the Garmin, then start running....


        Run to live; live to run

          Travel so doubt I will run. I did do an hour of Pilates yesterday.  Been at the airport since 530. Flight is in just a little bit.



          delicate flower

            Good morning IMARUNNER, jjs, LRB, Marjorie, and all others who post afterwards!  werd


            8 miles and change last night.  8:51 avg pace.  Easy effort, but easy effort got a lot slower the last three miles.  I think running 16 very hard miles over the weekend caught up to me.  Today is going to be 40 and raining, so it's looking like a TM day.


            11 days until vacation (Colorado ski trip) and I can't wait.



              It's "Ten for Tuesday" day! I'm with you, SIAR! I hope you found a companion for your run this morning.


              Morning guys!


              10 miles right after work. Hopefully with some at tempo (15k to HM pace) somewhere in the middle.


              Have a wonderful day everyone!


              P.S. Zelanie, how is your dog?

              PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                      Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

              18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

                Good morningSmile Thanks for starting today's thread, SIAR. Have a pleasant ten-miler.


                jjs23, have a few zzzzz for me, while you're at it.


                Rick, have fun doing what you do.


                Marjorie, have a safe flight.


                Phil, enjoy the hamster wheel.


                Lily, have a terrific post-work ten-miler.


                I managed ten miles early this morning. My legs felt even heavier than last night. So, I ran at an even slower pace, so that I could do it all. 10.0 in 1:54:06 (11:24). I was a snail.


                Former Bad Ass

                  Morning!  I have not slept at all because I spent the whole evening coughing.  Blah.  5 recovery miles and weights tonight.  This should be a two coffee day.



                  Barking Mad To Run

                    4.4 miles of hills for me after work yesterday.   Not baby hills either.  My legs are a tad sore this morning.  However, if I'm not feeling too lazy by the end of the work day, I plan to try and get to the gym for a weight training circuit today.


                    Hope your 10 went well, SIAR. You are up way too freakin' early!


                    Hope you enjoyed the outdoor run, LRB.


                    Safe travel wishes for you, Marjorie.


                    Congrats on your miles, Baboon.   Sorry about the rain today for you.  You can come over to San Antonio and play if you want...will be 75 degrees today.  Right now, VERY sunny and 52 degrees.


                    Good luck with the 10 miles, lily.  These are not outside miles yet, are they?  Isn't Old Man Winter still going freakin' crazy-nutso up there in Canada?


                    Ten miles ALREADY, Basya?   Are you and SIAR related?  You two obviously don't enjoy sleeping.    Snail, heck.  I WISH I could run10 miles at your pace!


                    Good luck with your miles and weights, Damaris.  Get that cough checked!   And get some stuff called Delsym, great stuff for quieting coughs.  It won't cure the cough/underlying reason for it, but it will quiet it so you can sleep.

                    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                      Scotty, you have hills in San Antonio? You mean sidewalks?  Enjoy all your workouts! Today is actually warm here, above the freezing point. But there is ice everywhere, so it will be an indoor run (it would be an indoor run no matter what, of course, because I'm a wimp. )

                      Basya, you rocked the morning run! I hope your legs recover quickly.

                      Damaris, feel better soon!

                      PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                              Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                      18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                      Former Bad Ass

                        4.4 miles of hills for me after work yesterday.   Not baby hills either.  My legs are a tad sore this morning.  However, if I'm not feeling too lazy by the end of the work day, I plan to try and get to the gym for a weight training circuit today.


                        Hope your 10 went well, SIAR. You are up way too freakin' early!


                        Hope you enjoyed the outdoor run, LRB.


                        Safe travel wishes for you, Marjorie.


                        Congrats on your miles, Baboon.   Sorry about the rain today for you.  You can come over to San Antonio and play if you want...will be 75 degrees today.  Right now, VERY sunny and 52 degrees.


                        Good luck with the 10 miles, lily.  These are not outside miles yet, are they?  Isn't Old Man Winter still going freakin' crazy-nutso up there in Canada?


                        Ten miles ALREADY, Basya?   Are you and SIAR related?  You two obviously don't enjoy sleeping.    Snail, heck.  I WISH I could run10 miles at your pace!


                        Good luck with your miles and weights, Damaris.  Get that cough checked!   And get some stuff called Delsym, great stuff for quieting coughs.  It won't cure the cough/underlying reason for it, but it will quiet it so you can sleep.


                        Thanks.  I have Delsym at home.  Nothing works for my reflux except medication and I took my meds last night and still coughed all night.  I also have Tessaron Pearls and they do not work either.




                          Get well Damaris.


                          Good morning everyone. I was up nearly as early as SIAR so I could jump on the TM for 10 miles. I wrapped that up and I've got a full day of work ahead of me. Then home early to eat a bit and then bring DD to her swimming lesson.


                          Have a great day everyone. Smile

                          - Andrew


                            All these people with their 10-mile runs - bah!


                            Only a little over half that for me, but I got to leave the first footprints in the new, still-falling snow. There weren't even any tire tracks for half of my run, and even with the cloud cover it was bright enough that I turned off the headlamp for a while and just soaked in the beauty and peace of snow falling, tree branches silhouetted by the snow coating them, and the sounds of my shuffling footsteps through the fresh snow. Slow going, about 11:45 pace overall, but wonderful. 5.44 miles in 1:04.
                            Then I shoveled off the driveway. Strength training class later this morning.


                            Almost forgot - at kyukido class last night I tested for my next belt level and passed. I am now officially a yellow belt. Which is still a long way from actually knowing what I'm doing.

                            20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                              Morning!  Yesterday I didn't get home until late, so it became a URD, and today is a SRD because we're going to see Nebraska after work, but I think I can still get my miles in starting tomorrow.


                              My dog Zoe is doing well.  The MRI showed that she has some rare form of the back issue and that the surgery they were thinking about doing wouldn't work.  There is a new surgery that even the specialist has never done on a live dog.  But for now, we went with a spinal steroid injection and some new pain meds.  We'll go back in 3 weeks to talk about whether we want to go with the surgery or not at that point.



                                Morning everyone, no running for me today but I've got push ups and maybe a few other workouts if I feel like it.

                                *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                                5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                                10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                                15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                                13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                                 26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)
