Beginners and Beyond


Mo dailies Monday (Read 46 times)


Run to live; live to run




    Run to live; live to run

      Ran 5.1 yesterday and finished the yard. I'm glad it is done. Next project is to get the patio stained.

      Today is travel day. I'm at the airport. Conference for work this week.



      Run to live; live to run

        A few pics from the yard

        i finished all the stone work in the front and both sides of house. Trimmed all the shrubs up.  Previously a few weeks ago had redone the plants, tore out old shrubs.  Back is the big project for the raised bed with Gabion wall. 32 feet long 4.5 feet wide 2 feet tall.  Plants and garden planted. Yesterday I layed the stone walkway behind it.

        I also finished the stone work by the back of the house, moved one of my roses back a bit as it has crept forward from the others over these last 14 years, put in the last of the new plantings by the palm tree and a few in the front. Thinned out the Cana Lily not pictured on one side of the house. Spread grass seed for the bare areas in the yard.  I know the trellis are crooked and I will fix them later.    The white stuff by the big raised bed is baking soda.  It changes the ground pH so the grass and stuff won't grow there. It hasn't absorbed into the soil yet. Glad it is done.




          That is very nice MA.


          My legs are shot. Today I'll either run short and very easy, or not at all.




              Beautiful, Marjorie!


              Yesterday was an SRD, with plenty of quality time with DS, including a couple of hours just snuggling on the couch looking at book. Since he turns 9 today, I know those days may be coming to an end.

              I'm calling today's workout a run, since I ran as many minutes as I walked: 10 min walk, 8x3:2 run/walk (#8 was actually 4:1) = 4 miles in 50 minutes. Time now to make pancakes for the birthday boy!


              Have a great day, runners!

              20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                Good morning. I have the to-do list from hell today and oh by the way there is this thing called work I need to do in the process.


                1. Hair cut
                2. Red cord
                3. Renew plates
                4. Go to the bank
                5. Shop for an outfit
                6. Make the world happy

                I will just check them off one by one then see where I end up tonight when I get home.

                  Good morning, everyone.


                  Marjorie, thank you for starting today's thread. Fantastic 5.1 yesterday.

                  Your yard is looking stunning! Safe travels.


                  Cyberic99, be well, whatever you do.


                  Shari, what a lovely Mother's DaySmile Happy Birthday to DS! Enjoy your run/walk.


                  Rick, good times.


                  I'll try to head out for six or seven miles later.


                     Today is travel day. I'm at the airport. 


                    +1. For a change. SRD.



                      Marj, your yard is gorgeous! And is that your house? I love it!


                      Happy Birthday, Kevin! Not a little boy anymore, more like a little man.  Pancakes, mmmm...


                      I survived Mother's Day, which consisted of lunch with my very eccentric and moody daughter and supper with my mother which I hadn't seen in over 5 years (it appears I hold grudges for a long time...). It left me exhausted. Thank God for uncomplicated teenage sons who forget all about Mother's Day.


                      5 recovery miles after work this afternoon.

                      PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                              Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                      18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Morning. Sent myTomTom back this morning for repairs on the start button so I had to run my 20 with the 910 and its stupid HR strap. Hoping I can get it back soon before I chafemy brain.


                        7 miles tonight. Will see whether inside or




                          Legs aren't so bad now that I've actually walked a bit. I'll probably run.


                          I bought some body glide yesterday. I've read on some forums that antiperspirant does the same thing, for cheaper, and I've been spreading anti-perspirant all over the problematic areas for some time now and it works pretty well, but to experiment with running lubricants is a May objective I've actually written down on this forum, so let's do this! I might also try the spray-on (forget the name).


                          There's also an issue I have to solve before the big day: to gu or not to gu. I've never taken anything that is not in liquid form while running, and I'm not certain it is necessary to do so, so I'll have to make my mind on this because if I do decide to gu, I'll have to get gu-ing pretty soon.


                            My mother's day was a phone call to my mom and dad (whose birthday is on May 10th, so efficient phone call). I helped with supper, as I normally do (we kinda alternate for cooking, and the other usually helps out), but I did do all the dishes by myself. That was DF's present. Nothing commercial: no gifts, no restaurant, no flowers.

                            Little Blue

                              Good morning. I have the to-do list from hell today and oh by the way there is this thing called work I need to do in the process.


                              1. Hair cut
                              2. Red cord
                              3. Renew plates
                              4. Go to the bank
                              5. Shop for an outfit
                              6. Make the world happy

                              I will just check them off one by one then see where I end up tonight when I get home.


                              That's a fine list, but what do you have planned for after lunch? 


                              I'm not running today.  We have to shovel a pile of mulch somewhere between 10 and 15 cubic yards.The homeowner has it delivered, so I don't ask how much it is.  I don't want to know.  I do need to call and schedule a chiro appointment for tomorrow.


                              Barking Mad To Run

                                Did my 24th race of the year on Saturday:


                                Followed that up on Sunday morning with a run/walk at Fort Sam.  Had planned on an easy run after my 5K yesterday, but I got a bit motivated - or carried away, lol - and ended up doing 4 miles of hills...and the hills on Fort Sam ain't no baby hills either.   I felt pretty good most of the whole way, but the last 1/4 mile or so my legs were feeling it a bit.  Glad today is a non-run day! Weight training circuit for me after work.


                                Went back to the main page and caught up on all the race reports...sorry I had not responded earlier, fellow runners, life and work have been a bit crazy for the past couple weeks.   Reading all those have some very impressive and speedy runners here!

                                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt
