Beginners and Beyond


Misaunter Monday Penguins (Read 29 times)

Singer who runs a smidge

    obie snuck in -- enjoy your upcoming vacation!!

    When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.

    From the Internet.

      Morning pens! Resting today - still a bit sore from yesterday's slush run. We have MORE snow coming tomorrow but fortunately it's going to warm up for a few days after that so hopefully there won't be too much ice sticking around.

      on my way to badass

        Got my 3 miles in.  No mojo, but I feel better for having done it.


        Sorry about the sick kiddos Traci.


        Hey Lauren, Obie, Jack Bin, Z and HsM!

        Still waiting for the perfect race picture. 5K PR-33:52 , 10K PR 1:11:16, First HM 2:42:28


          Scotty - no misaunter here, fortunately.  It's icy, but so far I've been okay walking in it, and I haven't tried running in it.  Your forecast is interesting, jumping up and down 15 degrees.  We're supposed to warm up this weekend, but to the 40's not the 80s.


          Jerry - hope your track run goes well.  I thought your wife didn't like that?


          Margo - I hope you get outside this afternoon.  Hopefully they will have cleared the streets and sidewalks by the time you go out.


          Damaris - I hope you get better news at the vet.  Enjoy your seven tonight.


          Stonefence - good job on the three in the snow.  Even if you never got your mojo, you did it.


          Jack -   Sooner or later the runs will come.


          Bin - I hope you're beating that pace bunny.  Still more than two weeks to go.


          Kristin - have a good day, though since you're working, it won't be all that restful.


          Z - I hope your vet consult goes well.  I'm glad the snow is starting to melt and you got out.


          Tracilynn - sorry about the sick little ones.  I hope you manage to enjoy the good weather while it's here.


          Dan - good luck with your run tonight.  Hopefully your knee will have warmed up enough by then to feel more normal.


          Obie - hurray for end of year vacations.  Sounds like today is a good day to rest your sore muscles.


          HopesMom - bad doggie!  That sounds like something Ben would do.  Sorry about the cookies.  I was really craving Christmas cookies last night.    I don't like to bake cookies, because I have weight issues and my husband is diabetic,  so they are not good to have around the house, but I would love to have just a few.  I hope you got to enjoy some before the dog ate them.


          Lauren - I hope you didn't get injured running in the snow.


          AFM:  I'm probably sticking to the treadmill today.  There's a lot of ice and snow on the side of the road, and I really don't want to get hurt.

          From the Internet.

            Ginny - just seems like general all-over muscle soreness; I've prodded at my shins a few times since they're always my biggest concern and they seem to have held up fine. New squat PR on Saturday probably contributed to the soreness too (165lbs for 5 reps at 130lbs bodyweight Big grin ). I'll be hitting the treadmill tomorrow instead of the roads though, no ice to contend with and I can stop if something feels off.


            Return To Racing

              Ginny, DW doesn't like the track, but she dislikes running in snow even more.  Fortunately, we have different tracks to go to.  It is up to 19F, so we might get outside on the street today before the snow starts up again.


              Singer who runs a smidge

                Ginny, DW doesn't like the track, but she dislikes running in snow even more.  Fortunately, we have different tracks to go to.  It is up to 19F, so we might get outside on the street today before the snow starts up again.


                Aren't they all pretty much the same?  Oval, short, you go round and round a lot?

                When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.


                Barking Mad To Run

                  You know, Jerry, if you could find an actual merry-go-round to do your 5 miles on, that would be interesting.


                  Hope you get your wish, Phillie, and you get to run outside today.


                  Good luck to Trixie, Damaris.  Wishing you the best possible outcome for her!  Yeah, she is sitting on DH's lap cuz he is NOT the one putting her into the carrier, lol.


                  Packed snow...maybe do a snowshoe run, StoneFence.  I understand that is a tough workout, running in snowshoes.  I don't ever want to have to find out personally, though.


                  though I may get out for a few easy miles.  And then, maybe not, right Jack?


                  Wow, 2013 for the year, very impressive Bin!


                  Hope your foot is feeling better, Kristin.


                  Good luck with Zoe, Zelanie.  40's huh?  Heat wave! 


                  Sorry about the sick little ones, Traci.   Gail is going through the same thing, sneezing, sniffles, and now coughing up phlegm and junk,  and keeps trying to self-medicate, which is not working. She finally caved and made a doctor appointment for tomorrow.   I told her that was a good thing cuz 'we old people' are more susceptible to respiratory illnesses.  If she could have gotten off the couch, I think I would have gotten a good smack for that statement, lol.  As it was, she just stared at me with 'dagger eyes.'


                  Sorry about the knee, Dan, still bothering you, that sucks. My problem is the opposite from knee likes moving sideways too much when I run...hence why I have to wear the brace when I'm active.


                  12 paid holidays, nice, obiebyke!  I have a short week, I am off on Friday.  And then I have 11 straight days (paid too) gone from work.  Nice working for a university!  I may come in here and there, though, a few hours every now and then over the time off, I don't want to have a crapload of catching up to do when I come back.


                  Gee, HsM...I guess I am like your dog, lol.....Gail was baking cookies...and I snuck into the kitchen and got some treats....and she came back and was like, "What the hell?"  What happened to half the cookies I was baking FOR CHURCH?!!!"   Uh oh....


                  But Lauren, if it warms up again...won't that result in even more slush for you? Take care of the Great Legs!


                  Your forecast is interesting, jumping up and down 15 degrees.  Yeah, Ginny, and sometimes we do that 30 degrees or so, also.  One reason during "winters" around here, lots of people are walking around our area coughing, sniffling, etc, we never really get time to acclimatize to one type of weather...we're more like turning each sink faucet on-and-off really's's's's cold's hot...!!!  Dang Mother Nature, make up your freakin' mind!   Good luck with the treadmill run!  Probably a smart move with all that ice.



                  Aren't they all pretty much the same?  Oval, short, you go round and round a lot?    Not if you use an escalator as your track, HsM.  Of course, at this time of year, it does annoy the holiday shoppers. 

                  "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                  Return To Racing

                    Street run, 5 miles.  There were a few slick spots that the plows miss, but we stuck to the roads that have a bike lane.  It was pretty nice run overall.  The different tracks at least provides a change of scenery and different challenges with the walkers, but unfortunately they all go around the same damn circle.



                    Former Bad Ass

                      7 miles done.


                      The doctor will be looking for cancer on Trixie's biopsy tomorrow.  I am very sad.  Hoping for the best but expecting bad news.



                        D- Hoping for good news for Trixie! The vet really thought our cat Scylla had cancer a couple of years back, and it turned out to be a seasonal allergy combined with ghiardia and a treatable skin condition. But all together, it looked like cancer.


                        HsM- Bad dog! Does he have a tummy ache now? Mia tried to get some cupcakes we left out on the table last year, but apparently she didn't make it all the way up. We have scratch marks on the table from where she jumped up and slid back down.

                        Bin Running

                          Jerry, agreed with Hopesmom.. all tracks are different?

                          Scotty, nice weather.. You have found the perfect place to live..

                          Margo, getting on Tm beat having to do all the balancing outside.

                          Damaris, hope Trixie gets better..

                          Stonefence, hope you get some miles in.

                          Jack, ease back slower..

                          Kristin, heal that foot..

                          Mel, do you put up any lights?

                          Traci, hope the cough goes away soon.. hot honey lemon tea works for me butnot sure if it's suitable for kids.

                          Dan, hope the healing continue.. any update on the clot?

                          obie, Feb will be here in no time.. traveling?

                          Hopesmom, you must be having lots of chorus now that Christmas is close.. What's your ace song or should I call it your hits?

                          Lauren, enjoy the rest day.

                          Ginny, enjoy the TM.. hope I get to my goal..

                          2015 Races

                          2XU HM - 29 Mar


                            Bin, yes, DH got the lights up on Saturday. Now he wants more lights to go along the back fence and back around to the front of the house. I told him nobody decorates their backyard for Christmas. He points out that we are right next to a walkway, so the yard is actually visible.

                            Bin Running

                              Bin, yes, DH got the lights up on Saturday. Now he wants more lights to go along the back fence and back around to the front of the house. I told him nobody decorates their backyard for Christmas. He points out that we are right next to a walkway, so the yard is actually visible.


                              Stalking FB for pics.. haa

                              2015 Races

                              2XU HM - 29 Mar


                                Our neighborhood is mostly open, with few tall fences, so some of our neighbors decorate both the front and back when the back is visible from the street.  We have enough trouble just getting the front done, and besides, the only ones who see our back yard are the deer and turkeys in the woods.
