Beginners and Beyond

ThursDAILIES Word of the DAY (Read 46 times)

Slymoon Runs

race obsessed

    Funny, OOTB and lily, that's what my coach has been telling me lately.  Sigh.  Wait until taper starts; I'll go crazy!


    I am just nervous because I was so confident in Chicago 2013 and I didn't even finish the race.  So I don't want to jinx myself again.


    Put it behind you. This is a new day, new race anything can happen. No need to bring baggage along for the ride.




      I totally understand the nerves D.  You work so hard for something, it's hard not to worry.  What helped me, is to accept that i'd done everything I could to give myself the best chance of success on race day.   I was satisfied with that, and would be satisfied with whatever the outcome of the race was, as long as I tried my best.   Fully accepting that all I could do now was try my best and the rest was out of my control, helped take the pressure off me.   You've trained intelligently and I know you can execute this race intelligently.


      Oh, and don't forget to enjoy Paris.  What a fabulous city.

      Life is good.

      Slymoon Runs

      race obsessed

        Oh and those of you that have ankle / weakness issues.

        May I suggest you take one of your medium runs and do it on grass or a field or other uneven surface.


        It will be a bitch for awhile but after incorporating that you will find the small muscles strengthen and your ankle stability will improve.


        A couple of years ago coach had me start that and it SUCKed, especially doing fartleks and such.  But ankle wise I am pretty injury resistant.


        Currently group training is on wood mulch, leaves some soft dirt.  Works wonders (PAD gets to experience it too)



          Running faster than goal pace is not a problem I am having right now. Shit, I cannot even run goal pace!


          From what I have seen you are killing this cycle (you too Lauren) so I doubt that when the rubber meets the road you will have any problems.


          I on the other hand, am not even sure I will run marathon pace for my half, sigh.


          I am hopeful though that it all comes together. Hopeful being a word I have never used. So my ass just may get handed to me at the finish line along with a bottle of water. lol


          That's exactly how I'm feeling about things right now.   I'm still struggling with dead legs on my runs.

          Life is good.


            Dont' freak out!  Relax and think positive.


            You GOT this.


            It's why I really do not like to discuss my races until after they happen.


            Even at the hobby jogger level there is pressure, and if you are Damaris who has sixteen thousand, seven hundred and ninety six Facebook friends, that pressure could be magnified times a million.


            If I were her my chicken ass wouldn't even get on Facebook the week of a race. lol


            Seriously though, nerves, anxiety, trepidation and expectations are all apart of the bigger picture. Learning to manage them as the event approaches is as important as the race itself.



              That's exactly how I'm feeling about things right now.   I'm still struggling with dead legs on my runs.


              I know sister, I know. We just have to believe in what we are doing...and pray! 


                Oh and those of you that have ankle / weakness issues.

                May I suggest you take one of your medium runs and do it on grass or a field or other uneven surface.


                It will be a bitch for awhile but after incorporating that you will find the small muscles strengthen and your ankle stability will improve.


                A couple of years ago coach had me start that and it SUCKed, especially doing fartleks and such.  But ankle wise I am pretty injury resistant.


                Currently group training is on wood mulch, leaves some soft dirt.  Works wonders (PAD gets to experience it too)


                That's a good idea, thanks!



                  It's why I really do not like to discuss my races until after they happen.


                  Even at the hobby jogger level there is pressure, and if you are Damaris who has sixteen thousand, seven hundred and ninety six Facebook friends, that pressure could be magnified times a million.


                  If I were her my chicken ass wouldn't even get on Facebook the week of a race. lol


                  Seriously though, nerves, anxiety, trepidation and expectations are all apart of the bigger picture. Learning to manage them as the event approaches is as important as the race itself.


                  Try living with comments like "She must be disappointed to have finished with a 3:39". WTF? Why would I be disappointed? I fucking hate it when people tell me what my expectations should be. And yeah... I'm still PMS...

                  PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                          Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                  18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

                  From the Internet.

                    Oh and those of you that have ankle / weakness issues.

                    May I suggest you take one of your medium runs and do it on grass or a field or other uneven surface.


                    It will be a bitch for awhile but after incorporating that you will find the small muscles strengthen and your ankle stability will improve.


                    A couple of years ago coach had me start that and it SUCKed, especially doing fartleks and such.  But ankle wise I am pretty injury resistant.


                    Currently group training is on wood mulch, leaves some soft dirt.  Works wonders (PAD gets to experience it too)


                    I need spring ASAP. This is why I love where I live - there's a short trail just over a mile from my house, so almost all of my runs incorporate a loop or two through there when it's not entirely covered in snow. It's so great for ankle stability and it's a nice break from the pavement.


                      Try living with comments like "She must be disappointed to have finished with a 3:39". WTF? Why would I be disappointed? I fucking hate it when people tell me what my expectations should be. And yeah... I'm still PMS...


                      You have the floor Mrs. Speaker of the House!



                        You have the floor Mrs. Speaker of the House!


                        sigh... Maybe I should take yoga up for some much needed meditation and zenness in my life.

                        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010



                          sigh... Maybe I should take yoga up for some much needed meditation and zenness in my life.


                          Or smoke weed. The shit they're making these days would lay a saber tooth tiger out. lol


                          Former Bad Ass

                            LOL.  And that's why I run the marathons mostly for fun.  Gah.


                            I don't care what others think in terms of expectations, etc.  My lungs are as fickle as a whore in Deadwood and only they will decide what and how I'll run that day.  It just sucks sometimes when people (including my own husband sometimes) don't understand that.


                              Cyberic99, I hope that you had a pleasant lunchtime run.


                              FreeSoul87, great weight training.


                              Phil, fantastic five.


                              Zelanie, your legs were on fire.


                              Lauren, smokin' 8.55.


                              outoftheblue, have a wonderful six-miler.


                              Damaris, terrific twenty. Enjoy Pilates later. Paris is 0wned by you.


                              cjones1, awesome run this morning.


                              Lily, have fun running tonight.


                              Ric-G, excellent eight.


                              Marjorie, brava on the intervals.


                              I'm doing push-ups and ab work regularly. Yesterday, I did weights and an hour on the AMT. Tonight, I'll do weights and something. I don't know what, just yet. I hope to do some time on the TM.


                              Former Bad Ass


                                Try living with comments like "She must be disappointed to have finished with a 3:39". WTF? Why would I be disappointed? I fucking hate it when people tell me what my expectations should be. And yeah... I'm still PMS...


                                Now I would like to know who said that!


                                Sly, I don't run in the grass.  I usually fall or twist my ankle in the grass.  And I guess that's why I should run in the grass, but hell no.
