Beginners and Beyond


TuesDAILIES have a view from the top of the world (Read 40 times)


    Actually it's more like from the top of a BOSU.


    I'm up pretty early today so I might as well try to get some type of core workout done. The thing about these stupid things is there is no set routine, you just kind of do stuff. So I am gonna do stuff.


    'Sup, yo?



      Good morning!


      I ran a few miles in the rain, the pouring damn rain.  Again.  It beats not being able to run, but I'm looking forward to a dry run in the morning.


      I hope everyone has a great day!

      Runner with a riding problem.


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning!  Big deadline today and I've drafting only 2 paragraphs.  Going well, I see.  Been at the office for a few hours.  Will run some miles tonight, depending on how I feel.


        Might do my Pilates routine on the foam roller just to feel like I've been tortured instead of waiting for the 17th.


          Happy December everyone!!  Bring on the eggnog, cookies and Christmas carols!! 


          Did some easy miles this morning, feeling good.  Forgot to mention that I'm now tapering for my 50k, so I apologize in advance for any crankiness over the next couple of weeks. 


          Hope everyone has a great day!!


          My running blog

          Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


          Former Bad Ass

            You taper?  Like Dave asked me yesterday, did you forget who you are?



              You taper?  Like Dave asked me yesterday, did you forget who you are?


              Well, I try not to long run a couple of weeks before a marathon or ultra, I guess that counts as a taper LOL  Altho, I'll be pacing a friend at a 20k this weekend that goes up and over Paris Mtn, but it's only 12 miles, and I won't be racing, so that counts as tapering, right? 



              My elevation from this past weekend's 20 miler while visiting my BIL near Atlanta, this was at Kennesaw Mtn National Battlefield Park, great trails!



              My running blog

              Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


              Former Bad Ass

                I would have been done by Mile 0.50. LOL.



                Are we there, yet?


                  Altho, I'll be pacing a friend at a 20k this weekend that goes up and over Paris Mtn, but it's only 12 miles, and I won't be racing, so that counts as tapering, right? 



                  Sure does. Back when I was coaching HS and racing fast I paced my top xc girl in an 8.4 mile race the week before my marathon. I missed my 8 year old PB by less than 2 minutes and that was the fault of lousy pacing on my part, not the race the week before.

                   2024 Races:

                        03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                        05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                        06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                    I would have been done by Mile 0.50. LOL.


                    LOL  Trails are awesome, I love them.  As you can guess from that profile, there was a fair amount of power hiking on that route, but still managed a decent pace overall, which I was extremely happy with given the terrain.  



                    Sure does. Back when I was coaching HS and racing fast I paced my top xc girl in an 8.4 mile race the week before my marathon. I missed my 8 year old PB by less than 2 minutes and that was the fault of lousy pacing on my part, not the race the week before.


                    Yeah, I should be fine.  I was planning on a 15 miler anyway, so 12 with some elevation at a moderate pace should be fine.  Plus it's still two weeks out from the race, which is on the 19th.


                    My running blog

                    Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                    Former Bad Ass

                      Oh, I love trails.  So much I signed up for my 50K with the sand dunes of hell.  But we don't have real hills (or trails) here so that elevation looks loco.


                      From the Internet.

                        Morning dailies! Car is going in to have wheels balanced this afternoon so I'm working from home. Husband put my new winter wheels on, they were *supposed* to come mounted and balanced so I assumed that meant we could just put 'em on and go, but my car is shaking when I get up to highway speeds. Dealer where I have all my service done said that likely means at least one wheel isn't balanced, so I'm a little annoyed that I have to pay for this now.


                        I thought I had finally picked out a spring half last night.. but I just now read a review saying it's actually *really* hilly, with the biggest hill coming at mile 11 D: Not sure how I feel about that now! The swag is fantastic but I don't know if it's worth putting myself through a very hilly race. Registration just opened for the half I ran last spring and I loved that race, but I kinda want to run something different given how many races there are around here.


                          Looks like the Ravenna 7's are out DaveP.   Slightly less ugly I think but also $10 more.  



                            Oh, I love trails.  So much I signed up for my 50K with the sand dunes of hell.  But we don't have real hills (or trails) here so that elevation looks loco.


                            I used to fear and loathe hills, now I love them, it's so funny how that can change.  I'll be focusing on elevation even more after the new year while training for my 50k in March and then my 100 miler in May.  The 50k will have almost 10k ft of elevation, the 100 miler much less, but elevation training makes you stronger and faster. Smile


                            I watched a video recently where Anton Krupicka was talking about how he doesn't do speed work anymore, a few years ago he started focusing solely on elevation.  Granted, he gets 3-4000ft in his daily runs.  Saw on his blog where he got something insane like 1.3 million feet of elevation for the year.  Crazy.


                            Since I don't live in the mountains and can't get that kind of elevation on a daily basis, I'll keep some fast running in my repertoire, particularly in the form of hill sprints and repeats and maybe some tempos.  I still don't like going to the track. 


                            My running blog

                            Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                            delicate flower

                              'Morning!  When I got up at 6:00 this morning, the weather forecast said freezing rain was minutes away, so I took my tempo run to the treadmill.  It is now 10:00 and the rain hasn't started.     Aaaaanyway, a butt kicker of a workout.  10 minute warm up, then 5 x 5 minutes at 6:15 pace with 3:00 recoveries.  Basically, 25 minutes just a hair slower than 5K PR pace.  That was hard and it hurt twss.  6.7 miles total at 7:02 avg pace.  4 more miles do to after work.


                              Then I had a dental check up.  Teeth Cleaning Lady said I am dentally boring.  I guess that's a good thing.



                              Are we there, yet?



                                Oh, I love trails.  So much I signed up for my 50K with the sand dunes of hell.  But we don't have real hills (or trails) here so that elevation looks loco.




                                I used to fear and loathe hills, now I love them, it's so funny how that can change.  I'll be focusing on elevation even more after the new year while training for my 50k in March and then my 100 miler in May.  The 50k will have almost 10k ft of elevation, the 100 miler much less, but elevation training makes you stronger and faster. Smile


                                I watched a video recently where Anton Krupicka was talking about how he doesn't do speed work anymore, a few years ago he started focusing solely on elevation.  Granted, he gets 3-4000ft in his daily runs.  Saw on his blog where he got something insane like 1.3 million feet of elevation for the year.  Crazy.


                                Since I don't live in the mountains and can't get that kind of elevation on a daily basis, I'll keep some fast running in my repertoire, particularly in the form of hill sprints and repeats and maybe some tempos.  I still don't like going to the track. 


                                I'm in a similar situation having just registered for the HURL Elkhorn 50K in MT in August. I'll be looking for trail races in PA that will fit my schedule to get some experience with what I'll be facing in August.

                                 2024 Races:

                                      03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                      05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                      06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.



