Beginners and Beyond


TuesDAILIES have a view from the top of the world (Read 40 times)


    Thanks, we were very relieved that it was something that could be treated.  The first vet we saw seemed to think she had brain cancer and it was time to make "quality of life assessments."


    Way to go doc, causing unnecessary stress unnecessarily. Quack.


    delicate flower

      We took our dog in to see a neural expert today.  He did an MRI which showed a severely herniated disc and immediate performed a surgery to repair it.  She is out of surgery now, but will be in the hospital for a few days.  The doctor said there is over a 60% chance of full recovery following surgery, so we are staying hopeful.


      This is good news.  Problem identified and course of action planned.  Fingers crossed for your pup!!



      I did my second run on the treadmill because I ain't doing 36 degrees and raining.   FTS.  My legs felt pretty good considering this morning's hammerfest.  4 progression miles.


      Red Sox sign David Price for 7/217?  Cool.  But yikes.


      Hip Redux

        Greetings from somewhere over Minnesota!



          Greetings from somewhere over Minnesota!


          Hi! You coming or going?

          Hip Redux

            Going to Portland, which is apparently under an ice storm.



            Hi! You coming or going?



              Going to Portland, which is apparently under an ice storm.



              That's gotta instill coincidence. Hey captain, keep that shit to yourself next time. lol


              What are you flying in, an Airbus?

              Hip Redux

                A big metal tube? I  have no idea.  Oh wait, the thingy in the seat says 737-800.



                That's gotta instill coincidence. Hey captain, keep that shit to yourself next time. lol


                What are you flying in, an Airbus?



                  A big metal tube? I  have no idea.  Oh wait, the thingy in the seat says 737-800.


                  It's the first thing I check when I get on a plane, although I'm not sure why that is.


                  Since your destination is Oregon, are they passing out joints on that thing? lol

                  Hip Redux

                    Nope, and no peanuts either!  #cheap #imhungry #ohwaitthisisnttwitter


                    Seriously, I might have to do my meeting from the hotel tomorrow because they are talking about shutting down the roads out to Hood River. 



                      Nope, and no peanuts either!  #cheap #imhungry #ohwaitthisisnttwitter


                      Seriously, I might have to do my meeting from the hotel tomorrow because they are talking about shutting down the roads out to Hood River. 



                      Well shit, you could've done that from the east coast FFS. I say you demand they hold the meeting as scheduled, even if you're the only one capable of driving to it. Smile


                      Former Bad Ass

                        We took our dog in to see a neural expert today.  He did an MRI which showed a severely herniated disc and immediate performed a surgery to repair it.  She is out of surgery now, but will be in the hospital for a few days.  The doctor said there is over a 60% chance of full recovery following surgery, so we are staying hopeful.


                        Awww, if I remember Marjorie's dog had something like this.  She is super busy but I can PM her to check your post (unless you are friends with her in FB?)



                        Former Bad Ass

                          Ran 6 miles in 82F/71DP.  Welcome to Miami!


                          The first mile was tough but after I warmed up I was soon running very close to easy pace.  Everything felt easy, except I was sore.  Now I'm not.  Good recovery run.


                          Hip Redux



                            Well shit, you could've done that from the east coast FFS. I say you demand they hold the meeting as scheduled, even if you're the only one capable of driving to it. Smile


                            YES I KNOW.



                              Nice, Baboon!  I've never had them.


                              I spent the whole day preparing a complaint.  Someone is not getting a discharge.  Yay me. (PS, I only do this for very bad dudes).


                              If he had a clue, he would've shown up wearing InknBurn from head to ankles. lol


                              Former Bad Ass


                                If he had a clue, he would've shown up wearing InknBurn from head to ankles. lol


                                THat would not have helped him.  That's how bad this guy is.

