Beginners and Beyond


Measure Success Year to Year Not So Much within Year (Read 67 times)

    I'm writing this report for back of the packers like myself who can continue to improve from nothing.

    Today, I ran the 44th Peachtree Road Race (10K) in Atlanta. Two years  in 2011, I began running and this race was my second race ever.  My time was 1:15:42 and I was darn proud of finishing a 10k and the time.  I ran and trained until late October in 2011.  I did not train during the winter.  I resumed training in March 2012.   For the Peachtree Road Race in 2012, I ran 1:04:59.  A 10 minute improvement.  In 2012,  I trained through the winter for the first time.

    So this morning, I ran my 3rd Peachtree Road Race with my oldest son.   Like always, something always happens regarding sleep the night before.  Awoke at 2am and never could return to sleep. It had been raining a lot here in Atlanta lately.   We prepared for the worst.  We bought along homemade runner ponchos (cutout black trash bags).  Right before our start around 7:45am, the rain stopped.  Tossed the "poncho". It was just humid, very humid for the race.

    Okay, my impressions during the race since  I only have a Timex watch.  The first mile from D corral was slower start than I wanted.  At the first mile marker, my time was 10:00.  I picked up the pace and saw my DW and DD cheering me at mile 2 maker.  (See photo below by ace photographer DD - Scottydawg, you have no competition).  When I approached Cardiac Hill on the course, it no longer semed intimidating as previous years.  During mile 4 to 5.5 , my legs were struggling.  At the turn at 10th Street, even though I felt subpar from lack of sleep, I gave it my all to the finish.  I was surpised when I glanced at my watch near the finish.  I could reach my "B: goal for the race.  I pushed it.  Finishing time was 57:53.

    Observation - even though I was not feeling it today and my body felt subpar, I still  ran a respectable time = 57:53 on a course in my limited 10K experience as the most challenging for me due to heat, hills, and humidity.

    I owe the improvement due to training during winter, running a XC trail once a week, and a loss in weight due to running/better diet.

    If someone had told 2 years ago that I would improve my 10k time  in this race by approximately 18 minutes , I would have laughed.  So don't focus on where you at, just dream where you want to be.


    BTW, waving to the adoring crowd -  DD & DW.



    “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” - T.S. Eliot


      Congratulations!  I think a course PR is a great way to measure progress, and 18 minutes is nothing to shake a stick at.  3 minutes per mile improvement!  Nice work!



        Awesome job!! It is awesome to look back from when we begin to now, and see so many improvements. My 5k PR back in 2010 when I started was 29:58 and this year in May I ran a 5k 25:26, my 10ks were usually ranging between 1:02:00 and 1:09:00 from 2010 to last year so I am expecting next month's 10k to be under one hour. I've ran 3 half marathons, 1 in 2011 at 13 weeks preggo, with a time of 1:31:05, 2nd in 2012 (same race) at 6 months post preggo with a time of 2:36:39 with a quad or groin injury. Then this past April, 6 months after the 2012 Half I ran my 3rd half with a time of 2:18:28, about an 18 minute difference from the half 6 months before. I can't wait to see how I do at this October's Half.

        *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


        5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

        10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

        15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

        13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

         26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)

        Will run for scenery.

          Good job !  It is great to see improvement year-on-year.  I think it's pretty cool to be creepin' up on 50yo and fully expect each year to keep getting better.  Some day that will turn around, but no time soon.


          I've only repeated one race so far (improved 10 minutes over 10 miles) but I can just feel how much fitter I am than a year ago. It surprised me how much of last year's training stuck with me over an idle winter/spring.

          Stupid feet!

          Stupid elbow!

          Love the Half

            The consistency over the winter is the biggest factor IMHO.  Congrats on a good race.

            Short term goal: 17:59 5K

            Mid term goal:  2:54:59 marathon

            Long term goal: To say I've been a runner half my life.  (I started running at age 45).


            Former Bad Ass

              Congratulations!  Like Zelanie said, course PRs are great ways to measure your progress.  Great job and progress!



                Congratulations, that's awesome improvement.


                  So don't focus on where you at, just dream where you want to be.


                  Words I live by!


                  Congrats on your improvement, and nice pic too.  If your hand was any higher, you would have smacked a soaring eagle on the ass!


                    I'm so glad that it's all coming together for you! By improving one aspect of your life, you improve other aspects as well. Better running, better weight, better health. Congrats on your super PR and finish time, wow, what an improvement! And tell DD she did a great job with the pic and lovely last sentence! Thanks!

                    PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                            Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                    18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

                      Long day. just got in from a Braves game and fireworks afterwards there. DD, 2 DS, and FIL all went with me.   And I get up at 5am to go to work.

                      Zel - Thank you.

                      FS87 - I believe you will continue to rock that HM time.

                      jjss22- thanks

                      LTH - I'm in full agreement and plan to repeat winter training this year.

                      Damaris - Thanks

                      SS99 - Thanks

                      LRB & Happy Lilly - Thanks. I have one big running dream. It's 6 years out from now.  I just have to incrementally build the mileage  every year to position myself to achieve it.

                      “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” - T.S. Eliot

                      Hip Redux

                        That is a great improvement!    In running, I really feel like your biggest competitor is yourself... at least for those of us who don't get paid to run, and you sir, just kicked your 2011 ass Big grin