Beginners and Beyond


How Many Days Per Week Do You Run? (Read 135 times)


    For the last 33 days, I've been running 7, sometimes 8 or even 9 times a week. Before that, with a lesser training plan, I was running a maximum of 6 days a week. Between marathons, I run 5 times a week. On vacation, sometimes I only run 4 days a week. I think that ideally, though, 5 days/week is want I would like to do if I were not into marathons. Maybe I'll go down to that after this one training plan.

    PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

            Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

    18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


    Go figure


      I thought that was your LRS angle when you paced for the slower-paced group runs. Big grin



      Turns out she's "talking to" a guy whose waist is smaller and times are faster lol.

      Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn

      YAYpril - B-Plus


        I think 35-40mpw is fantastic!


        Heh, thanks. Smile It's still weird to think of myself running that much, when a couple months ago it seemed insane. This week will be my first "official" 40 mile week (I technically hit one a couple weeks ago from Sunday to Saturday, but my training weeks are Monday to Sunday). I'm planning on using Pfitz 18/55 this summer for my first marathon so I guess it's good to get used to the higher mileage now.

        YAYpril - B-Plus


           Turns out she's "talking to" a guy whose waist is smaller and times are faster lol.


          Boooo! Not cool. Boooooo.


          Barking Mad To Run

            I keep trying to do 5 days a week -  I went from Tue-Thurs-Sat-Sun to Tues-Wed-Thurs-Sat-Sun a few times - and went on that schedule this week too - but you'd think I have learned by back just does NOT like the 5-day schedule.  Sure enough, after my run last night, the 3rd day in a row for this week, my back was REALLY nagging me.   Stupid arthritis. Angry    So I suppose I will just have to stick to my 4-day  week schedule and make the best of it.  Ehh, it could be worse.  At least I am able to still get out there and do some running.

            "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


              WTF SIAR. My kinda recently ended streak was also 61 days. Last time I had a gf, I took about 3 straight months off lol.


              I don't plan rest days, but take one when necessary or when I feel lazy.


                Depends on where I'm at in my training cycle, I guess. I went from 5 to 6 to hit the mileage I needed in my plan. Now that the miles are coming back down, I could stick with 6 shorter or go back to 5 slightly longer. With a family, 5 seems a bit easier as fas as stuff coming up and me being able to do stuff with them on the fly.


                Going from 5 to 6 does end up making a huge difference as far as consecutive days running, too, because of the way the weeks run together.


                Go figure

                  WTF SIAR. My kinda recently ended streak was also 61 days. Last time I had a gf, I took about 3 straight months off lol.


                  I don't plan rest days, but take one when necessary or when I feel lazy.



                  If you had a streak widget on your training log I'd have gone 62 to beat you ha.


                  April...I agree, boo. He came to one of the group runs and proceeded to leap over a trash can while on the run. We all just kinda laughed at at least I'm not a tool haha.

                  Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


                  Chief Unicorn Officer

                    6, and I'm usually between 35-50 mpw. I REALLY look forward to my rest day! I do 2-3 days of a hard pace workout (either intervals or a tempo) and one long run so I am usually really ready for a rest day. I usually take it on a Wednesday or a Thursday.

                    Mile 5:49 - 5K 19:58 - 10K 43:06 - HM 1:36:54

                    Jack K.

                    uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                      I run five days a week. Monday is always a rest day for me and my other rest day varies depending on my workout or training schedule. If a tweak something or feel that something is not right, I will take a day or two off. At my age I am very comfortable running five days a week, usually around 35-40 mpw. If I ever train for a marathon I may bump it up to six days a week, if my body can handle it. We'll see...

                      Village people

                        If we are counting doubles, my answer is often more than 6 times/week. This I week I have run 7 times, so far.


                        FTR, I am not training for any races, so if I split up my miles it isn't a big deal. i like doing them.




                          If you had a streak widget on your training log I'd have gone 62 to beat you ha.



                          I took it off when I ended my streak. It was just too enticing to keep the streak alive. You actually beat me because I cheated. My streak included coming back this way over the international date line.



                            These days, I run more like 3 out of 7.  


                            Hey, don't knock 3 days/week, I ran a marathon on that! Y'all can imagine how well that went. Actually not too dissimilar from many other RR's I've read, but I certainly realized I needed to beef that up. So after that I went to 4-5; no SRD's, on non-running days I crosstrain with yoga.

                            It was not really till I started hanging out on these forums a couple months ago that I realized most people seem run 6-7 days. Increasing my running days & decreasing yoga seems to give me a lot more aches & pains, so I have been cautious to try to avoid injury. But I am going to keep working towards it.



                              I have to admit, I'd trade 3, maybe even 4, runs per week for a nice girlfriend lol. 



                              Me too, if I had the days to give, but I don't think my wife would be too keen on it.



                              Happy to be here.

                                Ahhh yes, the wife, kids, job, and home factor.  I've always wondered how much faster I would be without them Big grin



                                Half PR:  1:34 (August, 2012)


                                Marathon PR:  3:45 (October, 2012)


                                Next race:  ???


                                Next Marathon:  2015???
