Beginners and Beyond


FriDAILIES are not the happiest thing for everyone (Read 47 times)



      What up doe.


      I am actually off today, fancy that. My stupid brain is programmed to be up though so I'm up.


      I have a 35 minute jog this morning, then a 90 minute massage at 1:30. ESU and nap in between.


      What up doe?


        Hopefully lots of napping for me!


          Some easy miles. These last weeks, Friday runs have been my slowest. 10 miles at MP (training MP, which is faster than actual MP) on Thursday has a tendency to drain my battery quite a bit. But I enjoy them: no goal, no pressure, just run a few miles until I feel better again.


            Some easy miles. These last weeks, Friday runs have been my slowest. 10 miles at MP (training MP, which is faster than actual MP) on Thursday has a tendency to drain my battery quite a bit. But I enjoy them: no goal, no pressure, just run a few miles until I feel better again.


            So will you be abandoning us for the hockey forums after your marathon FFS?


            delicate flower

              Hey!  En route to a Boston to get fitted for a triathlon bike.  Easy run when I get home later.  My legs are feeling yesterday's run.



                Hey!  En route to a Boston to get fitted for a triathlon bike.  Easy run when I get home later.  My legs are feeling yesterday's run.


                Pics later please? You know how we roll.


                Former Bad Ass

                  Morning!  I have an RD.  Finally.



                    6.5 miles this morning. I will probably add 1-2 more miles this evening with DS before my pilates class.

                    20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.

                    From the Internet.

                      67 minutes in the pool - me and a ton of university cross country/track kids all doing our workouts at the same time, haha. Made me feel better that the young fast kids get stuck in the pool sometimes too. Shins are feeling good today, I'll walk for a while at some point and run tomorrow.


                      delicate flower


                        Pics later please? You know how we roll.


                        I have no plans to make an actual purchase today, and even if I do it'll most likely have to be ordered.   But you never know.  Basically I want to get fitted and see what my options are.  I'm early.  Gave myself lots of time for Boston traffic but it seems Boston took today off.  Tom Brady holiday?




                          So will you be abandoning us for the hockey forums after your marathon FFS?


                          Hockey forums? Hahahaha.

                          I'll keep running, probably 5 days a week, but running is one thing. Having my life structured around my next run or my next race is another. I passed on so many things this summer because I take marathon training too seriously... it's in that aspect that I find that my life is not balanced anymore.



                            I have no plans to make an actual purchase today, and even if I do it'll most likely have to be ordered.   But you never know.  Basically I want to get fitted and see what my options are.  I'm early.  Gave myself lots of time for Boston traffic but it seems Boston took today off.  Tom Brady holiday?


                            That's way too many words to say no. lol




                              Super B****

                                Fridays are such a waste.  Why bother ... just start the weekend already!!



                                chasing the impossible


                                because i never shut up ... i blog
