Beginners and Beyond


FriDAILIES are not the happiest thing for everyone (Read 47 times)


    Fridays are such a waste.  Why bother ... just start the weekend already!!


    You never disappoint.

    Little Blue

      4 in cool soup.  I almost ate a butterfly.  It was a good thing I was exhaling, or I would have sucked it in like a vacuum cleaner.


      Off to cut grass before a weekend of thunderstorms.


      Super B****


        You never disappoint.


        You clearly agree, Mr. "I am off today."

        chasing the impossible


        because i never shut up ... i blog


          11 with 2x4 miles at HMP, 5 min recovery. Tough workout.



            You clearly agree, Mr. "I am off today."


            It's actually a furlough day, please don't make me think about it. Because as much as it may come as a surprise to most, I can go from zero to 100 real quick. lol


              4 in cool soup.  I almost ate a butterfly.  It was a good thing I was exhaling, or I would have sucked it in like a vacuum cleaner.


              Off to cut grass before a weekend of thunderstorms.


              Wonderful image! I don't want to know how many gnats I ate or inhaled this morning. Ack.

              20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                I almost ate a butterfly.  It was a good thing I was exhaling, or I would have sucked it in like a vacuum cleaner.


                This was absolutely hilarious!


                  I am about to walk a quarter mile to the restaurant for an egg, spinach, feta, and potatoes and onions skillet.


                  Oh, and though I normally wear my watch on my left wrist, I have been wearing it on the right the past week or two to give it a break.  I feel odd but my left wrist appreciates it.


                    Some easy miles. These last weeks, Friday runs have been my slowest. 10 miles at MP (training MP, which is faster than actual MP) on Thursday has a tendency to drain my battery quite a bit. But I enjoy them: no goal, no pressure, just run a few miles until I feel better again.


                    Monday after LR is always my slowest and creakiest. Not counting the 2nd run of a double, or any morning run after an evening run. Neither of which I ever do.





                      11 with 2x4 miles at HMP, 5 min recovery. Tough workout.


                      Christ on a cracker. Whatever plan you're on, I don't want it.



                        11 with 2x4 miles at HMP, 5 min recovery. Tough workout.


                        Um, yeah.  You didn't have to say tough workout.  That's just redundant after your first sentence.  Smile


                        I slept in today.  2nd RD in a row.  It was easy to justify since like an idiot, I signed up for a 5k tomorrow morning.


                        5k - 20:51 - 9/5/15

                        10k - 47:00 - 5/25/15

                        15k - 1:10:19 - 11/21/15

                        13.1 - 1:42:25- 4/25/15

                        26.2 - TBD (someday)



                          Christ on a cracker. Whatever plan you're on, I don't want it.


                          I don't either. 



                            Hockey forums? Hahahaha.

                            I'll keep running, probably 5 days a week, but running is one thing. Having my life structured around my next run or my next race is another. I passed on so many things this summer because I take marathon training too seriously... it's in that aspect that I find that my life is not balanced anymore.


                            That's called not half-assing it, and it's the best way to tackle what is an extremely difficult distance to train for and race.


                            Super B****

                              It's completely logical for me to go totally out of my way to get my bib[s] for Labor Day, even though there is race day pickup, right?  Right.

                              chasing the impossible


                              because i never shut up ... i blog


                                It's completely logical for me to go totally out of my way to get my biBlack eyes) for Labor Day, even though there is race day pickup, right?  Right.


                                Yes. You got 99 problems but your bib ain't one.
