Beginners and Beyond

The best choice in the Hershey Miniatures bag is... (Read 416 times)


Not a dude

    You people suck. I am at home today and my kids' Halloween candy is about 10 feet away.

    Meat Wagon


      Krackle is disgusting. 


      Original, Dark, then Goodbar. 


      I'm right, you people are wrong, accept it and move on.


      Clearly, this one is not to be trusted.

      Feel sick and dirty, more dead than alive.

        Most definitely the Krackel.


        (Not to be confused with the Kracken.  HELLO BEASTIE!)

        Ken WD

          It's like Canada is on a different planet. I had to google Krakle to figure out it is basically the same as a Nestle Crunch bar. You guys miss out of Coffee Crisp though, which is probably the best chocolate bar ever.


          delicate flower

            It's like Canada is on a different planet. I had to google Krakle to figure out it is basically the same as a Nestle Crunch bar.



            One is Nestle and one is Hershey.  THEY ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. 



            Not a dude

              Coffee Crisp...just googled that. Sounds yummy.


              Ritter Sport cappuccino is awesome too. I have seen Hazelnut here in the States, but not the cappuccino. Sad


                Special Dark, without a doubt.  Hell, I'll eat anything with dark chocolate on it.  Could be part of the reason I used to be fat lol


                My running blog

                Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                  <craigyferg><liam neeson>release the KRACKEN!</liam neeson></craigyferg>


                    It's like Canada is on a different planet. I had to google Krakle to figure out it is basically the same as a Nestle Crunch bar. You guys miss out of Coffee Crisp though, which is probably the best chocolate bar ever.


                    Tell me more about this Coffee Crisp? Is it a combination of coffee and chocolate? Mmm.

                    Started C25K on 9/6/12. First 5K set for 1/13/13.


                    Runs the streets

                      It's true. That's why it's dressed in yellow to tell you "slow down, savor my deliciousness."

                      Wandering Wally

                        Oh yes, Mr Goodbar for sure, followed by Special Dark and then Krackle.  I give the originals to the kids.

                        Run!  Just Run!


                        Trail Runner Nation Podcast


                        Squidward Bike Rider

                          Krackel Bar followed by Mr. Goodbar.


                          running is bad for you

                            No chocolate.




                            Not a dude

                              Well, I couldn't find any of the above in the Halloween candy helloooooooo Snickers.


                              Former Bad Ass

                                I don't like any of those there.  I'm not in love with chocolate.  *ducks*
