Beginners and Beyond


Running: What Have You Learned? (Read 181 times)

    ---I have learned how to have a completely different perspective on life.  No matter what is going on, I go outside, run and the importance of the problem or issue shrinks greatly in size.  Running makes ALL problems and stressors shrink greatly in size.


    ---Also, I learned that when you have a marathon on Sunday, never run a 5K on the Saturday 1 day before the Marathon (because it was paid for previously and got rescheduled to that later date) and never run a 5k on the Friday 2 days prior to the Marathon because it was a 'free' military race and your buds asked you to. :-)


    The Plan '15 →   ///    "Run Hard, Live Easy."   ∞

      What have I learned?


      Many people take running way too seriously.


      Correction:  Many people take all the trivial unimportant drama and stress of life way too seriously. Smile

      The Plan '15 →   ///    "Run Hard, Live Easy."   ∞

        I have learned that my body is capable of far more than I ever thought possible, and I haven't even been running for a year yet.


        I also agree with FSocks, some people take running waaaaaaay too seriously, just get out there and run and enjoy it.


        My running blog

        Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


          i agree with d2the2nd, k l duke and others.


          Someone said they were "striving to do their best" and that lead to their ego clouding their judgement. Well, don't strive to do your best, just DO your best. Don't strive to be something, just BE something. That way your ego will never have anything to do with it.


          If you decide you're going to be a contender for the Olympics, the moment you start training, even if you've just come completely off the couch, you are that contender. You may not reach that goal as things turn out, but you have already become what you've decided to be. It just takes time for physics to realize the result of your efforts.


          If you decide to lose 50 lbs, the moment you start training and eating in a way to accomplish this goal, you ARE 50lbs lighter. Again, it just takes time for physics to realize the result of your efforts and transform your physical body into the person you've already become.


          Are we there, yet?

            We're supposed to learn something from running?


            I suppose that's true as we should probably learn from any activity and life in general.  Aside from a few running specific items I don't know that I can separate what I've learned from running from what I've learned elsewhere.


            I did learn that my HS teammate was wrong when he said I'd never be any good at running and should give it up.

            I learned to trust my coach who backed up her advice with solid results.

            I learned that completing a marathon is no big deal; running one fast is.

             2024 Races:

                  03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                  05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                  05/25 - What the Duck 12-Hour

                  06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





            Happy to be here.

              I've learned that the right type of speedwork matters.


              I've learned that a higher volume of weekly miles makes my marathon experiences less painful and more coherent.


              I've learned that banking time is idiotic.


              I've learned that my body sometimes tells me things that I have to listen to.


              I've learned that its ok to take time off when sick/injured, and that as long as I get back on the horse, my training won't be wrecked.


              I've learned that the right type of long runs matter.


              I've learned that the wrong type of long runs are idiotic.


              I've learned that hydration matters.


              I've learned that the people in my life don't really care about my training and races but  they support me anyways.



              Half PR:  1:34 (August, 2012)


              Marathon PR:  3:45 (October, 2012)


              Next race:  ???


              Next Marathon:  2015???


                We're supposed to learn something from running?


                I suppose that's true as we should probably learn from any activity and life in general.  Aside from a few running specific items I don't know that I can separate what I've learned from running from what I've learned elsewhere.


                I did learn that my HS teammate was wrong when he said I'd never be any good at running and should give it up.

                I learned to trust my coach who backed up her advice with solid results.

                I learned that completing a marathon is no big deal; running one fast is.


                Don't we always learn something from what we experience? So, if running takes a major portion of our lives, doesn't it make sense that we would learn something from that time spent running? Sure, maybe I would have learned the same things playing the piano as I did running, but we happen to be discussing running, since it is the activity that binds us all here. So, in answer to your question: yes, we're supposed to learn something from running.


                And so what if some people take running seriously? Why should other people care? Who's to say that they are not enjoying it as well?


                And saying that you are 50 lbs lighter the moment you start eating and training for it is just some talk show crap... Someone could be doing his best and still not get where he wants. It's just the reality of life.

                PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                        Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                  I've learned that running is hard.


                    Nice thread.

                    Over many years of running I learned a lot. About running, training, about myself, about others.

                    I learned, that I will keep learning from other runners, some experienced and some complete n00bs at this activity.

                    I learned, that a combination of talent and hard work will make you a good runner, but being a better runner doesn't make you a better person.

                    Saying that, I learned, that runners as a group are good people.

                    I learned, that no matter what you do, you will slow down when you get older, but by being active, the quality of your life would be much better.

                    I learned, that runners come in many shapes, in all ages, from all kind of backgrounds.

                    I learned, that running is probably most inclusive activity you can find.

                    I learned, that people run for different reasons and no reason is more important than other.

                    Slow and steady never wins anything.

                    Village people

                      I very recently learned that running shorts over your running tights do more than just provide a bit of modesty - they also provide some support.  A tempo run without that support leaves one chafed in places where one would prefer not to be chafed.


                      It will keep your tights from falling down, too.

                        Work can be fun.


                        If I am going to run, i need to do it early.


                        If I run 8 miles or more I am going to be hungry all day long.


                        Reaching goals helps with other parts if life.

                        ”Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”

                        “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”



                        Revenge of the Nerd

                          I've learned that I'm a better runner when I include cross-training.  Cycling and resistance training keep the imbalances in check.


                          I've learned the power of color.  Running is more fun in fluorescent green shoes.


                          I've learned that non-runners think we're a little crazy.  When used properly that perception gives us a psychological edge.


                          One of these days is none of these days.

                          ~ H.G. Bohn

                          Better I Leave



                            Also, don't compare yourself to others and their progress.  You have to work with what you have and being the best you can be is best.


                            Also, easy pace is not a number, it is an effort and you should run some of your runs at this effort.


                            Amen to that my friend. Smile


                              In addition to what you folks have mentioned, I get a kick out of learning new bathroom options along my routes.


                              Chief Unicorn Officer

                                In addition to what you folks have mentioned, I get a kick out of learning new bathroom options along my routes.


                                LOL! This is so true!

                                Mile 5:49 - 5K 19:58 - 10K 43:06 - HM 1:36:54
