Beginners and Beyond


Unexpected "find" turns a crappy run into an enjoyable run. (Read 195 times)

Dr. Cornsitter

    I would've crawled right in there to escape the wind! I'm curious to know if you were sore at all today (or more fatigued). Sometimes, if I opt for a trail where there is more dodging and whatnot, I find my legs feel it the next day. I assume it's because they are used to the monotony of the pavement at this point.


    P.S. Awesome photo. Looks like a really cool, little happy place Smile

    Quote from BeachRunner3234 on 6/25/2013 at 8:20 PM:

    So I'm currently sitting with a bag of frozen corn in my ass.


    delicate flower

      I see that and think of the Keebler elves tree. ever have those Grasshopper cookies?


      Better I Leave

        Trail runs are always the best IMO. So refreshing.


        Healed Hammy

          I bet that there is a hidden immunity idol in that tree.  Go back and grab it, as it could save you during your race.  Just think that you could have immunity from muscle pains, hamstring strains and sore legs - hehe.


          Hmmm.... let me see....first HM on the you like trail running .... soon you will be onto ultras!!!


            I would've crawled right in there to escape the wind! I'm curious to know if you were sore at all today (or more fatigued). Sometimes, if I opt for a trail where there is more dodging and whatnot, I find my legs feel it the next day. I assume it's because they are used to the monotony of the pavement at this point.


            P.S. Awesome photo. Looks like a really cool, little happy place Smile


            Um, I don't want to blame the trail run but I did get a wicked foot cramp last night that worke me out of a sound sleep.  It was a big one -- my foot is sore from it this morning.  But my foot has been a little off since my LR on Saturday so it's not Pooh's fault.


              I bet that there is a hidden immunity idol in that tree.  Go back and grab it, as it could save you during your race.  Just think that you could have immunity from muscle pains, hamstring strains and sore legs - hehe.


              Hmmm.... let me see....first HM on the you like trail running .... soon you will be onto ultras!!!


              Immunity idol...if only it were that easy!


              No ultra talk!  Of course, one year ago I would've thougth you were crazy if you told me I'd be doing a HM....

                I bet that there is a hidden immunity idol in that tree.


                Or a geocache.  But an immunity idol would be better.


                Cool pic and post.


                  Nice post.  It's good for the mind to change it up every once in a while.


                  I hope the foot is ok...


                    Trail runs definitely make a nice change.  I'd rather run trails, especially easy park trails, than roads, even though I'm much slower.

                    Dr. Cornsitter


                      Um, I don't want to blame the trail run but I did get a wicked foot cramp last night that worke me out of a sound sleep.  It was a big one -- my foot is sore from it this morning.  But my foot has been a little off since my LR on Saturday so it's not Pooh's fault.


                      Oh no! Hope your foot feels better!

                      Quote from BeachRunner3234 on 6/25/2013 at 8:20 PM:

                      So I'm currently sitting with a bag of frozen corn in my ass.


                        I took a trail run off the main path at a park I used to log lots of miles at and found a scary hobo camp.


                          I haven't done a trail run in a long time, I may have to schedule one in.  Great post, you inspired me to do it again.

                          Ron's PRs 5K 24:14 (12/07/2013); Half Marathon 1:53:33 (5/26/2013)

                          Hip Redux

                            I took a trail run off the main path at a park I used to log lots of miles at and found a scary hobo camp.


                            That would be the lesser-known Poo Tree Loop.



                              What a great post!  Love the picture of the tree.   Its important to remember that we do like running, it's shouldn't all be a chore.  Glad you enjoyed an adventure this week!


                              "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson


                              Former Bad Ass

                                I thought of you as I ran through the woods this weekend.  I saw a red fox and first thing I thought was damn, I don't have a camera like Phillie did.  LOL.

