Beginners and Beyond


The DAILIES: You're soaking in them right now (Read 46 times)


    Love the Dailies title; That commercial used to always crack me up.


    Big thunder and rain storm last night.  Yay for rain.  I've got 8 or 9 miles on tap this morning after I coffee up.


    Phil -- Good luck this weekend!!!!!  How's the weather looking?

    Life is good.


      I got to the track yesterday, and the woman who organizes it admitted that she made yesterday's workout up herself.  Did I call it or what?  It was a good practice for getting a feel for the pace, though, and the 200m recoveries kept things interesting.  Today I have the kids' track club in the AM and the social run in the PM, maybe for 8 total.


      LRB- When I was in PT for my knee, they said that one of my quads was firing slowly.  So, they did this biofeedback thing where the electrodes would contract the muscle while I would try to do it myself at the same time.   There was a little screen that showed whether me trying to use the muscle was doing anything at all (had to get the little line up over the target).  Don't know if they have a similar process they can do for butt muscles.


      Barking Mad To Run

        Enjoy the news shoes, LRB.  I've been running in the Nimbus for years.  I didn't know what a DS-18 is, so I had to go look it up.  Apparently, a shoe like the Nimubs - for a neutral or underpronating runner, which is what I am - but a lot lighter than the Nimbus.  From the reviews I read of people using them, it seems to be a well-liked shoe, but probably is too light for me since I'm 203 lbs.   Congrats on your miles and on overcoming the fickle wind.


        Happy early Friday to you, Baboon!   So what was in the virtual goodie bag?


        Happy early Friday to you too, Meaghan!  Enjoy the track work with the team.


        Enjoy your recovery miles, Lily.


        8 easy done already, DaveP?  Or to do?  Either way, hope all your miles are happy ones.


        Do you use a pilates DVD or something, Damaris?  Or do you just know the pilates routine by heart-and-memory and just do it?


        Happy field trip, Step! Hope all the kiddies behave for you.


        FreeSoul, glad the Sad Tahoe Saga  is over for you.  Hopefully it will behave for you for a while now.  Enjoy your rest day.


        40 degrees, dang, had your week of Spring and Summer and now winter is coming early again?    As for the house...hey, y'all gotta do what you gotta do, what you know is right for you,  the realtor will get over it. It's a fact of life for happens, people change their minds....he'll deal with it.


        Good luck with your miles, outoftheblue.  Is DH home from his trip now?


        Enjoy your a.m. and pm running, Zelanie. I dunno, Zelanie...butt electrodes on LRB...he's in pretty good gluteus maximus 'flex' and he might short-circuit the whole system!     Butt electrodes, oh my....he'll need some 'comforting' after about some cake?


        "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


        delicate flower


          Phil -- Good luck this weekend!!!!!  How's the weather looking?


          Low of 50, high of 73, partly sunny with 30% chance of showers, light wind.  So a little warm but otherwise good.


            Hey everyone!


            Got my easy 5 in last night and another easy 4 in this morning, both runs were sweat fests and the dewpoint is only up to the mid 60s, gonna be a sweaty summer. lol


            Nice find on the shoes Rick, gotta grab 'em while you can.  I have no problems running in an old model (if I like them of course), which is good since I buy all of my shoes on liquidation.


            Scotty, I don't even want to know what the deal is with that cake. lol


            Hope everyone has a great day!


            My running blog

            Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!

            Slymoon Runs

            race obsessed


              Gelatin legs is a good sign! Keep it up and they will get stronger, before too long you will start looking at doubles.  



              Inquiring minds want to know the goodies!


              Zelanie  re: LRB re: scotty


              That cake reminds me of really REALLY deviant behavior.  Not that I am judging what you do in the privacy of your own domicile.  But man...











              Jack K.

              uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                Hi ya, Dailies.


                I went out for a 6 mile easy jog last night and my legs felt a bit tired, not fresh, like Baboon's. It might be because I had a massage the day before and that hurt quite a bit. SRD today and an easy three tomorrow and Saturday. Eh, we'll see how it goes.


                Buh-bye for now.


                Former Bad Ass

                  Scotty, I pay for private classes and it's on top of a reformer (aka torture device), LOL.



                  Former Bad Ass

                    Hi ya, Dailies.


                    I went out for a 6 mile easy jog last night and my legs felt a bit tired, not fresh, like Baboon's. It might be because I had a massage the day before and that hurt quite a bit. SRD today and an easy three tomorrow and Saturday. Eh, we'll see how it goes.


                    Buh-bye for now.


                    Massages made my legs sore.  Buh-bye and good luck!



                      Here's a question for Damaris. I signed up for my half in Costa Rica last night, and on the registration page, they had a box for "lateralizacion". They want to know if I'm right or left handed? Why? Is this a common question in Latin America for some strange reason, or an oddity of this race?


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Here's a question for Damaris. I signed up for my half in Costa Rica last night, and on the registration page, they had a box for "lateralizacion". They want to know if I'm right or left handed? Why? Is this a common question in Latin America for some strange reason, or an oddity of this race?


                        No idea why.  Maybe to see which side the water stations should be at?  Or maybe for emergency purposes?  I have never heard of that.




                          Low of 50, high of 73, partly sunny with 30% chance of showers, light wind.  So a little warm but otherwise good.


                          Run fast to avoid the highs! Good luck Baboon.


                          10 later.


                          delicate flower


                            Run fast to avoid the highs! Good luck Baboon.


                            Hopefully it'll be in the low 60's when I'm finishing, plus the last 45 minutes or so are along Lake Champlain so I'm hoping for some cool air there.


                            Re: the goodie bag, since I don't want to work and am full of high test coffee right now, here are the contents of the virtual goodie bag (all online offers unless noted):


                            ProCompression ad

                            20% off redfox wireless headphones

                            sale on Endevr ID bracelets

                            $50 off Ragnar Adirondacks registration

                            $10 off shoes at the local New Balance store

                            $10 off Roll Recovery roller

                            20% off Timex Sport watches

                            30% off framing of picture or bib

                            $10 off some American Lung Association marathon

                            $15 Heartbreak Hill HM

                            Sketchers ad

                            20% off a full price item at City Sports

                            KeyBank ad (main sponsor)

                            $10 off at the local Fleet Feet store

                            10% off Janji gear at the expo (what the hell is a Janji gear?)

                            15% off a full price item at the local North Face store

                            25% off a Trigger Pin therapy roller

                            Adirondack Marathon Festival ad

                            Headband offer at Bondi Band

                            Free running hat for MVP Healthcare members (of which I am not)

                            15% off headband at Sew What Vermont

                            $25 off your first Crystal Rock order

                            Hoka OneOne ad

                            Pandora charm ad

                            Girls on the Run Vermont ad

                            Running apparel sale at Skirack (ok??)

                            20% off Garuka Bars (energy bars)

                            30% off Vermont Village Applesauce


                            I will redeem none of these.  Glad they didn't waste paper!



                            Former Bad Ass

                              That's a huge goody bag!



                              delicate flower

                                That's a huge goody bag!


                                It is a virtual goodie bag, i.e. it's an e-mail with a crapload of links.  Don't you worry....I'll walk out of the expo with a bag full of proper freebies.  If there are handouts at the expo, I will sniff them out.  Yes, I need that stress ball that the local recycling compay is handing out.

