Beginners and Beyond


The DAILIES: You're soaking in them right now (Read 46 times)


Former Bad Ass


    It is a virtual goodie bag, i.e. it's an e-mail with a crapload of links.  Don't you worry....I'll walk out of the expo with a bag full of proper freebies.  If there are handouts at the expo, I will sniff them out.  Yes, I need that stress ball that the local recycling compay is handing out.


    I get a lot of virtual bags but never one with so much.



      Headband offer for Boonie Boon Boon

      I will redeem none of these.


      Are you sure about that? 



         $15 Heartbreak Hill HM


        That one seems like a winner.

        - Andrew


          Don't know if they have a similar process they can do for butt muscles.


          No thank you!  I was tested for carpal tunnel once and it was pure torture!  I do not know what was worse, the shocks or the diabolical maniac who was administering them!


          He kept saying, "But you're an electrician, you get shocked all the time."  Um right, but licensed electricians do not!


          I passed the test by the way, although my hair has never been the same:



          delicate flower


            That one seems like a winner.


            Too soon after this marathon for me (June 8).  If anyone wants the code though, I'd be happy to pass it along.  And it's actually $10 off the HM...$15 if you sign up for all three races (5K, 10K, HM).



            Former Bad Ass


              Too soon after this marathon for me (June 8).  If anyone wants the code though, I'd be happy to pass it along.  And it's actually $10 off the HM...$15 if you sign up for all three races (5K, 10K, HM).


              BTW, we are doing the Michelob Ultra 13.1 Boston in September.  Sign up for that.



                 BTW, we are doing the Michelob Ultra 13.1 Boston in September.  Sign up for that.


                What about Chicago in June?  Any decision on that one yet?


                Former Bad Ass


                  What about Chicago in June?  Any decision on that one yet?


                  Yes, it's in two weeks and we are all set.  Didn't I tell you?



                     Yes, it's in two weeks and we are all set.  Didn't I tell you?


                    Yes you did, THAT'S WHY I'M ASKING YOU AGAIN! 


                    You do me so wrong sometimes but it's cool.  lol


                    Is it on the 7th?


                    Former Bad Ass


                      Yes you did, THAT'S WHY I'M ASKING YOU AGAIN! 


                      You do me so wrong sometimes but it's cool.  lol


                      Is it on the 7th?


                      It is.  I must have forgotten to tell you we got the flight and stuff ready.  Still, we only did that on Thursday so consider this your announcement. 



                      Former Bad Ass

                        I am actually there a day earlier than hubby so I am planning on meeting Mary and maybe onemile (if she can make it).  Feel free to join us.



                        delicate flower


                          BTW, we are doing the Michelob Ultra 13.1 Boston in September.  Sign up for that.


                          I am doing a local HM that Saturday, plus I refuse to do an event where the shirt will have a MICHELOB ULTRA ad on it.  It's Boston...they couldn't get Sam Adams or Harpoon instead? 



                          Former Bad Ass


                            I am doing a local HM that Saturday, plus I refuse to do an event where the shirt will have a MICHELOB ULTRA ad on it.  It's Boston...they couldn't get Sam Adams or Harpoon instead? 


                            Haha.  It is a national Michelob series.



                              LRB - You make me smile, but rest assured, the boys were too busy smothering laughs about old-fashioned outhouses and chamber pots to look at the moms hanging out in the back.


                              I actually got back in time to even run a 1-mile warmup before the strength training class. And my arms are now like Scotty's legs: gelatinous.

                              20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                                All this time I've been using right-handed aid stations and didn't even realize it!


                                No idea why.  Maybe to see which side the water stations should be at?  Or maybe for emergency purposes?  I have never heard of that.
