Beginners and Beyond


Run Through Redlands HM - RR that I tried to keep short. (Read 58 times)

Jack K.

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    Short version: Run Through Redlands HM


    1:40:53 7:42 avg. pace

    OA: 43/369

    M: 34/185

    AG: 3/16


    Slightly longer version:


    I signed up for this HM as a tune-up race for a marathon. DW and I are running the Avenue of the Giants on May 3rd. I was hoping to PR but an injury has slowed me down some the last two weeks and I had to take some time off. Said injury turned out to be some tendonitis around the ankle and lower tibia. After a few easy runs, I felt good enough to run and besides, I wanted to get my tech race shirt that came with the signup fee.


    Pre-race: It was about a 50 minute drive to Redlands from my place and with the time change it was still very dark and deserted on the roads. I took Baboon’s advice and listened to Ozzy’s Boneyard on the radio to get pumped up. It worked. When I went to get my bib and shirt, there were no shirts in my size. “We had a computer glitch and we’ll mail you one,” I was told. Whatever.


    Race: I wanted to take it easy and not re-aggravate my ankle thing so I thought I would go for an 8:45 pace but I just can’t do it. When the horn sounds I want to run. When I settled in I was at a 7:35 pace and it felt ok. I thought I would stay there and try to hold on. Then the hill. The never-ending hill. The hill that had no end. You get the idea. See if you can guess where it is on the elevation chart. See it? That's about a 500 foot elevation gain.



    Now, I run hills in my neighborhood, but not like this. Compared to this thing, the hills I am used to are small upgrades. In any case, my pace slowed, of course, and the hill crested at mile 7.1. The course was a loop so there was no turnabout. There were some flatter, rolling parts and then it went down and it was just as steep going doing. Running “hills” in my hood has made me appreciate the benefits of running them, but I really can’t stand steep downhills. This hurt. Around mile 9 I was starting to feel some pain in my right knee and left hip. It had to be the steep uphill and the constant pounding coming down. My pace quickened and I even had one mile that was sub 7:00 but I was in distress. It evened out at mile 11 and I was thinking “Let’s kick it home right now!” But no, look at mile 12 on the elevation chart! A mile long uphill to the finish! This was cruel and unusual punishment! I was seriously in pain now. In my three marathons I did not feel pain like this. The good news is that my ankle was fine. I considered walking for a bit because it really hurt like hell. My breathing was ok, that was good, but I just wanted to walk and/or quit.

    Two things kept me going: a) I thought of TJ and all the crap he has to put up with everyday and if he could put up with that then I could put up with 8 or 9 more minutes of this, and 2) DD2 had a swim meet soon and if I was late I would definitely feel her wrath. There is no way I could be late getting home! I pushed on to the finish, slowing to an 8:12 mile, but I finished in 1:40:53.




    Post race: The only thing the race had to offer at the finish was orange wedges and cups of water. I got some, stretched a bit, chatted up some people and saw the results. I was happy to see I got third in my AG. My 3rd place prize was another race medal! Lol...The guy who won my group ran a 1:22 for 5th overall! Smokin’ fast!

    I was very happy with my effort and now I am pretty sore from it. I think if I ran a flat course I would have come pretty close to a PR. We’ll see how the rest of marathon training goes. Thanks for reading.


    My second race medal. One just wasn't enough.


      Jack, sounds like you tapered well for this race. Smile  Congrats on running such a strong race on that monster hill.


        WTG Jack!


        Former Bad Ass

          Nice job, Jack!



            What a monstrous hill! You did great, Jack, congratulations!

            PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                    Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

            18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


              So much for taking it easy!


              Never ending hill hell for sure!  And the last mile, just torture.  Congrats on your AG placement. I take it you didn't care for the extra medal   That is lame!  Hope you get your shirt.


              Glad to hear the ankle held up.  I think about TJ a lot when I start wanting to give up too. Dang, you are fast.





              Super B****

                Yeah, that "I'll just take it easy" thing doesn't usually work out very well for me, either.  But hey, you got an AG award out of it, so it's all good!

                chasing the impossible


                because i never shut up ... i blog

                From the Internet.

                  I'm not sure whether yours or Boon's HM elevation profile looks worse - that is one long hill, and an uphill finish to boot! Nice race, hope the injury is behind you and the rest of marathon training goes well!


                  delicate flower

                    Niiiiiiice.  Screw that hill.    That is a solid pace you had going up it though.


                    Slymoon Runs

                    race obsessed



                      i would have melted on that hill!   Good job


                        That hill looks intense! Great job and congrats on the AG win.  Too bad they didn't spring for a true award, you earned it!

                        Life is good.


                          You ran a fantastic race - especially keeping up the pace on that hill!  Congrats on the extra medal.


                          Penguin Power!

                            Wow!  Excellent job :-)

                            Upcoming Races: Run as One 4M (4/24) * Japan Run 4M (5/8) * Brooklyn Half (5/21) 


                              Thanks for describing the race so well, I now know I will never sign up for it! 


                              Runners run


                                Congrats again.   Considering the course and PTT you should be very happy with that performance.

                                 Youth Has No Age. ~ Picasso / 1st road race: Charleston Distance Run 15 Miler - 1974 / profile

