Beginners and Beyond

2015 Goals - Yep this Early Ya'll! (Read 103 times)


    I only posted to see what avatar I had here.


    Oh, that's right...  Kittie!


    Former Bad Ass

      I only posted to see what avatar I had here.


      Oh, that's right...  Kittie!


      Hey!  Long time no see!



        I only posted to see what avatar I had here.


        Oh, that's right...  Kittie!



           Hey!  Long time no see!


          For a moment there when I saw that you posted I thought you actually posted a goal. 


            It's been a little while.  You guys got the place looking good.

              Corral 1.


              delicate flower

                It's time to face the 2015 music, folks.  I had a great year despite missing 3 out of 4 of these arbitrary goals.



                I guess I can sort of update this just so I can look back on it at the end of the year.


                I have no idea for race times.  I feel like I can improve by a lot, but I also could very well miss any specific goal I set for myself.  So, these are not "goals" per se, but "would be nice to haves":


                • 2500 miles
                • sub 3:15 marathon (planning on running two of them, and if I do nothing else, I'll be happy if I achieve this)
                • knock a few minutes off my HM PR - I feel this is my biggest opportunity for improvement.  I only took 22 seconds off my PR in 2014, despite setting a PR twice (planing on running 5-6 HM's)
                • sub 20 5K would be cool.  I won't specifically train for it though and just hope my natural progression takes me there.


                • I'll come up a little short of 2500 miles
                • No sub-3:15.  Have to settle for 3:16.
                • I knocked about 90 seconds off my HM PR, not the "minutes" that I had hoped.  I ran four of them.
                • This I did.  I ran seven 5K's in 2015 and averaged 19:47.

                It's funny that when I set these goals, doing a triathlon wasn't on my radar.  I ended up doing seven of them.  


                2016 is setting up to be even better, though I don't know how I'm going to fit a marathon into my schedule.  That may have to wait until 2017.



                Super B****

                  IF I can manage to stay uninjured (there's a joke)... I need to rectify this summer's marathon.



                  Fail... but kinda did.

                  chasing the impossible


                  because i never shut up ... i blog


                    First half of the year is going to be dedicated to the 5k, second half to the 50k.


                    So I placed second overall in a 50k early in the year and then PR'd a 5k late in the year, I'll take it! lol


                    My goal 50k is this Saturday, so we'll see how that goes.  Should be in line for a solid PR and hopefully place in Masters.


                    My running blog

                    Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!

                    Slymoon Runs

                    race obsessed

                      Yay I met all my goals! 


                      ah hem...  apparently I had none.


                        I would like to:


                        • Sub-21 5k (20:29)
                        • Race a 10k (Fail)
                        • Half Marathon PR (yes - 1:32:16)
                        • Sub 3:20 marathon (3:16:53)
                        • Run Boston (Done)


                        I don't even remember writing these.  haha


                        I guess I should run a 10k this year.


                        Refurbished Hip

                          I have one goal for 2015: miles.  Injury free miles.  FFS, I deserve that much.




                          Running is dumb.

                          Running is dumb.


                          Are we there, yet?

                            1. Officially run 50M either in a fixed time or 50M race

                            2. Officially run 100K either in a fixed time or 100K race

                            3. Redeem myself at IAT 50K by finishing

                            4. Explore more trail races, preferably ultras

                            5. Have a blast at NC 24


                            #1 done, twice

                            #2 not yet, one more opportunity for this on the 28th

                            #3 done

                            #4 more training on trails, but only one trail race

                            #5 done in a grand fashion

                             2024 Races:

                                  03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                  05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                  06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.







                              1. Run.


                              MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. Wait...


                              1. BQ.


                              The end.


                              WHY COULD I NOT LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE??? 

                              Anyway, major fail, with an injury-induced DNS in the spring and sickness-induced BQ+12 in the fall.

                              But a very good year for me nonetheless. PB miles (2441 through 12/15), PR's in 5k/10k/HM, and ran about as many races as in past years combined.



                              Penguin Power!

                                1.  Fully healed ankle // stay uninjured

                                2. 1000+ miles

                                3. Run lots of races :-) including the NYCM

                                4. Beat the blerch!


                                1. I think I've mostly achieved this one so far.

                                2. Yes, currently at 1340.

                                3. Done.

                                4. Eh, still fat, but not appreciably fatter than last year.

                                Upcoming Races: Run as One 4M (4/24) * Japan Run 4M (5/8) * Brooklyn Half (5/21)