Beginners and Beyond

August goals. (Read 60 times)


    Those kids don't weight 260 lbs and play center on a D1 college basketball team either. I think LTH has been one of the posters who has questioned someone over 200 lbs being able to run a sub-5:00 mile. Why then downplay someone well over that weight running 5:28 WITHOUT training for it just because he's young. He was one of only 3 in the college phys ed class able to run sub-5:30.


    No I would not know anything about that, I was speaking in general terms.


    I do not know what their mile times were (if they even ran it), but I have seen some pretty big boys (muscular) move at a pretty rapid pace during some of my events.


      I would like to

      1) not embarrass myself too badly at my 5k on the 9th

      2) get my mileage up to around 250 for the month

      3) begin doing speed work again (and not feel so out of shape)


        I just want to stay consistent and build back up to where I was last fall. Injuries and personal losses have totally derailed me this year.  I have no races scheduled but hope to get the competitive fire back.


          I would like to

          1) not embarrass myself too badly at my 5k on the 9th

          2) get my mileage up to around 250 252 for the month

          3) begin doing speed work again (and not feel so out of shape)


          FYP. Join the fun.


          No more marathons


            Get rid of this pain in my ass.

            Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

            Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

            He's a leaker!


            Are we there, yet?


              Get rid of this pain in my ass.

              Okay, which of the posters here is giving you a hard time?

               2024 Races:

                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.






                FYP. Join the fun.


                I am already having more fun than I can handle 

                No more marathons

                  Okay, which of the posters here is giving you a hard time?


                  LOL - nope, this one is literal (I can use that word here, right?) - more precisely it has been diagnosed by my PT as possible ITBS -  with resulting pain in the glute and the hamstring area.  Bad timing since I hope to compete in the 1500, 800, and 5000 track events at the senior games the end of September.

                  Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

                  Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

                  He's a leaker!


                    Stay on track with Hanson's Advanced, weeks 10 - 13 .  I know I have to miss at least one run due to travel, will try not to miss any others.


                      Okay, which of the posters here is giving you a hard time?


                      It's LRB's dog spray!


                        I would like to

                        1) not embarrass myself too badly at my 5k on the 9th

                        2) get my mileage up to around 250 for the month

                        3) begin doing speed work again (and not feel so out of shape)


                        Speed and stamina comes back rather quickly (says he who has a little experience coming off the bench ).  The key is running easy a crap ton.


                        Z, if you have only missed one run through 9 weeks, you are winning! 


                           It's LRB's dog spray!


                          Okay I just laughed out loud at that one!  Well played yo! 



                            Speed and stamina comes back rather quickly (says he who has a little experience coming off the bench ).  The key is running easy a crap ton.


                            Z, if you have only missed one run through 9 weeks, you are winning! 


                            I am hoping. I have been doing nothing but running easy.


                              I am hoping. I have been doing nothing but running easy.


                              Well there you go!  I am not telling you nothing you do not know but for those who are wondering just work your way up the pace ladder.


                              Start with a marathon pace mile or two or a few during an easy run (which will either feel really good or like death lol) then some tempo pace stuff during another run.


                              Sprinkle in some light strides here and there and you will be ready for the real shit (VO2 max) where you can expect your **** to fall off.  lol


                              It will feel awesome though!



                                Well there you go!  I am not telling you nothing you do not know but for those who are wondering just work your way up the pace ladder.


                                Start with a marathon pace mile or two or a few during an easy run (which will either feel really good or like death lol) then some tempo pace stuff during another run.


                                Sprinkle in some light strides here and there and you will be ready for the real shit (VO2 max) where you can expect your **** to fall off.  lol


                                It will feel awesome though!


                                Actually, I did do one MP mile a few nights ago because I was running toward the faster end of easy and wanted to see how it felt. Death, for sure.