Beginners and Beyond


The Final SunDAILIES (Read 45 times)


    Congrats to Mr. & Mrs. Docket!



      Congrats, D!

      Good luck, PR!


      I was feeling a whole lot better after taking a few days off for travel, so I ran 10 on the TM last night.  Now I'm sore again. Sad  So naturally, I am thinking of starting a streak.   I've never done one before, but I think it will be a good way to keep some momentum in the "off" season.  Plus shorter, more frequent runs will probably be a good thing.


         Ride it till the wheel falls off.


        It's funny you say that. I had an exercise bike once and did exactly that. No really! The front wheel started smoking one day then a huge chunk of rubber flew off. lol


        Those were the days before running and I certainly got my money's worth out of that thing.


        I've broken a treadmill too!




          I ran the Space Coast Marathon. Would've PRd but for the side stitch since mile 18. Anyway, 4:38 on a hot day (78 when I finished, 70 when I started), 15 minute course PR, 4 minutes from my PR which was in 42F. I am fucking happy with this race. Marathon 31, I think.


          Nice job!  I get weak just thinking about running hard for very long at those temps.

          And wtg Mr Docket!

          Runner with a riding problem.




            It's funny you say that. I had an exercise bike once and did exactly that. No really! The front wheel started smoking one day then a huge chunk of rubber flew off. lol


            Those were the days before running and I certainly got my money's worth out of that thing.


            I've broken a treadmill too!


            You might should consider a helmet when you are ellipticalling. Just sayin.

            Runner with a riding problem.


               When you say you are bringing mashed potatoes, that is not the same as showing up at the time you were told dinner would be with a bucket of raw potatoes


              don't you just love family?  we have some of those too.

              marathon pr - 3:16



                It's funny you say that. I had an exercise bike once and did exactly that. No really! The front wheel started smoking one day then a huge chunk of rubber flew off. lol


                Those were the days before running and I certainly got my money's worth out of that thing.


                I've broken a treadmill too!


                so when are you going to blow up an alter-G to go along with these damages?

                marathon pr - 3:16


                  5 miles this morning...going to a winery/restaurant for my sister's bday...don't know nothing about fine wine but it won't stop me from having some...have a great sunday everyone!


                  congrats D,  great job...and to Mr. D as well!

                  marathon pr - 3:16



                    You might should consider a helmet when you are ellipticalling. Just sayin.


                    I'm old school, where you rubbed that big ass knot on your head till it stopped hurting. Then you got right back at it 'cept you didn't let that shit happen again. lol



                      I ran the Space Coast Marathon. Would've PRd but for the side stitch since mile 18. Anyway, 4:38 on a hot day (78 when I finished, 70 when I started), 15 minute course PR, 4 minutes from my PR which was in 42F. I am fucking happy with this race. Marathon 31, I think.


                      I'm so happy you are happy!  Congratulations!


                      delicate flower

                        'Morning!!  Nice racking, Dockets!!  Bummer about the PR-killing cramp though.


                        I just got back from a cold bike ride.  35 degrees.  I managed to keep warm except for my feet.  I think that may have been my last outside ride until the spring.  Anyway, 26 miles at 18.1 mph at a pretty easy effort.  I am starting to get faster on the bike.



                          I'm so happy you are happy! It pleases me. Congrats!



                            I ran the Space Coast Marathon. Would've PRd but for the side stitch since mile 18. Anyway, 4:38 on a hot day (78 when I finished, 70 when I started), 15 minute course PR, 4 minutes from my PR which was in 42F. I am fucking happy with this race. Marathon 31, I think.



                            Life is good.


                              lGoing for another turkey meal at the in-laws. Should be interesting to see if BIL, SIL & kid can show up on time & communicate what they are bringing. When you say you are bringing mashed potatoes, that is not the same as showing up at the time you were told dinner would be with a bucket of raw potatoes


                              That is the weirdest shit I've ever heard!


                              Former Bad Ass


                                I'm so happy you are happy!  Congratulations!


                                Only thing I am unhappy is at the lack of good weather for all my races this year. I know I am ready for a big PR, just not in 80F.  Doh.

