Beginners and Beyond


Saturday Race day! (Read 40 times)



    Nice. I actually considered oatmeal, but went an open face peanut butter and banana sandwich made on flaxseed bread with honey drizzled on them.


    Similar to mine: whole wheat toast, Justin's Vanilla Almond Butter, sliced bananas.

    Oatmeal is my breakfast every weekday; something similar to the above virtually every weekend day.



    Former Bad Ass

      Phil - congratulations!


      Dave - sorry the back isn't any better.


      OldFart  - hope your 5k went well.


      LRB - Oatmeal and coffee have me at least starting the day warm.


      D - two rest days in a row? Are you okay?


      Bert - I bought some Ghosts yesterday too. They did feel good.


      LOL, OTF is not a rest day (it includes running).  But yeah, it's rare.  I just registered for a HM last minute (yesterday) or we would've organized the week better. Smile



      I lost my rama

        Dave - That sucks on the back.  You've been putting in a ton of miles YOY.  Hope it gets better.


        Ginny - I'm glad I'm not the only one .


        LRB - You're making me hungry.


        Docket - What Half is it?

        3/17 - NYC Half

        4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

        6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

        8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


          Nice job Baboon! Awesome time. Dave I hope your back feels better 


          We got some snow overnight, and the roads were covered when I woke up and I didn’t feel like fighting that and the plows. Plus, my good knee has been crabby lately and I didn’t want to irritate it. Which means 13 miles of fun tonight after work on the treadmill 


          Former Bad Ass

            Dave - That sucks on the back.  You've been putting in a ton of miles YOY.  Hope it gets better.


            Ginny - I'm glad I'm not the only one .


            LRB - You're making me hungry.


            Docket - What Half is it?


            Local one here in Weston.  I was eyeing it on the one in a million chance the weather was nice and voila, the starting windchill is 42F.  Miracles do happen sometimes.


            Half Crazy K 2.0

              Baboon, nice race! Congrats on the PR, you're a machine!


              DavePNW, hope you can get some relief from the back. Do you do any core work? I've had various back tweaks since college and find I can go a lot longer between tweaks with core work. It's usually something stupid, last time I stood up funny drying my hair and ouch.


                Nice job Baboon! Awesome time. Dave I hope your back feels better 


                We got some snow overnight, and the roads were covered when I woke up and I didn’t feel like fighting that and the plows. Plus, my good knee has been crabby lately and I didn’t want to irritate it. Which means 13 miles of fun tonight after work on the treadmill 


                Ditto, and ditto. Just not on the work part of it. Or the knee part of it. Really only the snow and obscene amount of miles on a treadmill (12 for me). 

                OFR, hop back on and tell us how much you kicked ass, like Baboon (nice, nice, nice!)! Dave, Sad Back stuff is awful. I'm also hoping it's a couple day deal for you. Hell, I'm hoping you wake up tomorrow feeling loads better. Let's just keep it to 1.5 days of pain, not more, mmkay? Oh and Bert, I started reading your RR last night! I say "started" because I got home super late from a GNO and fell asleep about a minute after I laid down. Looking forward to finishing it up; I can't believe you did a 50k on a 5k loop!!!  

                I had a gross shake today for breakfast. Gross because I put in Spirulina powder and it a) smells and therefore b) has a bit of a funky after taste. I'm really trying to motivate myself to just get on the damn treadmill and conquer this workout (progression run).


                  WOW.  Some fast running today.  Congrats to everyone racing.


                  Missed a couple days and finally got caught up. You guys don't slow down.  Still need to read race reports.


                  LM:  Yeah, gotta agree with the others.  Don't read too many posts about injuries.  It just freaks us out.  People who are happy with their treatment or had problems that were easily resolved generally don't post much about it so all we see is the frustrated posting.  Of course, this is do as suggested and not as I do.     I'm thinking along the lines of a soft tissue injury, too.  Hope it clears up really soon.  Pool running can be good for maintaining fitness and burning calories if it is pain free -- .  I've done my share of it.  After a lot of reading on it (see comment above about NOT reading up injuries) my advice would be to use a flotation belt or vest.  Trying to dog paddle is harder, but it is also a different motion.


                  Dave:  Back pain is the pits.  Sorry to hear you're dealing with that.  Hope it clears up soon.




                  Got in another 3 miles on the TM yesterday.  Made the observation that picking up the pace gets it over with quicker, but maybe isn't quite so good for rehab.  Might try running outside this weekend but am not so sure about cambered roads.

                     Similar to mine: whole wheat toast, Justin's Vanilla Almond Butter, sliced bananas.

                    Oatmeal is my breakfast every weekday; something similar to the above virtually every weekend day.

                    This is me.  I'm into refrigerator oats these days, although I don't eat it cold.  Weekends are cashew butter, sprinkling of granola, and banana on schmidt's 647 italian bread.  I'd probably have this during the week sometimes as well, but I don't have access to a toaster, and I like it on toast.  Sorry about your back; that really sucks.  I hope it doesn't linger.


                      Nice job Baboon! Awesome time. Dave I hope your back feels better 


                      We got some snow overnight, and the roads were covered when I woke up and I didn’t feel like fighting that and the plows. Plus, my good knee has been crabby lately and I didn’t want to irritate it. Which means 13 miles of fun tonight after work on the treadmill 


                      You made the right choice. I on the other hand, trudged through 10 miles of that freshly fallen crap and they were awful. 👎


                      delicate flower




                        DNS and URD for me.


                        My running injury is now the least of my problems. After tweaking my back yesterday morning, it was pretty much crippling all day long. Excruciating just to stand up & walk around. I'm sure many of you have been there. Never improved throughout the day. Slept like a baby last night, maybe due to the usual accumulated sleep deficit from all my insomnia during the week, or maybe due to taking 2 Percocets at bedtime. Anyway, woke up & afraid to get up because I didn't know how my back would feel. It's the same. Goddammit. Putting on pants is a whole production. Socks are out of the question.


                        This used to happen to me with some regularity, but has actually become pretty rare in the last 5-10 years. It was actually the reason I never got into running - I started running a little in my 20s, but was told that would be very bad for my degenerative discs.  I attributed the improvement to yoga, which I was doing a lot of, starting ~10 yrs ago. But ultimately when the yoga wound down (haven't done any in >3 yrs) and the running ramped up, back stayed healthy. At least when it has flared up, rather than lingering for weeks, it would only stick around for a few days. So I just hope to god it's the latter.


                        This all displeases me.  I've had my back go out on me a couple of times but I was fine a couple of days later each time.  Hopefully this is just some minor tweakage.



                          FTR, breaking a 52-day run streak.



                            Annoying day Went out to run but started to notice there was ice everywhere. By the time I started to get up the first hill I was nervous for my safety and bailed .5 miles in. I then stopped in at work (walking up the 10 flights) to do a work errand and went to the gym. Did 45 minutes on the elliptical cross country setting for 4.43 miles, but the back of my leg started to hurt. Plan was to finish off the day with a 10 minute bike trip but "my" bike was in use. By then though it had warmed up so I did a 1.15 mile run at 8:46 or so. I then alternated walking and running another mile and called it good. It wasn't my weekly long run but it was something at least.


                              16 miles today. Some light snow coming down. Quite pleasant.


                              My back muscles sometimes get sore when I run. If I lift the day before a long run, I try to take it easy on rows or deadlifts. My back muscles have been real sore the past week, but it may be because of a flu that ran through the family, everyone else had a sore back too. Because of coughing?


                              Anyway, it hurt today but didn't get to the point of stopping me.


                                Congrats on the PR Baboon!


                                Dave, hope it's very temporary.


                                Ran 11 this morning, after garage for the car. There was a nail in a tire. I resumed speed work last week, and the discomfort in my leg is coming back. I'm not 100% yet.


                                I got a MacMillan Facebook quote yesterday (or the day before) saying:

                                Remember, no runner gets injured from an extra day or two of recovery between hard workouts but many do from pushing too hard, too soon.


                                I got an early birthday gift from the woman today: an expresso machine. I've had way too many coffees today Smile
