Beginners and Beyond

Do I have to do everything around here? SunDAILIES (Read 51 times)


    These are amazing looking.

    More oreos are setting up. The cherry cream and mint cream little bunnies are done. The homemade York peppermint patties (larger squares) are done.

    Life is good.

    From the Internet.

      Dave - sorry to hear about the knee, that's super disappointing.


      OOTB - that sounds awful Sad Hope you can get it sorted out soon and get back to feeling good again. Might be worth stepping back and taking a look the rest of the puzzle pieces too, not just the running - stress level, sleep, diet? Common deficiencies like iron?


        Marjorie, there's a lot of work in there. I like to cook (did so most of the afternoon) , but I'm more of a meat, potatoes and vegies kinda cook. Not into desserts. Too much work.


        But I can see you do put in the work, and I'm sure your loved ones will greatly appreciate it (while my kids will probably complain about what I cooked).



          I haven't had a chance to read the thread yet but i had my race today and got a 6 minute hm pr. And I got to meet and run with Kim. i didn't know that i should have banged the gong. I wish i had banged the gong.


          *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

           **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



            I guess the finish was changed from the track to the MS because of the weather.  Maybe that's why it measured a little short.  Though my watch had all of their mile markers a little short too.  That probably had nothing to do with the finish line.


            I first noticed it at mile 5 and it got progressively worse. By mile 10 I was well past the marker when my watch beeped.


              I haven't had a chance to read the thread yet but i had my race today and got a 6 minute hm pr. And I got to meet and run with Kim. i didn't know that i should have banged the gong. I wish i had banged the gong.


              6 minute PR, wow! Congratulations on that! You've put in all the hard work lately, today was pay day.


              Former Bad Ass

                Congrats, Lori! Is this the course you didn't expect a PR?  Even better!




                  Yes. It was windier than i like. Ugh. The cold was OK but miles 5-10 were rough With all the wind.  I lost ground in the last 3 miles Despite it being at my back again.  I wanted 2:14 but will gladly take 2:17:50. And even though it was a smidge short is still a big fat pr. I ran 16 Miles today. Smile


                  *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                   **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



                    Per my coach :  training through non goal races is part of the process.

                    you learn a lot about yourself.


                    good job!


                    Mentally it was a chore from about the halfway point of mile 1, but I knew that going in and just hung as best I could.


                    Physically I hurt like I ran a PR which is odd because it was not even close.


                    No rest for the weary though as peak week is dead ahead!


                    I am happy though to be beyond this point though if that makes sense?


                      I haven't had a chance to read the thread yet but i had my race today and got a 6 minute hm pr. And I got to meet and run with Kim. i didn't know that i should have banged the gong. I wish i had banged the gong.


                      That is awesome being so deep in marathon training!


                      What gong?

                      Little Blue

                        Bertha and LRB:  nice racing, and against ghastly conditions, to boot!  Wind and cold make me stay in bed.


                        OOTB:  Sorry you had a disappointing race.  It sounds like you know what to do, and have lots of expert advice here!


                        Marjorie:  those are terrific!  I want to work with your DH.


                        Everyone who ran:  good running!


                        Everyone who didn't run:  good rest day!



                        I managed 2 around the lake.  50-ish degrees and Carolina blue sky.  I think the new massage therapist has my back about 95% fixed up.  I had lots of other things complaining (as in "what the HELL are we doing???").  I felt like I've never run more than a mile before, but as long as the back doesn't hurt, the rest will come back with time.

                        Hip Redux

                          Run/walked 5 miles - first 2.5 were warm and sunny and YAY for running and then I turned around and headed back and the last 2.5 were into the wind and I froze and my hip hurt and everything sucked.   But it's done.


                          Dave - moving sucks.  Are you going to the west coast?  Or am I making that up?


                          BerthaSlayer - sweet on the PR!   I don't know what a gong has to do with anything but you totally should have rung it.


                          Marj - ok, those chocolates look awesome!


                          OOTB - overtraining, or just training more than your body can handle, can also result in an imbalance in hormones, particularly for women, and it can really take a toll.   A rest can't hurt, if you think that's what you need!



                            I haven't had a chance to read the thread yet but i had my race today and got a 6 minute hm pr. And I got to meet and run with Kim. i didn't know that i should have banged the gong. I wish i had banged the gong.



                            Life is good.


                               OOTB - overtraining, or just training more than your body can handle, can also result in an imbalance in hormones, particularly for women, and it can really take a toll.   A rest can't hurt, if you think that's what you need!


                              I never thought of that.  I suppose it doesn't help that I'm going thru what people used to refer to as "the change" right now.

                              Life is good.

                              Hip Redux


                                I never thought of that.  I suppose it doesn't help that I'm going thru what people used to refer to as "the change" right now.


                                I only know this because I've been struggling with a thyroid that hates me, and I know that if I have a really stressful/tiring period, I am shot for the next 7-10 days with a fatigue that is pretty awful.    From what I've read, it can screw up your cortisol and adrenals and a whole cascade of hormones that affect performance and energy.   There have been studies done on how to predict when someone is overtraining via their blood hormone levels but it doesn't appear that there's a consensus on what is normal vs. overtrained across people.