Beginners and Beyond

Who is missing here that would really make the forums complete? (Read 927 times)


    Moth has been pretty vocal on FB about not approving of the migration.


    As nice as moth has been, if this is really the way it is going... he "disapproves of the migration"... well, that's way over-the-top.  I guess he's getting enough interaction via fb (cool) and the few of us who occasionally post there (cool).  But the approach is basically "I disapprove of where others post and I'm not poking my head into something that is really simple" then that's a personal choice, but it is also a diss on folks.


    The drama created by all of this is just dumb as shit.


    I get missing people.  When you move away, that happens.  Pretty normal.  Then again, on the internet it takes about 2 seconds to visit.  There or here. Or facebook, which is apparently the go-between.  Like the gas station in the middle where the divorced couple or the grandparents/parents pass off kiddos after visits.



      I'm just glad I'm friends with him on FB. He's a great person and partly the reason why this place feels like it's missing something.


      It is missing something because he is making a stubborn statement.  About what, I don't know, and I won't try to guess.


      Personal choice and all that. 


      The lack of traffic over there is a bad thing and a good thing.  One can only assume that for him and Roy White  the good (less drama, easier to see running-specific questions from newbies) outweighs the bad (that he misses people, which he probably doesn't since he sees the ones he cares about in facebook).



        Moth has been pretty vocal on FB about not approving of the migration.


        Yes, but why?


          (dramatic response brought to you by ex-lax)


          I miss my old house in my old town.  I was somebody there.  And I was comfortable.


          Yeah, but they used to randomly kick people out of town and lock the gates.


          Maybe but that didn't affect me directly.


          What about that one time the mayor kicked you out?


          Yeah, but that was my fault.  I probably deserved it.  Besides, I got back in with a fake id.


          Even when he slapped your face in public?


          I deserved it perhaps.


          Yeah, but the mayor used to pick on people and the governor once dropped a nuclear bomb on the next city because the people annoyed him.


          Maybe but that didn't affect me directly. And that city sucked.  Besides, they'd never do that to my city.  Our city is too big.


          Yeah, but they promised a bunch of infrastructure improvements and really just turned off the traffic lights and broke the roads.  Which they did four years ago too.


          I know.  But I lived through it.  They meant well.  It is getting better.  The roads are running more smoothly and some of the traffic lights work again.  Of course, there's no traffic on the roads.  That city is pretty awesome.  The signs are a little confusing and the newspaper is hard to read and the billboards jump out and cause me stress.  But it is a nice place.


          Ok.  But they seem to have a problem with litter.  It piles up on the streets for days... especially weekends and holidays.  It doesn't just look bad, but it stops traffic. And there are rats and disease in the litter. 


          I know.  And I tried diligently to push their litter over to the side so I could get my car out.  I worked hard. Really hard. I know it didn't do much good.  But I did my part and I'd be willing to do it again.


          Yeah,but they have never listened to anyone's ideas.  And when you've offered your help, they have either ignored you or told you that they don't need your help.


          I know.  They have their bad days.  It'll get better.  I will help them get better.  I know it will get better.


          I miss my old home.



          (it's that last one that always gets me.  This sounds weirdly like trying to "fix a spouse" who has some deep issues.)


          The reality is that it is just a message board.  Theoretically about running.  An electronic home =/= actual home, and your relationship with the powers that be =/= real life marriage.  Loyalty is good, but you can be in two places at once.  And you can say 'enough'.



            1) LOL

            2) Home is where family and friends are.


              I really do not know... I have a feeling that LRB knows a little more. LRB?

              I don't know any more than you do.  Just from observation though, it's pretty easy to see that he's not.


              I have zero issues with him or anyone else staying, leaving, posting in both places, or missing other members.  To each his/her own.


              He has his own opinions about things which is fine, whenever we were hit with spam he put the quote, "There two responses, complain or act" in his siggy including last week.


              I guess saying that instead of complaining, we should act and bump the spam, which many of us did, including me.  Others reported spam ad nauseam, while voicing their disdain (complaining) for having to deal with it.


              What got lost in this last round of spam is we performed one final act.  We got up and left.


                It's much nicer here. And I many locals seem fun and welcoming.

                Samurai in Training

                   This makes me a little sad.  However... I'm not above asking user over and over and over again.  I find her to truly be one of the sweetest and inspirational folks ever.  


                  I think we will have a Proofreader sighting soon.  

                    "But the approach is basically "I disapprove of where others post and I'm not poking my head into something that is really simple" then that's a personal choice, but it is also a diss on folks."


                    I must've missed where Moth "disapproved" of the migration on FB. I remember him saying he was disappointed but he would not elaborate on exactly what that meant. I can understand why he may not want to belong to yet another message board. I don't take that as him dissing anybody. Let's not make Moth a bad guy here, because we all know that's not true.

                      I think we will have a Proofreader sighting soon.  


                      Great news!


                        "But the approach is basically "I disapprove of where others post and I'm not poking my head into something that is really simple" then that's a personal choice, but it is also a diss on folks."


                        I must've missed where Moth "disapproved" of the migration on FB. I remember him saying he was disappointed but he would not elaborate on exactly what that meant. I can understand why he may not want to belong to yet another message board. I don't take that as him dissing anybody. Let's not make Moth a bad guy here, because we all know that's not true.


                        Well, that chunk is being taken out of context.  I am not saying he is.  That post started with a big giant "IF".  As I don't use facebook anymore, I dunno what got said.


                        >> As nice as moth has been, if this is really the way it is going.


                          It is a big "if", and I might've missed his FB posting. I know he said he understood why people are leaving. It's still his choice to stay, just like it's ours to leave.

                            Well, Adam is proof that we still need to go over to RW to try to find the lost souls who are still unaware that most of us have moved. I'm glad to see you, Adam! Still in Europe, are you? Are you coming back to Ontario for Christmas?


                            As for Moth, I'm not on Facebook and I didn't know that he was so opposed to the migration. I respect his choice, and I can even understand it, but it really would not be treason if he at least opened an account here just so he can post his great RRs for us to read. I think he's on other boards as well, so I don't see what difference one more would do? It's just a copy and paste action for him... Anyway, it's no big deal, I'll read his RRs over there. Just isn't the same without him here, though. You hear me, Mike? I bet you do...


                            If Joanne starts posting here, that would be awesome, just like old days. She'd be the voice of kindness and reason around here.


                            What about Dalhia? Has she signed on here? I haven't seen her after the cancellation of NYCM... She's such a sweet girl. And same for newrunner_nyc. And I miss 'Poet as well. She can be blunt, but she has a good side as well. We have all made mistakes in the past (well, not true, not all. But a lot of us have said things we regretted later). I wish 'Poet made an appearance here. There are not enough female Master runners around here. Too many youngins', grrrr...


                            BTW, is there a spell checker here? I need one to hide my ignorance (not that it would do any real good, sadly...)

                            PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                    Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                            18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                            Are we there, yet?


                              BTW, is there a spell checker here? I need one to hide my ignorance (not that it would do any real good, sadly...)


                              I wouldn't be concerned with the lack of a spellchecker. I'm sure we have posters here who would be happy to make any necessary corrections.

                               2024 Races:

                                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                                The site does not have a spellchecker because many (most?) browsers have spellcheck built-in.  Firefox does, for example.


                                (side note: two things firefox thinks are misspellings: "firefox" and "spellcheck").


                                Internet explorer does not, but you can find a couple add-ons for it.