Beginners and Beyond

Who is missing here that would really make the forums complete? (Read 927 times)


    Glad to see that someone's thinking of me. Shy Although I don't post as often as I used to after the whole SPAM fiasco and I'm trying to ramp up the mileage for LBL in March.


    I wanted you over too, for the record!  I posted in the dailies a couple of times, lamenting the fact that you were MIA.  The dailies weren't the same w/o you!


      I think he believes we are not loyal.


      It's just the internet, it's not real.


      Some people are taking this social network thing way too seriously.  I like the digital discourse with people I would have otherwise not have had the opportunity, but it's no replacement for real life.  If the internet has become your real life or affects your real life, you got a problem. 


      Former Bad Ass

        Moth also said to go where I felt comfortable. It didn't seem that disapproving to me.


        He mellowed down after a few days but the first time he commented, people started explaining why they left because he was very vocal. I think he was trying to prevent the massive exodus. I wouldn't be surprised if he will come here a bit after a few weeks especially with it being so dead over there.


          Hi Denny!  Smile


          Wind is not my friend.

            I know I'm not one of the vocal regulars from the BF but I've lurked mainly and hope everyone eventually makes their way over here.  It's a lot nicer, loads faster, works better on my iPad, and isn't blocked at work.  Gives me a couple minutes of downtime between things that I'm doing.

            "Current" PRs

            5K - 18:00 (4/19)   |   HM - 1:19:28 (4/22)

            Next Race: A 5K of some sort (Goal: Sub 17:30)


            Former Bad Ass

              bbqden has found his way here.  I had not been on the other site much at all the last 6 months battling injury and I got tired of the spam.  I jumped on the other day and found most had made their way over here.  Now I may be a much more frequent poster again.


              About time!


              Hip Redux

                It's just the internet, it's not real.







                  Hi Jenny and Damaris,  I've been missing everyone!


                    Denny and David! Woohoo!

                    PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                            Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                    18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010



                      Has TO made an appearance? We really need more Canadians here.


                      *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                       **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



                      Former Bad Ass



                        Yes, how dare he?????????


                        Just B.S.

                          Why would you be loyal to something that treats you like a piece of shit?



                           Personally I don't understand the whole loyaltly to a message board thing. A message board is a tool to

                          be used for interaction with people of like interests. When the board itself is impeding that interaction and

                          no longer serving it's purpose then why stick with something that's not working ? And we all know it's not

                          like we didn't give it a good shot at redemption. When everyone else migrated  then I came to where

                          the action was.


                          A few friends still post on one particular thread at RW and I will stay active on that thread until they are no

                          longer there. But I have given up on the rest of the boards.


                          I might be one of the few RW posters who has actually been a subscriber for at least 10 years. I still enjoy

                          the magazine, if I didn't I would no longer subscribe. I would find something that suited me better. Same thing

                          with the forums.



                            I might be one of the few RW posters who has actually been a subscriber for at least 10 years.


                            I'm one as well.  Ironically, the recent changes at RWOL that chased everyone off at least corrected the join dates.  Mine changed from 2004 to the more correct 2002.   I was actually there earlier, but had to reregister because of another shake up over a decade ago.

                            Just B.S.

                              I'm one as well.  Ironically, the recent changes at RWOL that chased everyone off at least corrected the join dates.  Mine changed from 2004 to the more correct 2002.   I was actually there earlier, but had to reregister because of another shake up over a decade ago.

                               Sorry Blue, I was unclear. I meant the magazine. I have been paying for a subscription for

                              10 years and if I felt the mag was as bad as the free forums I would have stopped long ago.


                              Beer-and-waffle Powered

                                Well, Adam is proof that we still need to go over to RW to try to find the lost souls who are still unaware that most of us have moved. I'm glad to see you, Adam! Still in Europe, are you? Are you coming back to Ontario for Christmas?


                                BTW, is there a spell checker here? I need one to hide my ignorance (not that it would do any real good, sadly...)

                                 Yes, it was nice to see a link to the new place, I didn't run at all in October so I spent more time on a different BF Shocked (bike forum). Yup, still in Europe... just got my Paris Marathon/Half-Marathon corral requests approved Big grin. I'm coming back with a suitcase full of Belgian beer, Peket (like gin) and chocolate in about two weeks. The plan is to immediately hit the Christmas baking and then go get some poutine with my friends!

                                What browser are you using? Most seem to have spell checking add-ins. Unfortunately mine doesn't auto-detect the language so I keep having to switch it back and fourth. BTW - do you post on any French language running forums? I think that might be good practice for me.

                                In the words of my late-coach : Just hang in there, relax... and at the end of a race anyone you see.....just pass them