Beginners and Beyond


Too Many Cookies TuesDAILIES (Read 45 times)


Skirt Runner

    We have up to a foot of snow coming. I may get out of my fulltime job early and will likely be cancelling my evening Homecare clients. Was supposed to go swimming at 9:00pm after Homecare but it will likely be too bad out there so I will probably not get to swim. Will do some upper body at home if that is the case.

    PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


    I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to

    John Rustle

    ^^^fussy biatch

      Morning all!


      Completed week 2 day 1 (finally) this morning.  Back on track, will progress on Friday.


      Will get a run in tonight.  Mileage uncertain.  Probably around 3-4.



      Will run for scenery.

        Wowzers with the cold!  Bundle up you Noreasterners!


        I'm heading for the gym after work for my usual bike/elliptical/run. May go for 1.5 miles.


        Now I'm off to get a muffin and something hot to wash it down with.

        Stupid feet!

        Stupid elbow!


          Hey, hey!


          7.5 easy miles done, a run that wonderfully reinforced that "easy" is running by effort, not pace.  The wind!  Oh, the wind!  There were many times I was actually not even moving forward while "running," and a couple of times it gusted so suddenly and forcefully that I almost went whooshing into the street from the sidewalk.  

            Shari, thank you for starting today’s thread. Enjoy your run, strength training, and lunch.


            FreeSoul87, have fun doing push-ups and upper-body work. Have a cup for me.


            Lily, have a great ten-miler.


            Phil, awesome run this morning.


            Damaris, feel well soon.


            Rick, sweet seven.


            DaveP MI, excellent eight.


            redrum, lousy weather you have there.


            Andrew, nice nine.


            kristin10185, enjoy doing whatever you do.


            John Rustle, have a great run tonight.


            jjs22, have a pleasant time at the gym.


            I’m coming down with another cold. Ick. I slept in this morning. Ater work, I’ll head back to the gym for an hour on the TM. The plan is to warm up at a super-slow (5.4mph/11:07 pace) for ten minutes, alternate running fast (7.5mph/8:00 pace) for one minute with slower running (again 5.4mph/11:07 pace) for forty minutes, then cool down with the super-slow pace. Weights, push-ups, and ab work, , too.


            Let’s hope that I don’t have to bust out the Albuterol again. This has been a rough day for my breathing.


            I'm having another coffee before I return to my kids. Later.


            Barking Mad To Run

              Rest day for me today, as I ran 3 days in a row over the holiday weekend.   A 5K on Saturday (report is around the front page somewhere), an easy 3.2 miles or so on Sunday, and then on Monday I got a bit nutso cuz the day was so nice -  63 degrees, sunny, and low humidity when I ran at 10 a.m.  - and because Gail kicked me out of the house, lol, and told me not to come home for a while to give her time to clean house uninterrupted.  So I went to Lackland Air Force Base and did  4.5 miles and ran 4 of the 5 pedestrian overpass ramps; and then I did a full-body weight training circuit after I got back to the gym. My legs and upper body are telling me about it today!  So rest day today and then back at it tomorrow.  Nice easy runs this week as I have TWO 5Ks this weekend, one in the a.m. on Saturday, and one in the P.M. on Saturday.


              Cookies are like running gear, Step, you can never have too much!


              Oh, thanks for reminding me, FreeSoul, I am supposed to start that pushup program today when I get home from work.  I told Gail about it and she said "This should be fun to watch, you trying to do a pushup."  Sheesh. 


              Good luck with the 10 and tempo stuff, Lily!


              Hope your long workday is going well, Baboon!


              Sorry you are feeling sick, Damaris, hope you feel better in no time!


              Good luck with your half plan, LRB!  Hope all your training goes well!


              Congrats on your pushup progress, John!


              Hope your gym workout went well, jj.  Mmmm...muffin!


              Good on ya, DaveP, for getting the workout in, especially while dealing with all that!  Sorry about your cold weather.  We are supposed to be cold the end of this week too.  OMG, it will only be a HIGH of 29 on Thursday afternoon, saints preserve us!    I know it's nowhere close to the temps you real-winter folks are dealing with, but considering we made it to 81 degrees yesterday...that 29 degrees is QUITE a drop in temp for we South Texans.


              Yeah, redrum, if I ever FE with anyone in winter months, it's gonna be with you or Jack or Damaris or the other folks who have the nice warm temps during those months!  I much prefer running in warm to running in cold.   Sorry about the rain, I know how that goes, we here in Texas are experiencing the same thing, our aquifer water source level keeps dropping dropping dropping.  Hope we both get some rain soon!  Not that freezing stuff either, just a nice good, soaking into the ground type of rain.


              Take care of your ladies, Andrew.  If they are not happy you are definitely not going to be happy!  Hope y'all can stay healthy!


              Dang, a foot of snow!  Don't go out in that!  A foot of snow would just about cover you up, wouldn't it?    Stay warm and dry, Kristin!


              Man, not even moving forward, that sounds like a tough wind, Yugo!  Reminds me of some of those old-time silent movies when you see the guy being blown straight out by the wind.  Hang in there!



               photo againstthewind_zps89b79c3a.jpg



              Sorry about the rough breathing day, Basya!  Hope you are 100% again in no time!

              "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                Staying up four hours past my bedtime last night has apparently caught up with me.  I am cancelling everything I had planned after work and going straight home!


                Former Bad Ass

                  It is raining right now.  If it's still raining when I get home I'm not going to run.  I wouldn't mind otherwise except my chest is congested and I have severe asthma, so getting wet on top of that might not be good, right?



                    so getting wet on top of that might not be good, right?


                    Depends on the temps.  Sometimes rain can do the body good....of course where you run, they are more like torrential downpours so you may end up washed out to sea.  lol


                      Ended up with 5 on the TM that felt much better than Sunday. Smile Strength class was tough, but fun. I'll be skipping it Thursday in favor of my taper.

                      20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                      Skirt Runner

                        The great city of New York has done a bang up job salting and plowing the roads. NOT. Lucky I made it home alive. Not leaving my apartment the rest of the day. So bad out!

                        PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                        I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


                        Former Bad Ass


                          Depends on the temps.  Sometimes rain can do the body good....of course where you run, they are more like torrential downpours so you may end up washed out to sea.  lol


                          Exactly.  Plus it's cold!  I mean 60F!! 


                          I would love it though, but with a marathon next week I don't want to stay sick.



                          Go figure

                            Woke up with a cold, grrr. No run today. I really don't want to follow a good week with a bad, but I don't have it in me today.

                            Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn



                              Hi everyone, 4.6 on the TM.


                              SIAR, Basya, and Docket - feel better soon!


                                I officially have a cold also. grrr... It's my first in the last two months, so I won't complain.


                                10 miles, incl. some at HMP. Total: 1:14:33, 7:28 pace overall. I ate a lot just before my run because I have this fear of feeling hunger and always stuff myself when I know the effort will be greater. Fortunately, I also have a stomach (and bowels) of steel and I rarely have to stop. Tonight was no exception. But now I feel nauseous... And I have to handle raw meat to cook supper for DS. Urgh...

                                PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                        Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                                18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010
