Beginners and Beyond


Getting the Thursdailies Started (Read 35 times)


Former Bad Ass

    Enjoy your vacations!


    Good morning and I am on vacation!  I've got the next 8 days off, and 10 of the next 12.  Ahhhhhhh.  So I'm sitting here sipping coffee, eagerly awaiting my 8:00 oil change appointment.  I've got big plans today:


    -Oil change

    -Grocery store

    -Gym (PT plus TM)

    -Clean the house

    -Pack for our weekend trip to Martha's Vineyard


    Tomorrow the MBC and I are hitting the outlets en route to the Vineyard.  What's important to note is that there are Asics, Saucony, New Balance, Under Armour, and Nike outlets there.


    5K Saturday.


    BTW, 8.3 miles on a hilly route yesterday at 8:23 pace, absolutely obliterating my previous best on that route, which was 9:44 pace.  I can't figure out how or why I am running so damn well but I am soaking it in.



    Barking Mad To Run

      Thanks for starting us off, 2.51!  Joking   You are the early bird today!


      Drink enough coffee, LRB, you could just run to work!


      Basya slept in!  Is the world ending?


      Happy vacation, Phil!  Some nice running for you, you have come back from that knee surgery with a sonic BOOM!


      Nice on your miles, DaveP.  Umm, best to try and keep the original model.  My left knee has been screwed since surgery.  Literally!  It has a big screw all the way through it.  No big deal most of the time, but some days it acts up.


      Aww, poor doggie, Zelanie.  Hope the vet can figure it out, and it is nothing serious.


      Sorry about 'no worse than usual' think, Oski.  I think that becomes the prognosis for quite a few of us as we get older, lol.  My doc tells me I am a walking-talking, living, breathing medical case history book for her medical students, lol.  Here's hoping you go from 'no worse than usual' to 'feeling really good".  Hope the PT helps.


      Ugg, Andrew, your work day today sounds so lovely...Roll eyes   Good luck!


      Way to get your miles in already, Damaris!  Good luck with the working at home today.

      "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


        Hard to know how quickly/slowly to build back up, to make continued progress without re-aggravating it.


        Mine was a different injury (hip & achilles) but what I did was a bunch of short runs last summer/fall heading into Detroit.


        So instead of running 7 miles a day, a midweek long run, and a Sunday long run, I ran 5 to 6 miles every other day and limited my Sunday run to 8 to 10 miles until October when I ran 14, 15, and finally 16 miles the Sunday before the event.


        Having successfully trained for a marathon this year will help you get away with that.  No, you will not hit your pre-injury time goal, but at this point, the only place you really want to be is in that starting corral race day morning, with more than a punchers chance to run a decent marathon.


        Burrrn, my favorite flavor is lemon.


        Scotty, I actually plan on running to work this marathon training cycle.  It is 10 miles, perfect for a midweek long run.  Just gotta figure out how to get home!


          GOOD morning, all!

          I set out for 10 miles, temps in the low 60s, sun shining, on a rail-trail through wetlands and woods ... and came back 12 miles later.

          9:44 overall pace. I intended to keep it slow, but kept creeping up a bit: 10:16, 10:04, 9:56, 9:35, 9:41, 9:30, 9:44, 9:50, 9:44, 9:26, 9:30, 9:28. Maybe, just maybe, I'm getting a small bit of my mojo back.

          20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.















            Maybe, just maybe, I'm getting a small bit of my mojo back.


            Maybe?  lol!


            That there sista girl is one impressive run!



              Mine was a different injury (hip & achilles) but what I did was a bunch of short runs last summer/fall heading into Detroit.


              So instead of running 7 miles a day, a midweek long run, and a Sunday long run, I ran 5 to 6 miles every other day and limited my Sunday run to 8 to 10 miles until October when I ran 14, 15, and finally 16 miles the Sunday before the event.


              Having successfully trained for a marathon this year will help you get away with that.  No, you will not hit your pre-injury time goal, but at this point, the only place you really want to be is in that starting corral race day morning, with more than a punchers chance to run a decent marathon.



              Ha! I am about 90% thinking DNS right now, and seems most other forumite comments on the subject support that position. But you make a strong case for the other 10% that is making me reconsider. I have about 18 days till the transfer deadline to decide....



              delicate flower

                7.3 easy but hilly miles done at 8:44 pace.  Thanks to the humidity, I was soaked at the end of the run.


                YAYpril - B-Plus

                  4 miles done at runch. Went back into the gym to shower and get dressed, came outside and it was pouring. Good timing.


                  Maybe more after work if the weather cooperates.


                  Former Bad Ass

                    Hi, guys.  Work has been boring today but I had a training session at lunchtime.  Who the fuck plans for training sessions at lunch time?  Oh, us!



                      Mia is back from the vet. I am relieved that they didn't have to keep her.  We are trying fluids and anitbiotics until tomorrow and see what happens.  I'm also trying to get in touch with my FIL who had her while we were away, because there's a chance it could be salmon poisoning.


                      We had been planning on going camping this weekend.  DH would stay home with Mia, but at what point do you just say trying to go is more trouble than just skipping it?  And of course, if we don't go, there's a 5K I could run on Saturday. Wink  On the other hand, how many chances will I have to camp with DD (she's 15)  before she isn't interested anymore?


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Sending healing vibes to Mia.



                          Thanks, D!  I snuck my 6-mile run in while Mia was napping in her crate.  She seems a lot more comfortable already.  Anti-nausea meds, fluids, plus nothing in her system to irritate her must be working its magic.  And FIL says she didn't have any fish, so that's also a relief.


                          Former Bad Ass

                            Awwww.  Poor girl!  What did she have?  Trixie was throwing up for no reason and was ended up being diagnosed for dehydration and that was it). Hoping yours bounce back as good as Trixie did.


                            I just bought a bunch of 7th Generation cleaners.  Every time the cleaning ladies clean, the cats get sick.  Lily died right after a cleaning and we have always suspected accidental poisoning.  So, the cleaning ladies now will have to clean with this non-toxic cleaners or not clean here.


                            We are still thinking of how to transport these babies (if we ever move Wink).  I called this company that looks really good for door to door transport (although super pricey), but I cannot feel comfortable leaving my babies under someone else's care.  I prefer to drive them to, let's say, Washington State) by myself.


                            Just wondering....



                              They couldn't diagnose for sure because she didn't have any poo left in her for a sample.  Only blood.  But apparently as long as she responds to treatment it doesn't matter.  If not, we do more testing tomorrow.


                              I worked with a teacher who drove from Colorado to Oregon with her husband and 7 cats.  She said it wasn't fun, but they all made it in one piece.


                              Run to live; live to run

                                Scotty I'm Eastern time zone so it was 351 my time when I started the thread.


                                Damaris most training calls I host are at lunch. The clinics generally have to have it that way so they don't block patient care.

