Beginners and Beyond

Pump the brakes WednesDAILIES (Read 41 times)


    October 1 is next Thursday FFS.




      I broke out the light spurs for my run yesterday for the first time this year, and suspect I will be wearing them during the week until March or April. I also bought some LED arm bands that I will try as it gets darker, longer. Whether they are a hit or miss remains to be seen.


      I run under the street lights of the city, so neither are them are used to necessarily see, they are for you to be seen in the few dark stretches that one encounters.


      Anyway, I'm heading out. What's up?


        My friend bought one of those led arm bands at the expo. They seem to work pretty good.


        SRD #3.


        Back to work this morning. I am really happy with my decision to take two days off from work after my marathon.


          3.3 this morning nice and easy. Next run will be the start of 24 hours of forward movement (I hope).

          20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


          Former Bad Ass

            Morning. Full speed ahead. I cannot deal with this heat any longer!


            10 with 5 X 1 mile at 10K pace tonight. And with that, it's official. My coach wants to kill me.



            delicate flower

              'Morning!  Speaking of lights, I broke out the knuckle lights for this morning's run for the first time in a while.  A crisp 48 degrees before sunrise this morning, which required a long sleeve shirt (singlet if it were a race).  A few degrees colder and the light gloves will have to come out.  Anyway, 60 minutes easy, 7.5 miles, 8:03 avg pace.


              After yesterday afternoon's run (14 @ 7:26 ICYMI), I had a hard time falling asleep last night.  My legs were achy and fidgety.  I figured this morning's run was going to be slow and lethargic, but I did just fine.


              I'm not looking forward to the sleepiness that is going to set in later today.  I am looking forward to not having to run for the next 48 hours.



                I forgot to put on deodorant before I left. 


                Stay calm. Stay calm! STAY CALM!!




                Barking Mad To Run

                  Lovely run yesterday after work in sweeet weather....92 degrees, sunshine-and-shade, 'feels like' 94, but dew point in the low 60s and humidity about 34%.  As I ran through one of my favorite, and very tree-shaded, local neighborhoods, I heard this 'yapping' behind me;  when I turned to look I saw a little dog trying to chase me, pulling on the leash its owner was holding.  It turned out it was doggie I met at my Saturday race, this doggie, that I had given treats to before the start:


                   photo 089_zps5synfooa.jpg


                  The lil doggie remembered me, lol, and when I stopped to pet her, she went right for my pocket with the treats in it, lol.


                  Ended up with 3.4 miles and a very pleasant run/walk  on a circuit that took me through nice neighborhoods and shaded trails in a nearby park.   Today, either a run/walk at lunchtime around the campus or one after work at Fort Sam Houston.

                  "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                  delicate flower

                    So I was looking at my data.  My RACE pace from my HM two weeks ago was 7:20 (13.2 miles).  My pace yesterday was 7:26 for 14 miles, keeping in mind that came two days after a hard 22.5 miler.  Basically yesterday I came within 90 seconds of my recent race time through 13.2 miles and on tired legs.  Seems to me that one shouldn't be able to come that close to a HM race time on a training run, or at the very least, it should be a very, very difficult run, which yesterday certainly wasn't.  The warm, humid weather during that race must have really wrecked me.  I wish I could quantify it since I basically need to throw out that race as a marathon predictor.


                    We over-analyze.  That's what we do.



                    Former Bad Ass

                      Baboon, when are you going to realize that humidity will get you no matter how "acclimated" you are?  There is no acclimating to humidity, it wrecks us all!



                        October 1 is next Thursday FFS.


                        And it's supposed to be 82 degrees here, WTF?


                        Nice run for me today: 10 miles (3m w/u, 3m @ 8:10 avg., 3m @ 7:57 avg., 1m c/d).  Felt good to work a little bit.  Felt fine afterwards.  Back was good.  Then, a 10 minute commute in my car and once again I have the lower back of an 80 year old. Really looking forward to that PT appt tomorrow.


                        5k - 20:51 - 9/5/15

                        10k - 47:00 - 5/25/15

                        15k - 1:10:19 - 11/21/15

                        13.1 - 1:42:25- 4/25/15

                        26.2 - TBD (someday)



                          10 on another beautiful morning.  It reinforces how much I dig early morning runs.


                          Question:  I'm looking for free coaching from the experienced.

                          Thursdays are my normal speedwork day.  I have 24 days before my half.   I did just do a 15k last weekend, and my half goal is to carry that pace another 3.8 miles.  What would benefit me the most the next 3 Thursdays?  Slower and longer, or shorter and faster?

                          Maybe 8@GHMP, or 6 a little faster, or 2x3 even faster, or mile repeats.  I really love doing 1/2 mile repeats, but not sure how applicable they are.  Any advice or giggling is welcome.


                          And, I hope everyone has a great day!

                          Runner with a riding problem.


                            Seems to me that one shouldn't be able to come that close to a HM race time on a training run, or at the very least, it should be a very, very difficult run, which yesterday certainly wasn't. 


                            I totally smoked the two workouts leading into my half last week then went out and couldn't run those same paces, and in fact struggled to run a slower pace.


                            I chose to focus on the fact that I was able to run strong twice and not so much what I wasn't able to do in the race but I totally understand where you're coming from.


                            My take from my race was the pace just wasn't there that day, but I'm eagerly awaiting the chance to get back to quality.


                            delicate flower

                              10 on another beautiful morning.  It reinforces how much I dig early morning runs.


                              Question:  I'm looking for free coaching from the experienced.

                              Thursdays are my normal speedwork day.  I have 24 days before my half.   I did just do a 15k last weekend, and my half goal is to carry that pace another 3.8 miles.  What would benefit me the most the next 3 Thursdays?  Slower and longer, or shorter and faster?

                              Maybe 8@GHMP, or 6 a little faster, or 2x3 even faster, or mile repeats.  I really love doing 1/2 mile repeats, but not sure how applicable they are.  Any advice or giggling is welcome.


                              And, I hope everyone has a great day!


                              I'd go with shorter and faster.  Now is the time to dial into race pace.



                              delicate flower


                                I totally smoked the two workouts leading into my half last week then went out and couldn't run those same paces, and in fact struggled to run a slower pace.


                                I chose to focus on the fact that I was able to run strong twice and not so much what I wasn't able to do in the race but I totally understand where you're coming from.


                                My take from my race was the pace just wasn't there that day, but I'm eagerly awaiting the chance to get back to quality.


                                My last two races were warm and humid, although I did PR the 10K.  It's frustrating to not know what my race pace is for good conditions.  My runs since that race though are better than anything I did last cycle.
