Beginners and Beyond


Friday Penguins talk into the fan to hear your robot voice! (Read 200 times)

Bin Running

    Typing on the phone and everything is lumped together.

    2015 Races

    2XU HM - 29 Mar



      Goodmorning everyone!

      Yesterday was supposed to be a 5 miler easy pace and today a rest day.  Well I had a head ache hit me last night so I swapped the two days.  The kids go to their dads for the weekend tonight so I will be able to get a nice run in this evening. I'm pretty excited about it. 


      Gustav- Your post titles make my morning!


      Docket- Enjoy your 6


      Robert- Great job getting your run in already! That song would really put a pep in my running step! Man, I need to find my Ipod.


      Dave- You are still awesome.  How long is your long run tomorrow?


      Tweaky- Enjoy your rest day and I'm a waitress so everyday is food day at work for me! Smile


      Karaln- Did you run on the track or the treadmill at the Y?  Our Y here, you have to go around 16 times to make a mile!


      Bill- Slow and steady builds up to winning races!  Good job!


      Scotty- I am jealous.  My Boyfriend writes and plays country songs as well as runs marathons.  I'm sure he would be jealous as well. Good luck tomorrow! Such a great cause


      Zelane- Great job on 30 weekly miles!  That's awesome.  I always have secret goals when I run a race. I don't like telling other people because well, I don't want to hear what they have to say. I will admit that some of my goal times are a little over my head though.  



        Jack- haha did you do that to yourself just for a gig tonight?  I play the piano.  Good luck with your long run tomorrow morning!

      Young mother cooking, eating, and running for both mental and physical health.  And I'm not as serious as that makes me sound :)


      Return To Racing

        Good morning everyone!!


        I finally gave in and created an account on Daily Mile, a lot of the local runners use it, so they said it would be a good way for me to keep in touch.  Of course now I have to try to find them lol  I know some of you are on it, feel free to add me




        Gustav, thanks for starting us off again!  My wife says that's a workout she can get behind! lol


        Damaris, have a great run later!


        Robert, good job on getting your run in early and thanks for the old school jam, haven't heard that in a while. Smile



        AFM, yup, you guessed it, 8 miles done. Smile  Looking forward to my long run tomorrow, I missed it last weekend.


        Hope everyone has a great day!!!


        Dave:  I added you toDM.


        Have a great weekend Penguins.  Heading out for a run when DW gets back from Curves.  Suns coming out finally.



        Singer who runs a smidge

          Morning, Penguins!!  I brought my gear in to swim today, plus it's W1D3 of c25k tonight with DH and Dusty.  After that I'll need to ice my knee, as I haven't had time for that the past couple of days.  And at work today I need to finish reading a research proposal, run some samples, yadda yadda.  Life is never dull!!

          Gustav -- I haven't talked into a fan in years!  I like your RD!

          Docket -- hope you get some coffee and wake up!!

          Robert -- woo-hoo for your morning miles!!

          D2 -- I'm not on DM, I don't need another website to keep up with!  Congrats on your miles!

          Tweaky -- what on earth is Fat Friday?

          Kara -- enjoy your miles!!

          Bill -- woo-hoo for your progress!!

          Scotty -- sounds like you got all gung-ho yesterday!

          Zelanie -- woo-hoo for your 30-mile week!!

          Jack -- have fun drumming!!

          Bin -- have a good RD!!

          ERLH -- have a good run today, hope your head cooperates!

          Jerry -- have a good run!!

          When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.

          Dad on the run.

            Hey Penguins. Only managed 3 miles yesterday as I had to hurry up and run to the store and get the DD from my mom's before my wife got home. We had to get ready to go watch my sister play in the band at school (she is in beginner class, plays the clarinet and piano. I have 0 musical talent). In case any of you are wondering about my sister being in school, we are 17 years apart (yes same parents, no, I dont have a freaking clue what the hell they were thinking).


            Heading out now to force myself to get at least 5 miles in regardless, going to push for 6. My goal was 22 miles this week and I only have 6.5! so 15.5 miles to make up in 3 days and we have dinner with Dad's family tomorrow and our DDs birthday party Sunday. Should be fun squeezing these runs in.

            Chasing the sub 20 5K.

            Jack K.

            uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

              ERLH: Yes, it's just for tonight.Next month my band is playing at a cop retirement party and I told them I would grow a moustache in honor of cops. It has since morphed into this whole thing that changes week to week. My older DD is disgusted by it all, so I must be doing something right. Smile


              JBJ: How is the IT band? I asked earlier this week but I have not been around much. I hope you are better. Rest and stretching did mine well.

              Bin Running


                Found a floater on my last HM.. Terrible heel strike.. Tongue

                2015 Races

                2XU HM - 29 Mar

                Dad on the run.

                  Jack - It seems to be doing ok. I picked up my pace a little on my 3 miles yesterday and notices a little discomfort but I also increased my weight with my leg exercises that I did Thursday, so that could have had something to do with it. I am going to be buying me a new pair of shoes next week and see if that helps any. I have not really like my brooks since I bought them so I ran yesterday in a old pair of running shoes and that probably wasn't the best idea I have had. Just a lot of stretching and slow running at the moment.

                  Chasing the sub 20 5K.

                  Singer who runs a smidge

                    Hey Penguins. Only managed 3 miles yesterday as I had to hurry up and run to the store and get the DD from my mom's before my wife got home. We had to get ready to go watch my sister play in the band at school (she is in beginner class, plays the clarinet and piano. I have 0 musical talent). In case any of you are wondering about my sister being in school, we are 17 years apart (yes same parents, no, I dont have a freaking clue what the hell they were thinking).


                    Heading out now to force myself to get at least 5 miles in regardless, going to push for 6. My goal was 22 miles this week and I only have 6.5! so 15.5 miles to make up in 3 days and we have dinner with Dad's family tomorrow and our DDs birthday party Sunday. Should be fun squeezing these runs in.



                    When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.

                    Singer who runs a smidge


                      Found a floater on my last HM.. Terrible heel strike.. Tongue


                      You look like Superman ready to take flight!

                      When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.

                        On the phone, so no personals. Sorry Sad I had 6 good miles in the fog this am. Today seems busy as it is game day and the head principal isnt here this morning. I feel like after my run, I have been doing nothing but running around. On the run, I was having such a good time that I started singing out loud to some Lynard Skynard. Running and singing is tough on the lungs, but it was fun. Make today great, Tomas

                        ”Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”

                        “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”




                        Former Bad Ass

                          Hi Pens...


                          Gus: Do you like Kiss or is it just a cool avatar?

                          Docket: Where are you going this weekend?

                          Robert: Nice work and thanks for the song.

                          D2: What is your long run now that eight is your "short" run?

                          Tweaky: Enjoy Fat Friday!

                          Kara: Nice day off with the hub. Smile

                          Bill: "His Slowness"  Lol!! It's all relative!

                          Scotty: I will be looking for your RR, as usual.

                          Zel: YES! 30 miles!  Milestones are nice.


                          As for me, no run today, but I am playing drums tonight. I shaved my beard into this weird Hulk Hogan looking thing, but it will be gone tomorrow. Seven miles on tap for tomorrow morning. Have a nice weekend.


                          Where am I going?  Nowhere.  I have a HM and it's local. :-)



                          Former Bad Ass

                            Nice floater!



                            Found a floater on my last HM.. Terrible heel strike.. Tongue


                            Bin Running

                              Gustav, I played the robot voice too..

                              Damaris, enjoy the 6..

                              Robert, Happy Friday.. Good job on the 5M..(round up)

                              Dave, enjoy your LR tmr..

                              Brenda, Enjoy the RD.. Fat Friday? Is it the day when everyone eat all they wanted?

                              Kara, Good job on the 7 at Y.. When is you next HM?

                              Bill, Congrats on the weekly miles increase..

                              Scotty, Enjoy the pics you posted yday.. Look like some sort of fairyland to me.. So beautiful are the lights.

                              Mel, No pressure run is a good idea.. Surprise yourself..

                              Jack, Take a pic before Hulk Hogan bread is gone..

                              ERLH, Listen to body is always good.. I swap around alot too..

                              Jerry, Enjoy the run.

                              Hope'smom, Life sound great!

                              Jimmy, Don't try to squeeze in too many in little days.. Take it easy..

                              Tomas, Good job on the 6M..

                              2015 Races

                              2XU HM - 29 Mar


                                Good morning Gustav.   I ran 5.6 miles last night.  



                                Runners run
