Beginners and Beyond


North Coast 24 Hour RR - PR's abound! (Read 96 times)


Chasing Rainbows

    Congratulations for hanging tough in challenging conditions!  Very impressive!

    The obstacle is the path. - Zen proverb


      Sheeit, I couldn't carry your Gatorade!  You are one tough chick, and you got paid.  Now that that's what I call a return on your investment!


      Oh, your next one will likely be the other extreme so be prepared for mosquito bites and 100% humidity lol!


      Nice work!

      Trail Monster

        Congratulations!  I wonder how many loops you could've done had the bone not being out of place!  Great job!


        I am fucking scared of anything above a 50 miler but 12 and 24 hour races sound less scary.  Hoping to be able to do one soon.  It's all your fault, of course.


        Are you thinking of Destin? I've heard it's awesome!

        2013 races:

        3/17 Shamrock Marathon

        4/20 North Coast 24 Hour

        7/27 Burning RIver 100M

        8/24 Baker 50M

        10/5 Oil Creek (distance to be determined)


        My Blog


        Brands I Heart:



        Altra Zero Drop

        Trail Monster

          Banshee, kudos. How are the legs? Tough for sure.


          Surprisingly fine. My back is a little sore and my foot is pretty painful but I'm otherwise pretty much fine!

          2013 races:

          3/17 Shamrock Marathon

          4/20 North Coast 24 Hour

          7/27 Burning RIver 100M

          8/24 Baker 50M

          10/5 Oil Creek (distance to be determined)


          My Blog


          Brands I Heart:



          Altra Zero Drop

          Trail Monster

            Hey, you ran with my friend Jason for a while.


            Congrats on the distance PR!  Can't wait to hear how Burning River goes for you!


            Jason was awesome! I really enjoyed spending time with him and he blew it out of the water! We talked about lots of RW/RA folks and you came up. Smile

            2013 races:

            3/17 Shamrock Marathon

            4/20 North Coast 24 Hour

            7/27 Burning RIver 100M

            8/24 Baker 50M

            10/5 Oil Creek (distance to be determined)


            My Blog


            Brands I Heart:



            Altra Zero Drop

            Trail Monster

              Awesome RR, made even more awesome by the tough conditions and perseverance over the foot pain. And congrats on the 3rd place finish! Are you going to do the fall NC24?


              Probably not. I have an August 50 miler and an October 100 miler. I would love to otherwise though!



              Thanks everyone! I had a blast and I couldn't have done it without a lot of encouragement from all the people who texted, messaged, and supported me throughout. And sorry for all the replies. Is there a way to multi-quote on here?


              Oh, and I forgot to mention the PR's!

              Previous 50 mile time: 12:05

              This time: 11:4x


              Previous 100k time: 18:59

              This time: 15:30-ish


              Previous furthest distance: 100k

              This time: 85.6 miles



              2013 races:

              3/17 Shamrock Marathon

              4/20 North Coast 24 Hour

              7/27 Burning RIver 100M

              8/24 Baker 50M

              10/5 Oil Creek (distance to be determined)


              My Blog


              Brands I Heart:



              Altra Zero Drop

                Tough conditions for sure, but you were tougher.  Wow, what a day!   Congrats on all the hard wear, very cool.  Rest up, and hope the foot heals Quick.

                Take Charge. Train Harder. Suck Less. No Excuses.

                  Amazing, especially being the only woman out there for hours!! You are one tough cookie!!

                  Completed my first half marathon 2:09:04!!!

                  Ms Chenandler Bong

                    I'm in awe.  What an amazing, unforgettable experience for you.  I read this very carefully as I'll be there in September.

                    Huge congrats on your AG win and being the toughest woman out there!!!

                    Marathon and ultra marathon runner.  Sour Patch Kid addict.


                    Former Bad Ass

                      It is not within driveable distance so not sure.  And I heard it's all in the sand and if you read my RR you know how I feel about that, ha.


                      I was actually thinking of this one for next year:




                      The distance?  Not sure yet Big grin



                      Are you thinking of Destin? I've heard it's awesome!


                        Great RR!  Congrats!  Reading this has made me very excited about put me in dread of the fall NC24 (kidding, excitement is still winning over dread).  Must start bribing the weather gods soon though!


                        Go figure

                          Gotta love Cleveland weather!  Those were some very tough conditions you had to deal with, and staying on the course through it all is awesome.  That's a monumental task to take on by yourself and just getting out there took a lot of courage.  I'm glad your foot isn't too badly hurt and I think you're looking great for Burning River (I may see you there, btw, as I'm helping to pace a friend for a good portion of the race).  Congratulations on your AG award and cash prize too!

                          Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


                            Great RR. I'm trying to pick up as many pointers as possible from ultra races, since I'll be running couple this year. Interesting point about withdrawing coffee before the race and also not bringing a tent to avoid any temptation. Did most people ran with a headlamp at night and you were an exception ? How much you ate in those 24 hours ? It doesn't sound like a much. Long drive home after something like this is hard to imagine too.

                            You set a lot of new PRs in less than ideal conditions.

                            Big thumbs up for you.

                            Slow and steady never wins anything.

                            Trail Monster

                              Thanks VW and Kristi (great half!)!


                              Mary, it was awesome aside from the weather. Very well run race!


                              Damaris, no matter what you choose you'll do great!


                              Fit, definitely sacrifice some running shoes or something because that's two years in a row of crappy weather!


                              SIAR, hope I see you at BR!


                              Goo... Most people ran without headlamps. The moon was 3/4 full and there were several street lamps that were close enough to provide some illumination.i saw two flashlights and one set of glow sticks. No one else had lights. Being that it was just about a mile loop I took the opportunity to grab a n handful of something very often. Sometimes chips, sometimes a 1/4 PB&J, or pretzels or M&M's, or water/Gatorade/Heed/pop. The event offered bean burritos, pizza, soup, salted potatoes, Raman noodles, broth, Twizzlers, grilled cheese, and a bunch of other stuff. I never really 'ate' so much as I grazed. I tried to keep a steady and consistent supply of calories and sugar going in the whole time and let my cravings guide me. It did get harder the last few hours. My appetite disappeared but that's where a good crew comes in, or pacer. The drive home really wasn't so bad thanks to cruise control.


                              Recovery is going well. Two miles tonight and I felt pretty good. Foot held up with only a little pain so I think I will be in good shape to get back to training next week.

                              2013 races:

                              3/17 Shamrock Marathon

                              4/20 North Coast 24 Hour

                              7/27 Burning RIver 100M

                              8/24 Baker 50M

                              10/5 Oil Creek (distance to be determined)


                              My Blog


                              Brands I Heart:



                              Altra Zero Drop


                              Are we there, yet?

                                Goo - I was there last fall to cheer and support our RW runners. The park is on the outskirts of Cleveland and there is enough ambient light that a headlamp shouldn't be necessary, especially if the Moon is up and bright.  We had our own table in addition to the official aid station so if there was something a runner wanted to eat or drink that wasn't on the official menu, we could provide it. Logistics for a trail run would be much more complicated. Visit the Ultra Running user group. Lots of experienced ultra runners there, possibly some who have run the ones you're thinking of running.

                                 2024 Races:

                                      03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                      05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                      05/25 - What the Duck 12-Hour

                                      06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.



