Beginners and Beyond



Seven Deadly Shins

    Media - even "serious" media - jumping on every false leak is getting a bit tiresome.  Whatever happened to vetting your sources?  Afraid to be upstaged by some snot-nosed blogger?




      Media - even "serious" media - jumping on every false leak is getting a bit tiresome.  Whatever happened to vetting your sources?  Afraid to be upstaged by some snot-nosed blogger?




      Really doe!  You know it's bad when the AP is retracting reports.


      Former Bad Ass

        AP has always been the paragon of news.  Shameful day for them.



          Colbert commentary. Hope it makes up for this dud of a thread I created.

          Hip Redux

            Does anyone believe the NY Post?


            The news this morning specifically said the FBI was not going to release the photos for fear of impacting the investigation - and then this gets posted.   Oy, what a mess.


            Bue - loved Colbert's piece.



              If those aren't the perpetrators then I would suspect a lawsuit/s.


                Does anyone believe the NY Post?


                The news this morning specifically said the FBI was not going to release the photos for fear of impacting the investigation - and then this gets posted.   Oy, what a mess.


                Bue - loved Colbert's piece.


                I just hope that whoever did it is still in the country. Colbert rocks.


                  Does anyone believe the NY Post?


                  The news this morning specifically said the FBI was not going to release the photos for fear of impacting the investigation - and then this gets posted.   Oy, what a mess.


                  Bue - loved Colbert's piece.


                  Photos of those guys were everywhere on the internet yesterday.  The NY Post, or any other official publication, is already a day behind on that.  Do they hold back when millions of people have already seen the photos, or do they risk jumping in and being wrong?  Tough call.


                  Former Bad Ass

                    If they were really bystanders, ay, ay, ay.  If they are the persons of interest, I hope tey confirm so people can start looking.


                    Funny about this is that the authorities said they saw a guy with his white baseball cap backwards putting the bag at the second location, so either is this guy or it's somebody completely different.



                      If they were really bystanders, ay, ay, ay.  If they are the persons of interest, I hope tey confirm so people can start looking.


                      Funny about this is that the authorities said they saw a guy with his white baseball cap backwards putting the bag at the second location, so either is this guy or it's somebody completely different.

                      It's all over now that these guys are not suspects.  The blue jacket guy is a high school track runner who is freaking out at the moment.

                      Hip Redux

                        It's all over now that these guys are not suspects.  The blue jacket guy is a high school track runner who is freaking out at the moment.


                        That is so awful.



                        Former Bad Ass

                          If so, hope their pics are stopped soon.  I am seeing their pics all over as the suspects.  Can you imagine?  Someone could tAke the law in their own hands just with all this media hype and lose another life.



                          Squidward Bike Rider

                            If so, hope their pics are stopped soon.  I am seeing their pics all over as the suspects.  Can you imagine?  Someone could tAke the law in their own hands just with all this media hype and lose another life.


                            This is what I hate about social media and the internet...people could easily have or have had their lives ruined because of a simple case of mistaken identity. Sad


                            Former Bad Ass

                              Some guy just posted their pics on the FB maniac group.  He had to delete the tread when me and others commented that they were not suspects until confirmed. everybody has taken for granted that they are suspects.


                              they might be but until confirmed, I hate that people are sharing their pics as the killers.



                              Former Bad Ass

                                And another one in FB too.  It's spreading like fire.  Has the FBI confirmed?
