Beginners and Beyond

FRIDAILIES Didn't Do It, We Swear! (Read 55 times)

    scottydawg, enjoy your rest day.


    BruceD555, have a great TM run. Good luck tomorrow!


    Tom, have a wonderful five-miler.


    Matt, I hope that your afternoon run goes well. Good luck tomorrow!


    Zelanie, have a refreshing four-miler. Good luck tomorrow!


    Oski, I hope that Pooch feels better soon.


    Rick, I'm happy that your run went well. I envy you the warmer weather.


    outoftheblue, amazing 4.1, after this week's hill work.


    Ric-G, bravo on the A.M. five.


    B-Plus, enjoy the three miler. Good luck tomorrow!


    Marjorie, sweet 15.7, and not just because of the twenty.


    Shari, great 7.58 in not-so-great weather.


    AprilRunner, have fun doing whatever you do.


    Kay, I've arrived at the same conclusions.


      Haha thanks guys.


      SIAR - It must be nice to be able to bang out a 10-miler lunch. I wish there were more Saturday races so I can still do a LR on Sunday.


        The goal is sub-19. Hopefully by a large margin, like 18:30, but 18:59 will do.

        YAYpril - B-Plus

          I ended up with 7. It was actually a fabulous run other than the 20+ mph winds in my face half the time. I felt like I could have gone on forever - it's been awhile since I've had a run like that. Progressive splits all the way down, from easy run pace to moderate to GHMP for mile 6 to 10k pace for the last mile. Love it.

          YAYpril - B-Plus

            Omg, suddenly I'm getting nervous for my race tomorrow. I hope I don't screw up. Somebody tell me to calm the eff down. I guess is why we do tune-ups though, to get the nerves outta the way (among other reasons). I'm hungry. When's lunch?


            Calm the eff down. Big grin You'll do great. Don't sweat it.


              DaveP, I love that!


              Zel, that was funny!


              Boon, great news!


              SIAR, wimpy might not be the right word.  You are probably still cold to the bone from running in that crap all winter!


              Way to rock it April!


              Barking Mad To Run

                Good luck with your 5K tomorrow, Tom!


                Hope you feel better Matt, and then go out and kick some Half butt this weekend.


                That sounds like a heckuva course, Z!  Hope the bridges don't freeze overnight..could be do know how to swim, right...just in case.... Wink   Good luck with your race!


                Dang, Ami....that sounds quite painful!


                Sorry about the sick pooch, Oski.  Hope you both feel better.


                Congrats on your run, LRB.  Enjoy that  'nice' weather while you have it.


                Congrats on your run, outoftheblue.  Hope your rest days help get you back to 100 percent.


                Have a great weekend yourself, Ric!


                23 and snowing...dang, B-Plus, I hope the weather behaves better than that for your race!  Good luck with your goal!


                Wow, you are a double-digit miles running machine, Marjorie!  Nice, on the money find!


                Way to go on your run, Step..especially in that freezing rain stuff!


                Glad  your mystery run went well, April!  Congrats on the 7.   Wind in the face doesn't sound fun, though.


                What did you lift, Kay?  The person you were angry at?  No windows were broken, right, as someone went through them?  Wink


                That's funny!  Just be sure to take off  in the right direction when the gun sounds lol!  Yeah, B-Plus, what LRB said.  And don't run into a lamp post either!  That's what I did right at the start of my very first race.  Owwww.... Blush


                SoI'mARunner...they don't do packet pickup in your area?  Wow, we'd have a runners revolt down here, lol, if there was no packet pickup.  In our area, there is a packet pickup for all our events, 5K and up.


                Congrats, Phil, on not being limp anymore! Big grin

                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                Go figure

                  Scotty...this race actually does, but it's at a running store 1.5 hours away (race is an hour). But yeah, most do day of only. Your exploding sausage comment on the other thread was funny...and sad!


                  BPLUS...that'd be a killer race! Good luck.


                  April...nice running. I didn't comment the other day, but I was happy to see your dh has done okay with the food changes.


                  LRB...chilled to the core...sounds plausible enough.

                  Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


                    Scotty - it's currently 52 and overcast in Vancouver where I live. But I'm heading out east for a few days on Monday, so I'll need to bundle up my exploding sausage if I decide to run whilst away. Curse you and LRB. Now I'm going to have nightmares of forgetting to put on my short shorts and everyone will be laughing at my exploding sausage when I'm going in the wrong direction!


                      There are 2000 entrants to this race. While its not a mega race, I think it would be too much to try to do day of only.


                      Scotty...this race actually does, but it's at a running store 1.5 hours away (race is an hour). But yeah, most do day of only. Your exploding sausage comment on the other thread was funny...and sad!


                      YAYpril - B-Plus

                        SIAR, thanks. Me too. Smile


                        Scotty, we don't typically have packet pickup other than day-of either, except for the halves and full marathons. There's one 5k I can think of that has packet pickup and that's because it's one of the largest womens-only 5k's in Pennsylvania - they usually get about 5,000 participants. Even if a 5k or 10k does have packet pickup, I still usually opt to get my stuff on race day. It's just easier. Wink

                        YAYpril - B-Plus

                          Scotty - it's currently 52 and overcast in Vancouver where I live. But I'm heading out east for a few days on Monday, so I'll need to bundle up my exploding sausage if I decide to run whilst away. Curse you and LRB. Now I'm going to have nightmares of forgetting to put on my short shorts and everyone will be laughing at my exploding sausage when I'm going in the wrong direction!


                          Bwahahaha!! I almost spit out my drink.


                          Wickedly Average

                            4 miles, easy pace, 9:09 overall pace with negative splits the first 3 miles. A nice run on a very nice 70 degree day!

                            Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

                            5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54


                            Run to live; live to run

                              Thanks everyone.  I guess some people in our neighborhood don't mind losing money.  I find it and always in different spots.  I don't stop for the coins unless there are a lot.  Slowing down to pick up a penny is just too much.


                              Good luck racers!


                              Kay yes lifting is good for that.  I've also found a Tempo or progressive run works too.  I've done a few when PO'd and they have really been a help



                              Team TJ

                                I lifted.


                                I've come to discover that running is good for relaxation.  Lifting is good for anger management.


                                So I lifted.


                                I should have curled a car today, using your logic.  An entire morning of stupid at work.


                                I did run 4 miles starting shortly after 1pm and then just came home for the day before I said something that I shouldn't.


                                have a great weekend!

                                Running for TJ because he can't.