Beginners and Beyond

TUESDAILIES Are Business in the Front, Party in the Back (Read 47 times)


Former Bad Ass


    You a Biker Chick now 'eh?  Excellent!


    Temporarily.  It helps him heal his shins and me not go crazy before Friday.  Ha.  I like it.  85F does not feel like 100F when you're on the bike so my asthma appreciates it too. 



      Temporarily.  It helps him heal his shins and me not go crazy before Friday.  Ha.  I like it.  85F does not feel like 100F when you're on the bike so my asthma appreciates it too. 


      Yeah my coworkers thought I was absolutely nuts when I rode to and from work in the months of July and August the years that I did.  It actually is nothing to it really, provided you are fueled and hydrated that is.


      Are you using a bike computer or one of your Garmin's to track your data?


      Former Bad Ass


        Yeah my coworkers thought I was absolutely nuts when I rode to and from work in the months of July and August the years that I did.  It actually is nothing to it really, provided you are fueled and hydrated that is.


        Are you using a bike computer or one of your Garmin's to track your data?


        I have the 910XT which is for triathlons so I'm using that.  I should buy the bike sensor to add to it but the mph are enough for now.



          I have the 910XT which is for triathlons so I'm using that.  I should buy the bike sensor to add to it but the mph are enough for now.




          Be careful down there, some of them people drive like f**** idiots.  They make the taxi drivers in Vegas look tame!


          Former Bad Ass




            Be careful down there, some of them people drive like f**** idiots.  They make the taxi drivers in Vegas look tame!







              I actually added that.  lol


              You know I loathe those whom paint with a broad brush, so I avoid doing so if at all possible whenever I can.

              Just B.S.

                5 mile run

                20 miles spin



                7am tomorrow is 1,200 in the pool


                Only one workout tomorrow. Will be a nice break.


                I am toast. Nite.


                  5 mile run

                  20 miles spin



                  Another Biker Gal.  Nice!

                  Just B.S.


                    Another Biker Gal.  Nice!


                    Biker chick for 20 years. Only running for 14 years. Smile



                      Late  check in for me. Work was extra long today with an evening meeting, so it was a SRD.


                      Kristin - so glad to see good news about your CIL.


                      Wickedly Average

                        Later check in for me - evening Dailies! Or should I say good night?


                        No run for me today but I'm feeling pretty good after yesterday's really short run. Knee is just a tiny bit stiff.


                        Right elbow has some new weird, sharp pain when I move it a certain way, and I have no idea what that's about. But it is strong enough to make me forget about my knee so I'm OK with that! Smile


                        D - don't know what the medical thing your having done is, but best of luck. I hope it goes smoothly.

                        Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

                        5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54

                          Jay, I hope that your calves will be OK. Enjoy the new shoes.


                          Damaris, great ride.


                          Beth, brava on the running and spinning.


                          Nicole, have a relaxing evening.


                          Tom, I hope that the RD helps your knee feel better. Have you banged your elbow recently?


                          Push-ups and ab work are done.


                            Different hotel tonight. Scoped out the fitness center, this one has 2 treadmills. (Also had a guy using the elliptical barefoot. Okay then.) So hopefully no obstacles tomorrow morning, other than getting my ass out of bed.



                            Caretaker/Overlook Hotel

                              Headin' out.  BRB!




                              Caretaker/Overlook Hotel

                                Aaaight!  4 miles non-stop on the asphalt......straight gettin' down.    Well, not exactly, but put in a good last mile.


                                Ran the old route which is 4 miles base and then I can add or subtract to make it whatever I need but haven't run on the other side of the local school in about 4 months.  Tonight there was no treadmill warmup.  No knee braces.  Nothing more than my old leg swings & toe touches.  Headed out very slowly & gingerly and just let the speed come as it wanted.  I'm sure my feet & calves will be sore tomorrow but it's all part of the comeback.


                                Doctors be damned!
