Beginners and Beyond


SaturDAILIES on target (Read 58 times)


Barking Mad To Run

    Did my 17th race of 2013.  Lots of fun!  Race Report and Photos:



    Being lazy the rest of the day.  I have to get up at 5 a.m. tomorrow morning and drive to Austin for my 18th race of 2013, oh yeah!

    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


    Former Bad Ass

      Hi.  Ugh at being at Six Flags with thousands of others.  There is even a line for the restrooms.



        Hi.  Ugh at being at Six Flags with thousands of others.  There is even a line for the restrooms.


        You should enjoy that, it's just like a race!



        Run Long, Hard, and Fast

          Good afternoon fellow runners! I haven't been here in a while. I have been hanging out in the RWOL forums with Moth and company. Moth is such a good man with a wealth of knowledge. He always goes out of his way to help. I think he deserves some love. Visit him over there once in a while.

          I am making some great progress. I have 80 miles in for the month already. I am still building mileage in preparation for the Rochester Marathon in September. Here is a snapshot of this week. Keep in mind I will have a total of 7 months to train for the marathon. Eventually I plan on following one of the Hudson plans. If you have any advice please chime in.


          Mon - SRD

          Tues - 6.22 miles @ 7:47 pace progression

          Wed - 3.74 miles @ 8:46 recovery

          Thurs - 5.01 miles @ 7:29 pace tempo

          Fri - 9.25 miles @ 8:31 pace easy

          Sat - SRD

          Sun - 12 miles @ 8:15ish depending on how the legs feel.


          Next week I may have to add an extra day of running. As I approach the 40 miles per week mark, it will be harder to increase miles and maintain 1 or 2 shorter recovery runs on a 5 day schedule.


            LRB - Sorry you had to bag the run, but you are wise. By the way, thanks for your advice on my 5k. I successfully managed not to start in the wrong direction.


            April - I've been going up to 2 hours with just water. If I wake up early enough, I'll usually just roll outta bed, take a swig of water, and out the door. I haven't gone much beyond 2 hours since my return to running, so I don't know at what point I'll start to fuel with something additional. Am I safe to assume your goal for the half is 2 hours? If so, you should be just fine without GU. But if you will be second-guessing yourself during the later stages of the race, by all means take the GU.


            Ami, Marjorie & Ric - Great runs


            oob - Have a great one, whatever you decide to do.


            Fuzzy - Nice MP run. Have a safe flight and a fun time in Asia.


            Scotty - Now we have to click 2 links to get to your RR? That's too much work! Nice pics and great report as usual. I'm surprised Vancouver's green men didn't show up to my race today:



            Docket - Yep, sounds just like a race.


            SUS - Hi! When I started running again, I tried to go right to 6 days a week just to get in the habit of running almost everyday. Even if it's just a 20-30 min slow jog, I feel like I needed that just to get in the habit.


            Can anybody recommend some polish I can use to keep my new PR shiny?


            Go figure

              RunTom...Congrats on your shiny new PR and the AG placement.


              I'm back from my 5 went way better than I expected.  I put a RR up on the main page, so I'll save the suspense (yep, I'm gonna be like that haha).  The best part is that I'm still feeling strong and healthy.


              Thanks to those of you that replied already.


              Great running guys and gals.

              Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


                Hello Dailies.


                17.6 with 9.5@mp for me today. And now I'm sitting at the airport having a beer waiting for my flight. Two weeks in Asia. This will be an interesting twist to my marathon training.


                Enjoy the trip, and be sure to keep us posted!


                Nice new PR Code (unofficially)!


                SUS, that works both ways.


                Nice runs blue, Rick, Ami, Luke, April, Marjorie, B-Plus, Flo, SUS, Bill and Scott T as always!


                Team TJ

                  No run for me today.  Went to help at church work day.  Planning long run really early tomorrow morning.

                  Running for TJ because he can't.


                  Hip Redux

                    B-plus, RunTom - nice work on the PRs!!!


                    Went out for a short run and want to know WHERE DID SPRING GO?  It was 20 degrees warmer last weekend.  I is sad.



                      Well ... that didn't go according to plan. Not bad, just not according to plan.

                      I drove halfway to my friend's house (she lives in the next town over) before realizing I had forgotten my Garmin. Turned around and headed back, sliding through one stop sign on the way, stepped out of the car and about wiped out on the quarter-inch of solid ice covering the driveway. Still, I drove to her house (almost missed one turn due to the ice), apparently thinking it might be better there, stepped out of the car and immediately decided there was no frickin' way I was going to try to run on that. The rest of the girls were going to give it a couple of hours and then try again, but I had plans mid-morning. So, back home, out of tights, into shorts, and got to the Y just after it opened at 6:30.

                      18 miles in 2:53 later, with one break to use the bathroom, refill water bottle and eat a gel, my treadmill run was done. Showered, retrieved DS from the drop-in child care (DH had brought him over) and then spent 2 hours hanging out in the pool with him so he could play and go down the water slide. I'm now hoping the 20 oz coffee will cure my headache and keep me awake to enjoy my night out with DH.

                      20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                        4.15 miles easy today @9:26.  I had been considering moving the long run scheduled for tomorrow since they had initially called for strong winds tomorrow.  But it turned out that there were strong winds today as well, and tomorrow will be about the same, but will be about 10° warmer.  Looking at the 10-day forecast, there are 0 days with winds below 14mph, so I'd better get used to it.  Joking


                        Yesterday I did 9 with 7@mp, but was again fighting the winds, so some of the mp miles were slower than I would have liked (and I even walked a little bit Joking)


                        Go figure

                          Well ... that didn't go according to plan. Not bad, just not according to plan.

                          I drove halfway to my friend's house (she lives in the next town over) before realizing I had forgotten my Garmin. Turned around and headed back, sliding through one stop sign on the way, stepped out of the car and about wiped out on the quarter-inch of solid ice covering the driveway. Still, I drove to her house (almost missed one turn due to the ice), apparently thinking it might be better there, stepped out of the car and immediately decided there was no frickin' way I was going to try to run on that. The rest of the girls were going to give it a couple of hours and then try again, but I had plans mid-morning. So, back home, out of tights, into shorts, and got to the Y just after it opened at 6:30.

                          18 miles in 2:53 later, with one break to use the bathroom, refill water bottle and eat a gel, my treadmill run was done. Showered, retrieved DS from the drop-in child care (DH had brought him over) and then spent 2 hours hanging out in the pool with him so he could play and go down the water slide. I'm now hoping the 20 oz coffee will cure my headache and keep me awake to enjoy my night out with DH.



                          Wow, nice dedication! File that one away for when the marathon miles get tough. The ice reminded me of the time I stepped out of my car and literally ended up beneath it.


                          SUS...looks like a pretty good schedule. Just keep working on volume and building on the speed stuff a litte each week. You could consider an easy double run to get more mileage and stress your body less if you like the 2 rest days.


                          BPLUS...great work getting the PR! Where's the RR?

                          Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn

                          Ball of Fury

                            Awesome job!!  No way I would even attempt 18 on the TM!!


                            Well ... that didn't go according to plan. Not bad, just not according to plan.

                            I drove halfway to my friend's house (she lives in the next town over) before realizing I had forgotten my Garmin. Turned around and headed back, sliding through one stop sign on the way, stepped out of the car and about wiped out on the quarter-inch of solid ice covering the driveway. Still, I drove to her house (almost missed one turn due to the ice), apparently thinking it might be better there, stepped out of the car and immediately decided there was no frickin' way I was going to try to run on that. The rest of the girls were going to give it a couple of hours and then try again, but I had plans mid-morning. So, back home, out of tights, into shorts, and got to the Y just after it opened at 6:30.

                            18 miles in 2:53 later, with one break to use the bathroom, refill water bottle and eat a gel, my treadmill run was done. Showered, retrieved DS from the drop-in child care (DH had brought him over) and then spent 2 hours hanging out in the pool with him so he could play and go down the water slide. I'm now hoping the 20 oz coffee will cure my headache and keep me awake to enjoy my night out with DH.

                            PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


                              Well that was fun, kind of. Short story is that it was a 10k PR by 1 minute 45 sec (46:07 today) and 6th in AG (out of 25).


                              I got to the race site early (it was just over an hour away) and unfortunately they didn't miss out on the ugly winter mix. The course (three loops along a single road ... more on that later) was ice covered and slick. I sat in the car listening to the winds howl and tried to figure out what to wear - good thing my OCD was working and I packed more than enough.


                              I ended up with tights, two shirts AND a jacket and that was just about right for the feels like temp of 9. Winds were blowing at 15+ mph and the course was rather stupid. I decided to do a short warm-up on the course to check it out. There was a 7% grade downhill at the END of one dead-end. That meant you couldn't really enjoy the momentum fully because you had to do a sharp 180 around a cone to head right back up the hill.


                              I had really wanted to nail this 10k in 44Tight lippedx but once I saw the icy roads I knew I'd be elated to be in the 45Tight lippedx's. If it wasn't for me wimping it up on the last two uphills I would have made that but as it was I missed the 45s by 8 seconds. Oh well, it was a PR and I didn't injure myself so I'll take it.


                              (I also did another 5.5 mile recovery run after I got home so I'm done for the day and planning to sit on my keister until further notice)

                              Train smart ... race smarter.


                              Go figure

                                Bruce...pretty sweet when your fitness lets you play it safe to a PR. That was a dumb course! Very smart of you to have the extra clothes, and to race it as you did. That's still a great run and I'm sure you'll blast your next race.

                                Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn
