Beginners and Beyond

ThursDAILIES the First (Read 41 times)




    In looking at the extended morning forecast (mid 40's), my little narrow behind is going to have some tough decisions in the coming days; wear a singlet and freeze for the first 3 miles of my daily 8 mile jog, or wear long sleeves and burn the hell up for the last 5.


    I suppose I could just buy short sleeve tops, but that makes way too much sense.


    What up doe?


      Gonna run a little at lunch. I'm thinking 5 miles.


      Super B****

        AlterG 8.


        I am tired and it's cold outside and I want to go back to bed but I have to go to PT.  Hmph.

        chasing the impossible


        because i never shut up ... i blog



          Good morning folks!


          10 miles with 5@goal pace -5ish.  I was shooting for 6@8:32, but just couldn't get it dialed in. I started with the first mile a little slow, but they kept getting faster.   I also ran the fastest 1/2 mile of my life on the last cooldown mile just because I have no sense.  All in all, I'm happy with my morning.  After next Thursday, I will decide on my official ABC goals.  I don't want to be too stupid, but I plan on going big or going home suffering.


          Have a great day folks!

          Runner with a riding problem.


          delicate flower

            'Morning!  Happy October!  One of the best months of the year, IMO...certainly in the top 12.  I have an hour of jogging to do later today.  Man, the fall allergies are wrecking me this morning.  


              I also ran the fastest 1/2 mile of my life on the last cooldown mile just because I have no sense.


            Sometimes when you are feeling good, you just say the hell with whatever the plan was and let it fly.



              I also ran the fastest 1/2 mile of my life on the last cooldown mile...


              That's awesome, and it's only the beginning. Cool


                 I plan on going big or going home suffering.


                That's the spirit!


                  Heading out early for 8 x 800 on the road.


                  Former Bad Ass

                    I have 10 with 6 at MP on the TM at some point today.  Most likely at lunch time.  Oh, and Pilates later.



                      7 easy, in long sleeves.


                      5k - 20:51 - 9/5/15

                      10k - 47:00 - 5/25/15

                      15k - 1:10:19 - 11/21/15

                      13.1 - 1:42:25- 4/25/15

                      26.2 - TBD (someday)




                        In looking at the extended morning forecast (mid 40's), my little narrow behind is going to have some tough decisions in the coming days; wear a singlet and freeze for the first 3 miles of my daily 8 mile jog, or wear long sleeves and burn the hell up for the last 5.


                        I suppose I could just buy short sleeve tops, but that makes way too much sense.


                        What up doe?


                        I'm having a similar dilemma right now.


                          I'm having a similar dilemma right now.


                          Damn that first mile was frigid, BRR! Lots of wind too but the singlet was the right call.

                          Little Blue

                            Day 7 of drizzle/rain.  I think my sinuses are starting to mildew.  We're under flash flood warnings through Sunday, 5-10" of rain, more if Joaquin comes at us.


                            It's not dripping right now, so off to the park for 30 or so miles.  Gotta get it all in at once!


                            Former Bad Ass

                              Jealous if your weather.



                              Barking Mad To Run

                                Thursday morning up at 6 a.m. - and down to the YMCA to do an 'easy' 3 on flat roads.  Well, as they say, 'the best laid plans of mice and men oft go astray."   I took a flat road from the Y,  decided to go over a cross-street and into a neighborhood I hadn't run in before and do some exploring.  This neighborhood turned out to be a bit hilly, and I also got myself turned around a bit during my not only did I not do flat roads, I also had a tad more than an easy 3, ending up with 3.6 miles.  The weather was very nice, though; 68 degrees, very low humidity and dew-point....sweeet!

                                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt