Beginners and Beyond

Kiss My Ass FriDAILIES (Read 258 times)




    Anyone and everyone can post your runs, cross-training, abdominal work, rest days, race plans, training questions, etc. The only stupid question is the one you did not post. There’s a great mix of beginners and veterans, runners and walkers, and maniacs and returners (from injury, to running, to RA). We're all a little crazy here too! While this thread is a terrific source of motivation for runners and serves as outstanding accountability, you’ll quickly find this remarkable group to be highly supportive of all life experiences. So, come on in, put your feet up and stay awhile (not literally)! And whoever is up first is welcome to start the thread and we definitely keep some weird hours around here.





        Shocked Too early for that.


        What, no coffee?  Up early as usual and I just can't get back to sleep.  I took a vacation day today so I could have a 5-day weekend.


        The cold, windy snow makes it much easier to decide to take a SRD today.  Have a GREAT Friday everyone - even you LRB!

        I AM WEEZER.


        Fear is a Liar

          Good Morning Dailies!


          LRB - when I read the thread title, I didn't know where you were going with it. By the way, nice ass!


          Yesterday was weight machines at the gym, then theraband exercises, core, myrtl, and stretching at home.


          Hope everyone's world has a happy ending today!

          I'm so vegetarian I don't even eat animal crackers!


            :whistle: Nice ass!


            How do you like mine?


            It sounds like a hurricane outside right now, so I'll probably have to hit the 'mill for my usual 3 during lunch.  Blah! Tongue

            Do you even run?


            Former Bad Ass




              This made me laugh so hard, I woke up two kitties.


              Morning!  Some run tonight. I'm really taking it easy but apparently my body is taking it TOO easy.  Sheesh, run!



                LRB:  Good morning!


                David: Enjoy your 5 day vacay and your day off running today!


                Gustav: Nice work on all that cross-training yesterday.


                Damaris: Good morning!


                13 miles set for today.

                  Hey KatPS, that's one hairy ass!


                  I'm heading to he gym after work maybe a few short miles on the dreadmill. 


                  Happy Friday everyone!

                  First Race

                  Hot Chocolate 5K Chicago November 4, 2012 30:17

                  Second Race

                  Penguin in the Park 5K Decatur Illinois March 23,2013 27:08



                  Not a dude

                    Just 3.13 this morning. Today will be really busy. Staff breakfast this morning and then back to the office to plow through some paperwork before the university closes for the holidays. I'm hoping to leave by 2:30 or so today. I want to pick the kids up early and hang out with them for a bit before they leave...maybe play the Wii and school them on Just Dance.

                    Not a dude

                      Nice ass, LRB! Nice ass's ass, Kay!!! Smile

                        Good morning!


                        My coach gave me a night off yesterday, after Wed.'s run when I did my tempo miles much faster than he was expecting. Yoohoo! I like days off. Big grin

                        My mileage for the week will be lower, but it was only a recovery run anyway.Today is our Christmas party at daycare, plus a birthday party! Then I'm off for 9 beauuutiful days! Double yoohoo!


                        14 miles tonight with hill work.

                        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

                          Good morning guys!  Had a nice little date with DH last night- he showed the trailer for his film at a little microcinema event that was held at a cool little funky restaurant in town.  Enjoyed some interesting short films, and had a yummy spinach/mushroom/artichoke quesadilla and Maine blueberry soda.  Yum!


                          This morning was my first run after taking a couple of days off due to my knee. Was planning for 5 or 6.  Felt fine for the first 2.25 miles, then all of a sudden, my knee started up again. Started walking after 2.5 miles and was calling DH to come pick me up when my sister (who'd run ahead), found a random stranger who was pulling out of her driveway to give me a ride home, lol. Fortunately the random stranger turned out to be a nice lady who is also a runner, and runs with the same group my sister does for track workouts in the summer. Frustrated about my knee. It was feeling totally fine all day yesterday. Both days that it gave me trouble were snowy, slippery conditions, and I was wearing the same pair of shoes (that I haven't worn much and not for a long time). So I'm questioning if the knee problem is really from the fall, or from the shoes- though they didn't give me problems when I wore them in the summer. Arrrgh.  In a way, it would be good if it was the shoes, since that would be an easy fix.  But if not, I'd like to be able to use the shoes because I need something more grippy in the snow and would rather not need to go shoe shopping right now.


                          Last day of SCHOOL for a while!!! (I get just as excited as my kids do, lol!)  Going to try to plow through the schoolwork this morning and get it DONE, then cleaning and wrapping presents this afternoon.  Got the last of my Christmas shopping done-ish yesterday, now waiting on gifts to arrive tomorrow (thank goodness for Amazon Prime free 2-day shipping! lol).


                          Have a lovely Armageddon, all, and enjoy this Christmas season!  : )



                          "...You have to have faith, to know that you can do what you want to do."  -Joseph Nzau


                          delicate flower

                            It's FREE BACON AND EGGS DAY!  For me, anyway.  And coffee, pastries, bagels, yogurt, coffee cakes, etc.  Us managers are hosting a breakfast for the building.  I brought in two chocolate chip coffee cakes. 


                            On to the runs...


                            Last night:  8.4 miles, light effort, 8:55 pace.  Ho hum, ho hum, just another run.


                            This morning:  8.3 miles of treadmill speedwork.  7:23 avg pace.  1/2 mile intervals at sub-5K pace (6:40ish), with 1/4 mile recoveries.  The intervals were easier than I expected.  A little nagged today by cramping though.  Good run.  I could have gone faster.


                            Thanks for the smooches, LRB! 



                            Free unlimited coffee until 10:00 this morning.  I need to take advantage of this.....



                            Wickedly Average

                              Well, top "O the morning, Dailies!


                              Coffee's ready, I'm partaking.


                              Finished editing and processing the wedding pictures last night. Now, all I have to do is burn them on several DVDs to distribute to the family.


                              Trying to figure out why my calf is all knotted up this morning. It cramped up on me early this morning, and now, it has a knot in it that doesn't want to go away. Fixin' to get the stick out and roll it a bit.


                              I have a few miles on tap today, if the calf quits whining. Not a lot of time. I have all kinds of Christmas stuff to do, plus packing and getting read for tomorrow's trip. As is always the case, the best part about Christmas is when all the shopping and running around is over. Why do we do this to ourselves every year? I mean, all this hustle and bustle has nothing to do with the true meaning of Christmas.


                              I'd settle for a good meal with the family and a visit to church.

                              Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

                              5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54

                                LRB, LOL! Weezer, enjoy your SRD and five-day weekend. Gustav, great workout yesterday. Kay, Damaris, RM2B, Sparker1606, And Lily, enjoy your runs. FlippyNoodle, Kristin, Baboon, excellent runs.