Beginners and Beyond


Trying a little experiment at the suggestion of Rodale (NRR) (Read 259 times)

Love the Half

    Yep, those wonderful folks who brought you RWOL publish all kinds of health related stuff.  A lot of it is utter bullshit such as encouraging you to spend craploads of money on non genetically modified, wild, organic, free range, other kinds of feel good stuff greens rather than the stuff you can buy in bulk for 15 cents a pound at Wal Mart.  Anywho, an article a few days ago said that your moisturizer may be doing more harm than good.  Many lotions, they argue, give you an initial boost of moisture but ultimately end up pulling moisture out of your skin so that you end up using more moisturizer which pulls more moisture out of your skin, etc.  There's an obvious reason for moisturizer manufacturers to get you on this carousel.


    My hands get horribly dry in the winter.  They are gross to look at and they become painful and they crack.  In the past, I have kept them constantly covered in lotion but the end result is always that a few hours after the lotion, my hands look as bad as always.  Enter this Rodale article.


    They suggested that a couple of drops of olive oil is much better than any moisturizer.  The theory is that it's not that the olive oil moisturizes your skin but that it keeps the moisture in.  Well, one definition of insanity is "doing the same thing and expecting different results" so I thought I'd give this a try.  Initial results are promising.


    I  have used a medicine dropper to put literally two drops in one palm and then rub it into both hands, palm side and back side.  That's all it takes.  I don't get the initial feeling of relief that I get from moisturizers.  Surprisingly, it's not greasy at all.  The key change for me has been that my hands still look decent 5-6 hours later.  Fair enough but does it do any good in the long term?  I don't know but I'm willing to give it a shot.  Middle Eastern women have been using olive oil as a moisturizer for thousands of years so maybe they're onto something.  I'm going to try this for a couple of weeks and report back on how it works.  It can't work worse than all those moisturizers I have in the house and at the office.

    Short term goal: 17:59 5K

    Mid term goal:  2:54:59 marathon

    Long term goal: To say I've been a runner half my life.  (I started running at age 45).


      If you drink it, will it moisturize your colon?

      Coalition for a Free and Independent New Jersey

      Shakedown Street

        So your really a middle eastern woman?


        Cornhuskers lotion. And drink more water. you know the second part.

        Started-5/12, RWOL refugee,5k-24:23 (1/12/13),10K-55:37(9/15/12),HM-1:52:59(3/24/13)

        Love the Half

          If you drink it, will it moisturize your colon?


          I'll ask when I go for my colonoscopy next Wednesday.

          Short term goal: 17:59 5K

          Mid term goal:  2:54:59 marathon

          Long term goal: To say I've been a runner half my life.  (I started running at age 45).


          Chief Unicorn Officer

            I believe it, I use a hand lotion with olive oil and basil, and no chemical ingredients. It works wonders. I use body lotion by Nubian Heritage and their stuff smells great and has organic ingredients. I'm not an all-organic eater it anything, but I have dry, sensitive skin and using lotions without chemicals has been key to my own personal comfort.

            Mile 5:49 - 5K 19:58 - 10K 43:06 - HM 1:36:54

            Little Blue

              My boss is German (read:frugal) and doesn't buy lots of personal products.  She swears by olive oil on her hands.  She likes that she can use it and handle food and not worry about getting chemicals in the food.


                I have the same problem with my hands in winter, we can compare next year & see whose look worse. My wife has a house full of various lotions which she is using all the time, I never use them because I hate the way most of them feel, and as you say they don't seem to do much good anyway. My usual solution is to put up with it till spring. I will definitely try this one next year, could've used it a couple months ago!!



                delicate flower

                  And just think, if you get hungry you can now sautee your hands for a delicious meal.


                  I use hand lotion and I have not noticed it causing more drying out.  It literally takes me two years to work through a 3oz bottle.



                    And at the risk of taking this thread in the wrong direction, I can't help but be reminded of the old joke, about why Popeye's d*** is slippery -- because he's always putting it in Olive Oyl.



                      Oils in your diet can help, too. Rather than use lotions, we make sure our son has a teaspoon of flax oil once or twice a day. If we remember, his hands stay nice; if we forget for a few days, his knuckles get cracked and start to bleed. DH and I take flax oil capsules, too, and while I don't necessarily notice a difference, DH says he can tell a difference in the skin on his elbows if he forgets them for a few days.

                      20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                        Coconut oil works well too and it smells better.  Good luck with your experiment.

                        Dr. Cornsitter

                          My boss is German (read:frugal) and doesn't buy lots of personal products.  She swears by olive oil on her hands.  She likes that she can use it and handle food and not worry about getting chemicals in the food.


                          This makes such a vast amount of sense that I am ashamed I didn't think of it sooner.

                          Quote from BeachRunner3234 on 6/25/2013 at 8:20 PM:

                          So I'm currently sitting with a bag of frozen corn in my ass.

                          Just B.S.

                            I have been doing this for about 15 years. Use olive oil or almond oil or vitamin e oil directly on my

                            face and hands at night as a moisturizer. Rub on, blot off excess with a tissue.


                            I was working  with a woman whose 85 yr old grandmother had few wrinkles. I asked what her secret

                            was and i was told: no smoking, lots of water and oil olive on her face every night. Figured it was worth

                            a try.


                            I also use it as a hot oil hair treatment. Cheap, easy and no chemicals.


                            I don't have very good family genetics but I always gets told I look early 40's rather than 51

                            so maybe there is something to it. I feel it works for me so I will keep on doing it and saving lots of

                            $$$ not buying expensive commercial moisturizers in the process.


                              I have been doing this for about 15 years. Use olive oil or almond oil or vitamin e oil directly on my

                              face and hands at night as a moisturizer. Rub on, blot off excess with a tissue.


                              I was working  with a woman whose 85 yr old grandmother had few wrinkles. I asked what her secret

                              was and i was told: no smoking, lots of water and oil olive on her face every night. Figured it was worth

                              a try.


                              I also use it as a hot oil hair treatment. Cheap, easy and no chemicals.


                              I don't have very good family genetics but I always gets told I look early 40's rather than 51

                              so maybe there is something to it. I feel it works for me so I will keep on doing it and saving lots of

                              $$$ not buying expensive commercial moisturizers in the process.


                              Beth, you do look great - not that I think 51 is old to begin with!  Do you use regular moisturizer in the morning and olive oil at night?  Or just the olive oil at night and no morning moisturizer?  I'm interested in trying this myself.....

                              But The Smile That I Sent Out Returned With You.

                              Just B.S.


                                Beth, you do look great - not that I think 51 is old to begin with!  Do you use regular moisturizer in the morning and olive oil at night?  Or just the olive oil at night and no morning moisturizer?  I'm interested in trying this myself.....


                                Thanks Pink, us old ladies even run marathons you know!LOL Just teasing you!!


                                Regular moisturizer during the day. Usually an organic product of some type.


                                Oils (either olive, almond or Vitamin E) I save for night time or for when I won't be going out during the day.
