Beginners and Beyond

WednesDAILIES: Sometimes you just have to tell them what you really think (Read 53 times)



      What's up peeps!


      I am currently watching the blob attack my area with rain and thunderstorms as I try to convince myself it will clear up by the time I need to get out there, while simultaneously considering the treadmill as the likely & most probable scenario.


      Whatever the case I will be running easy this morning, then heading off to work.  Long day on tap for me that will finish up with drinks and fun times with a bunch of coworkers and retirees.  What about you?


      delicate flower

        Helloooooo!  Man, I'm tired this morning.  What's up with that?  Last night I ran 7 hilly miles that were a hot, sweaty mess.  It was my first hot and humid run this year (90 degrees).  That'll take some getting used to.  7 miles in more of the same today will help with that.


        Five hours of meetings today.  *sigh*



          I am interpreting the pouring down rain as a sign that I should take another precautionary rest day. Who am I to ignore the signs from the heavens?

          Flying out tonight to Oregon for vacation. (Hi Zel!) Think I am just going to make it a half day at work.


          Have a good day everyone.



            Good morning -- I just stopped in to see what you really think.  I agree.


            3 slow miles done this morning.

            Just B.S.

              Was supposed to run and swim today but after last nights tumble on the bike I need to baby my knee

              today so I will swim 2000 yards instead of the scheduled 1000.


              Not taking any chances with an Oly Tr on Sunday so I will just swim every workout until then if

              need be.


              Former Bad Ass

                Morning!  Pilates tonight and maybe a run to and from the studio, if the bad storms let me.


                LRB, every time I see that in FB, it makes my day.  I didn't know you were down here because that's what we got.  It made the commute to work somewhat interesting.


                Baboon, do as I do, leave early today (I have to, and so do you!)



                  Good morning everyone!


                  Beth- So sorry about your knee!  Take care of it,  I hope it feels better by the weekend!


                  Hot and humid this morning, I'm putting off my run until this evening when it'll only be hot.

                    Good morning, people. Rick, thank you for starting today's thread. Enjoy your easy run.


                    Phil, have a pleasant easy run.


                    DaveP MI, have a safe trip.


                    Philliefan33, terrific three.


                    Beth, I hope that your knee is OK.


                    Damaris, enjoy Pilates. I hope that you're feeling better today and that you can run.


                    meaghansketch, have a nice run tonight.


                    On the my docket: 2.2 miles during my break, then one of the loops (3.5, five, or six miles with the run club. Followed by ab work, push-ups, weights, and .70 recovery-paced miles at a 5.0 incline.


                      You people start early. Heading out for 6.


                        Good morning -- I just stopped in to see what you really think.  I agree.


                        3 slow miles done this morning.


                        Hey! Don't be a stranger!



                        Former Bad Ass

                          YOU PEOPLE start early. Heading out for 6.


                          FYP.  And not all of us.  If I were up as early as LRB to run, I would pass out on my desk by 7am.


                            Oski - You are brilliant.  The baseball therapy seems to have worked.  Thank you SO much.  Big grin


                            Barking Mad To Run

                              Nice run/walk after work, even though our local weather guys screwed up on their prediction of the heat..instead of 92 degrees it went up to 94 degrees and the dew-point was 71 and the heat index 'feels like' temp was 98, not the 95 they predicted.  However, I didn't know that until after I finished my run/walk.  I was out there and thought "It feels a lot warmer than 95 out here" and I checked the weather when I got back to my car and there it was.."feels like 98".  Sheesh.  Oh well, I did okay and there were plenty of water fountains in the park along the way so I made sure to keep hydrated.  .  My course was a trail loop around the park.  I guess the deer were resting up until near sunset because I didn't see even one.   Saw a lot of cyclists on the trails, though, and they were all polite and gave be big shout-outs as they came up from behind me so I could move off the trail to let them pass - easier for me to step aside from a narrow trail than it is for them to get off the trail, since I was on foot.  Was planning to do 3 easy miles, but felt pretty good, so pushed it a bit more and took the longer trail on my last trail run to get back to the car parking area and ended up with 3.5 miles.   Well, running time/distance anyway.  I probably did a tad more than that because I stopped my watch a couple of times, once to play with a butterfly for a couple of minutes - that was fun - and once to give a couple of cyclists some directions, as it was their first time in the park.  A nice COLD shower after that warm run was very refreshing.    Today is a non-run day.  Gail and I will be going to the Y after work to do our weight training circuits.



                              Treadmill?  Man up, buttercup and get the hell out there in that rain and run, LRB!    Unless there is lightning, of course, in which case yeah, treadmill.  Don't mess with lightning!  Running in lightning is not manning up, it's 'stupiding' up.


                              90 degrees sounds lovely to me, Baboon!  Unless you're not used to warm weather running, of course.  It does take some time to acclimatize to it.  Congrats on getting your 7 hilly miles in, you are on your way to acclimatizing!  Good luck tonite too. And hydrate hydrate hydrate.   Five hours of meeting!  That must take some acclimatizing to get used to that!


                              Safe travel, DaveP!  Are you going to get to FE with Zelanie?  If so then...psssst....get a nice photo of her Great Legs to post... 


                              Congrats on your morning run, Margo.  This early a.m. morning running takes some getting used to if you're normally an after-work runner.


                              Sorry about the bike tumble, Beth, guess I missed reading about that!  Sorry about the knee, but could've been worse, glad you are okay.


                              Happy pilates, Damaris!


                              Good luck with your 'when it will only be hot" run Meghan.  And keep an eye on the heat index, if it gets TOO up there, it could be darn dangerous to be out there for any length of time.


                              Have fun with your club run, Basya!


                              Hope your 6 went well, B-Plus.  I'm with Damaris.  Since I run only Tues-Thurs-Sat-Sun I do only one early run during the week in Texas summer - usually am up at 4:30 a.m for it - and the other week day run is my post-work "hot day" run to help me keep used to running in warm weather.  Like she said, if I tried to run early more during the week I too would be napping at my desk quite a bit!

                              "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                                Morning all.  I got in 7 miles last night and going to take today as a RD.   Back to food harvest and processing today.  The carrots need to get out of the ground and into freezer, and we have sacks full of figs and apricots that I need to turn into a jam or chutney and then can.


                                Also, we are at Day 3 of broody hen watch.  Last time we had Easter chicks.  If all goes well, this time its going to be 4th of July chicks.

                                Life is good.