Beginners and Beyond

Reluctant WednesDAILIES (Read 43 times)


    Pitch black darkness, blah.



    Little Blue

      Uuuuughh.  Dark.  Early.  Rain.


      Weirdness, I woke up at 2:30 thinking 'what is that smell?'  It was not strong, vaguely unpleasant, but didn't smell like food.  Of course my brain latched onto that, and I was wide awake.  I got a little cup with a sprinkle of fresh coffee grounds and put it next to the bed.  Overcame the mystery smell, and I was able to go back to sleep.  I still can't identify it.


      Aaaaaaaaaand we have rain.  Thunderstorms this morning.  Then t-storms and rain through Monday.  Prediction is for 9.5" of rain total, with a feature of 4.17 on Friday alone.   And that's before Tropical Storm Joaquin even gets near us!  Fall has come in like a lion.


      Super B****

        8 disgustingly sticky, humid, suffocating miles.


        I think that run may have actually HELPED my calf.  Which would be weird, but I won't complain if it turns out to be true.

        chasing the impossible


        because i never shut up ... i blog


          Looking like URD. I had planned to run early, but DS woke me up at 3:30 and I decided that getting up again to run at 4:30 would be counterproductive. Sleep won out.

          20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


          Former Bad Ass

            Morning. I have 5 tonight. Wait, 5?



            delicate flower

              RAIN is the word of the day, and let it pour!  We need it.  I've got an easy 40 minute run to do later, and it'll probably be on the treadmill because rain is scary.


              I've been discussing race day with Coach and he asked if I was planning on going out with the 3:10 pacer.  lmao NO.  He did say I might want to consider going out slightly faster than goal pace right from the get go, and he is usually very conservative.  Hmm...we'll see.


              Half Crazy K 2.0

                Did some core work this morning. Hopefully a run after work as today is the least rainy of the next several. Like Little Blue, we are also in for a crap ton of rain and then the tropical storm. One site is already talking doomsday type forecast, worse than Isabel, Irene or Sandy. Lovely.


                I am really glad I procrastinate on race registrations--I had thought about doing a trail 10k near me on Sunday. After the massive amounts of rain we are getting, no way.

                Little Blue

                  Morning. I have 5 tonight. Wait, 5?


                  Why bother?


                  Super B****

                    Did some core work this morning. Hopefully a run after work as today is the least rainy of the next several. Like Little Blue, we are also in for a crap ton of rain and then the tropical storm. One site is already talking doomsday type forecast, worse than Isabel, Irene or Sandy. Lovely.


                    I am really glad I procrastinate on race registrations--I had thought about doing a trail 10k near me on Sunday. After the massive amounts of rain we are getting, no way.


                    I'm doing a trail half on Sunday... after massive amounts of rain.  Oh boy.

                    chasing the impossible


                    because i never shut up ... i blog


                      I ran at the track.


                      I am having some real problems with arm chafing this cycle. One day it's the left arm then another day it's the right. And some days, it's both of them FFS.


                      Today it was the right and boy did I dread lifting my arm in the shower!!


                        I ran at the track.


                        I am having some real problems with arm chafing this cycle. One day it's the left arm then another day it's the right. And some days, it's both of them FFS.


                        Today it was the right and boy did I dread lifting my arm in the shower!!


                        Nice paces. I wouldn't think chafing would be an issue in the 50's.


                        Barking Mad To Run

                          After work run/walk yesterday in my favorite San Antonio Park, McAllister Park, which has all kinds of trails, both paved and natural, and all kinds of different routes you can take.  Temp was sweeeet.  At 5 PM it was only 90 degrees - which sounds high for most folks, but for we Texans that is "Fall", lol - and the humidity was really low, at around 40% and dew-point low too.  I did off-road trails - and I could see the San Antonio Parks Foundation and their "Friends of the Park" volunteers had been busy; the trails were nicely cleaned up of rocks, debris, etc,  all the overhanging brush was cut-and-trimmed away from the trails, and so forth, and some of the paved trails had been recently resurfaced, making for a smooth 'ride'.  Made for some really nice running.  I was having such a good time I got carried away and ran/walked for an hour and 4 minutes, ending up with 5.5 miles, my longest outing in a while. I also hit my head lightly on an overhanging branch; slipped on a root and did a "Romancing The Stone" little slide down a dirt hill; and at one point startled some resting deer, who came up from the brush and ran.  I stood stock still as a few of them ran right past me on either side; it was very cool.  Woo-hoo, what a great outing!  Followed up my 'long' run of yesterday evening by getting up this morning at 4:30 a.m., going to the university gym, and doing 3.5 miles, with 5 hills of varying size thrown in.  Surprisingly, after all my twisting and turning on the trails yesterday, my legs felt pretty good this morning and I 'killed' all the hills in good order.  Another nice run/walk and the weather was very cooperative, in the upper 60s, and just the right bit of "chill" in the air.

                          "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                            Newsflash:  Running is dumb.


                            I "ran" 9 miles, 3 @ HMP.  It was supposed to be 5.  After 3, I was like nope.  I am not mentally into this cycle (at least since vacation), and it's showing.  Not that I'm running slower, just bailing on quality runs early.  Maybe I'm not getting enough sleep.  Actually, I know I'm not. Smile


                            5k - 20:51 - 9/5/15

                            10k - 47:00 - 5/25/15

                            15k - 1:10:19 - 11/21/15

                            13.1 - 1:42:25- 4/25/15

                            26.2 - TBD (someday)


                              Morning.  Tempo later. Smile



                                Nice paces. I wouldn't think chafing would be an issue in the 50's.


                                Thanks. I had not considered temperatures as a potential culprit but you are right more often than wrong so hopefully that is the case.


                                I cannot remember a year where I've had this issue with nearly every stupid singlet I've worn.