Beginners and Beyond

On the Fifth Day, There Were THURSDAILIES (Read 44 times)


    I am very grateful, and fortunate to have a full size gym and shower facilities at work.  In fact, any time another job opportunity pops up it is one of the first things I have to consider.  Much to the chagrin of some of my coworkers, whom just do not get it.

    Are you hiring?? I so wish we had that. Now that I have one at home however, it makes things much easier. Hopefully it will hold up, because it is a total cheapo one.



    I also have a gym with shower facilities at work. For the cost, I would wonder why any large business wouldn't have something like a gym. It is definitely handy for me. If I didn't have it I would have to lay out some decent cash for a myriad of cold weather gear.


    I would ask you the same question, but if I told my wife we were moving, and actually going to a COLDER climate, I would be doing it on my own.



      Hiring?  Sheeit, they are shedding more weight here than a hibernating bear.  lol


      We are now on a three tier employment status (pay scale, benefits, etc) and most if not all of the tier one employees have retired.  I am on tier two and sometimes get the sense while walking through the halls that I look like a roasting turkey to management!


      Former Bad Ass

        The gym at the office has showers and everything but my parking opens at 6:30am so I don't have time in the mornings for more than a 3 miler if at all.  I use the gym there when the rains are so bad you risk electrocution by lightning.  Fortunately, I have not needed a TM in 2 years but will tey to use it more often this year and I am fucking tired of the Summers here.  I mean, Summer already starteD, FFS.



          I would pay good money to see you on a treadmill.  lol

          Just B.S.

            Quick check in on my post lunch, get ready for the afternoon  Smile


            My weather, same as usual, cold and snow with ice underneath. We are still dealing with unmelted ice

            from the epic ice storm at Christmas that left people without power for days (only 2 for us) but the temps

            have never warmed up enough to melt all of the ice that built up on the sidewalks and trails so running

            outside this winter has been more challenging than usual.


            Lily, glad you are on the mend a bit. So exciting about the new baby!


            Basya, your consistency in your running and your posting is commendable!

            Tonight same as last 2 days.   Spin bike then treadmill then weights.

            In other news I can't believe that today marks the 2 year anniversary since my surgery! Some of you who were on

            RW at the time may remember I had major surgery of a female kind, the old fashioned way Smile

            At this point 2 years ago 
            I had recently completed the Bermuda Triangle Marathon Challenge race series on

            Jan 13/14/15 (1 mile Friday nght, 10k Sat, Sunday 26.2) as my 50th Birthday celebration.


            I 100% believed the rest of the year could be a write off for me race wise and was prepared for that. Instead just

            13 weeks post surgery ran my second fastest half marathon 2:01  (at that time) and went on to an my 3rd consecutive

            season  of PR's at every distance, including going sub 2 on the half for the second time and taking a full 7 minutes of

            my marathon PR that October.

            Being 50 ended up being a very good year Smile


              Well that was an adventure.  I got to school and was there maybe 15 minutes when they finally decided to close for the day, so far elementary only because middle school and high school students are already there.


              I headed home and was literally the only car on !-5 southbound.  Could not see another car headed the same way.  Then they came on the radio to say the interstate was closed southbound because of a 20-car pileup.  So it must have been just to the north of where I got on.  Now the northbound is also closed due to a crash just south of here.  The worst part was really the visibility.  It's snowing really heavily and you just can't see anything.  I made it home in about an hour (usually 30 minutes).


              I hope that there aren't any injuries due to people trying to drive in this crap because they didn't close schools in time.


              Former Bad Ass

                Nice, Beth!


                LRB, if I had one at home today, I wouldn't be missing my run tonight because MY BIKE IS READY!



                Former Bad Ass

                  That sucks, Z.



                  Skirt Runner

                    I was an hour late to work and had to take a cab because my car is plowed in and the plow pile turned to ice and I couldn't get out even after trying to shovel it for over an hour. Aaarrrggggg.


                    They put off my cousin's wife's surgery til tomorrow inbhopes her heart is stronger then. They are now calling it a cyst, not a tumor, which doesn't change much just the materiel that makes it. It is also deeper in the brain than they originally thought. Sigh.


                    Treadmill later. 3 miles I hope.

                    PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                    I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


                      I was an hour late to work and had to take a cab because my car is plowed in and the plow pile turned to ice and I couldn't get out even after trying to shovel it for over an hour. Aaarrrggggg.


                      They let you have a car in the Big Apple?  You must be loaded?

                      Just B.S.

                        Kristin, this must be incredibly difficult for the family. Continued prayers for them.


                        Skirt Runner


                          They let you have a car in the Big Apple?  You must be loaded?



                          PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                          I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to



                            I am not able to read everyone's posts, my office computer keeps blocking crap Sad

                            *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                            5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                            10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                            15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                            13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                             26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                              One of my coworkers was caught in the massive pileup and was rear-ended but is now home.  Another one hasn't checked in yet, and she's the one who has a suburban!  Hopefully she just doesn't realize we are all waiting to hear from her.


                              Here's what was just 2 miles north of me on the interstate when I was headed home.


                              Former Bad Ass

                                Sorry to hear this, kristin.


                                I think Kristin is in one of the burroughs and not the city so a car might be less expensive There.
