Beginners and Beyond


Dammit! I think I may have a metatarsal stress fracture. (Read 118 times)

Slymoon Runs

race obsessed

    Suck! A whole lotta' suck.


    Echo LRB, quit stomping.


      Ugh, and just when you were really starting to get your mojo back.  Hoping for good news from your appointment and that you're back out there soon!


        Having gone through a stress fracture I can attest to the fact that it is major suckage.  I came out stronger once I was recovered, though, and I am no spring chicken.  I really hope your self diagnosis is wrong, but if it is not, if you behave yourself and truly give yourself a chance to recover, you can do just fine afterward.


        I wish you the best and hope it is something less serious.


        Wickedly Average

          Sorry to hear that.


          Hopefully, the ortho will have a more specific diagnosis. And if it is, do let it heal fully. Ease back into action.


          I'm still "easing" into action after screwing up my knee last fall. But it's getting better, albeit slowly.

          Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

          5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54


            It does suck, big time.  I hope it is just a stress reaction, and not a fracture.  I hope the doctor can give you a definitive answer, but you know in the end  you'll be told you need to rest, at least for a while.  Feet don't take that long to heal, and if you can bicycle or swim you won't lose much conditioning.


            Former Bad Ass

              Sorry to hear this.  Hoping it's not a fracture.



                That sucks Brad.  Hope that whatever it is, it heals quickly!


                My running blog

                Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                Skirt Runner

                  Oh no! Bummer Sad hope it heals fast. I had what the doctor thought was a stress fracture for 2 weeks but finally ended up being a bone bruise. I was in a boot for 5 weeks and not allowed to spin or do anything but swim and upper body, and couldn't run for 6 was a bummer and I hope you don't have a similar fate. But if it ends up being true, hopefully you will recover fast and it will be a minor bump in the road. Are you scheduled to run Boston again this year in a few weeks??

                  PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                  I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to

                    That sucks.


                    I'm going to throw extensor tendonitis out there as something to consider. I had it a couple years ago and at first thought it was a stress fracture. The only thing is that it did get better after a week of no running. I hope you feel better soon.





                    delicate flower

                      Really sorry to hear about that, LtH.  Hopefully it is not as bad as you think.  It sucks and it's frustrating...we all know. 



                      Healed Hammy

                        Back in my HS days I had a stress fracture on the 5th metatarsal due to my XC running.  Of course that was high school, but back then (and you and I are the same age) we had crappy New Balance boats for shoes, and I was a "slapper".  I would heal strike and then slap my foot down.  Funny the Coach never tried to critique our running form, yet he was pretty good at training programs.


                        Anyway, back then it was 4 weeks on crutches but no cast, then resumed running shortly thereafter. Was diagnosed on an Xray, perhaps the technician was not as skilled in reading your films in this case, double check that.  Perhaps a walking boot to keep the foot mostly immobilized yet you can still shower and sleep without it.  Me thinks that you may have the correct diagnosis.


                        BTW: how is your piriformis?


                          Be careful not to turn into a triathlete, but maybe swimming is something you can do for a while!


                          Runners run


                          Drink up moho's!!

                            I had a lateral cuiniform sfx back in 2011 and it hurt like hell when I was trying to run on it.  I was stubborn and waited a few weeks for treatment and even then the X-ray did not show anything.  They sent me for an MRI which revealed it and put me in an air boot and crutches for it.


                            I was off for about 8 - 10 weeks with it.


                              I'll say "Dammit!" a few times for you also.

                              If it is a sfx, that might actually be better than a tendon/ligament problem, as I think soft tissue injuries are sometimes harder to get completely healed.

                              20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                              Barking Mad To Run

                                If it is that, I am very sorry to hear this.  Sorry you have ANY type of injury but if it was a more minor one at least you'd recover more quickly.   Hope when you get to your appointment you find out it is not as bad as believed. Wishing you strong healing vibes!

                                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt
