Beginners and Beyond


Chicago Marathon race report (Read 125 times)

    Great race. Congrats on the PR and being able to find another gear in the second half. Impressive splits.





    Healed Hammy

      Awesome B.


      Looks like you got the shoulder check thing all worked out, at least no spittle flew into your face this time, hehe.


      Happy for you the race magic worked, or was it that you were just chasing the booty that finished in 2:54.xx?


        big congrats! ... pretty cool about the water being passed around too at mile 17...enjoy your recovery.

        marathon pr - 3:16


        Barking Mad To Run

          Dang!  As someone said, you are crazy fast!  I just can't imagine running a pace like that!  Congrats on your marathon, very impressive!

          "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


          Drink up moho's!!

            Damn good race there B!


              Awesome job! Congratulations on blowing your sub-3:00 goal out of the water! It happens very rarely for me, but I love it when everything just clicks during a race. Thanks for sharing the RR.


                That was a fun report to read.  It seems that everything came together for you and allowed to blow you PR and your goal out of the water. Congrats on an amazing race and a huge negative split.  Great job.

                2013 goals: 800m: 2:20 | mile: 4:59 | 5k: 18:59 | 10k: 39:59 | HM: 1:32 | Marathon: 3:20

                  Just a fantastic race.  Congratulations!


                  Seven Deadly Shins

                    Great race and great time, B-Plus! Wow! Happy for you - but totally was expecting it, looking at your training log and all the hard work and fast times!


                    BTW not getting hockey reference either - guess there's bad blood between Vancouver and Chicago - but then I'm not even a Leafs fan.


                    Congrats again, well done!!


                      Wow! Incredible pacing - so steady 'til the end when you cranked into high gear. Congratulations!

                      20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                        Thank you so much everybody for your kind words. I am still over the moon happy with the race!!


                        JK - Here are the marathonfoto pics. I'm too lazy to steal and post them on here.


                        Dave - I still feel like it's a joke myself.


                        lilac/TO - Whenever the Blackhawks score, they play Chelsea Dagger at the United Center. A few years back in the playoffs they lit us up for about 7 goals, and I think it may have been an elimination game as well. I did beat the 10k guy by about 5 minutes. I chatted with him on the plane and the airport after, and he said I was really ripping it when I went by him.


                        Oski - I would like your like if I could.


                        LRB - I would have to say volume and consistency. With my last 2 PRs, I basically came off the couch after an extended break and crammed for the exam. That's why I took so damn long to run a marathon. I wanted to get in more than a solid year of base before even beginning the training plan.


                        makk - Get at it!


                        Bruce - I would be speechless as well, but I'm just too freaking excited!!


                        Awood - I am impressed Big grin


                        c0de - I guess I need to run al ultra.


                        Docket - Thank you. I'm so sorry that your race didn't go as planned. But you did the smart thing and I know you have about a bajillion marathons coming up to get redemption.


                        WIP - Congrats again to you!!


                        lily - We definitely should have arranged an FE. I was just so slammed the few weeks leading into this. Ok, that's an excuse ... it doesn't take long to send a few PMs. Let's meet up next time Smile


                        Goo - Are you kidding me?! I never would have believed 2:55 would have been remotely possible this time around ... maybe as an ultimate goal down the road. Would 2:50 be too much of a stretch as a long term goal? I guess I'll just need to put in the training and find out.


                        BS - Thanks my fellow Canadian. Congrats again to you on your great Irish experience.


                        LTH - You're up next. Go get that sub-3.


                        4o5 - There definitely was booty chasing early on Blush But as I got near the end all I could think about was getting to that finish line in one piece.


                        Everybody else - Thank you so much again!! I really appreciate everybody's kind comments and support in the Dailies. Especially since I usually only come in with a fly-by post with my workout for the day without participating much in the conversations. I'm working on that!


                        I am just so freaking ecstatic and I can't stop staring at my log. I know I said I wasn't going to show a mile-by-mile breakdown, but check out this final 10k:







                        7:22 (final 1.2, 6:08 pace)


                        Ok, I'll try my best to shut up about this now Big grin



                          I am just so freaking ecstatic and I can't stop staring at my log. I know I said I wasn't going to show a mile-by-mile breakdown, but check out this final 10k:







                          7:22 (final 1.2, 6:08 pace)


                          Shit, you should post all 26.2 of them bad boys!


                          I have always said I stare at my log like it's porn, enjoy your night. lol


                            Textbook. Really happy for you. Not familiar with why you took a break but the comeback from the DNS is all you could ask for. Negative split, sub-3, and smokin' last 10k.


                             Youth Has No Age. ~ Picasso / 1st road race: Charleston Distance Run 15 Miler - 1974 / profile



                              LRB - You won't believe how much time I waste just staring at my log ... My training log that is.


                              Moth - Thank you so much. My break was due to a very minor injury which lead to extreme laziness. I'm glad to be back running and faster than ever. I think I've had a few too many of those beers already.


                                A sub 3 hour comeback marathon-- excellent!  Congratulations this really is a wonderful achievement.  Glad you're back running and setting even faster PRs.


                                "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson
