Beginners and Beyond


Report and Photos: Zero Prostate Cancer 5K and 10K (Read 19 times)


Barking Mad To Run


    I am Scott aka Scottydog aka Scotty Dogg, runner since 1983, cancer survivor, retired Air Force, employee of University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), friend of dogs, fun-runner, and all-around goofball.  In 2003 I had spinal arthritis flare up and ever since then I’ve done the run/walk method since it hurts my back too much now to run continuously with no walk breaks.  I’m on what I call my “2F Plan” which stands for Fun and Finish.  At events that I now do for fun I carry my camera, chase “Great Legs” to help motivate my slow old man self to keep moving forward, and take pictures before, during, and after the race. Sometimes I even get a nice post-race sweaty hug from one of the Great Legs ladies.   I then do a pictorial race report of my events.  I also carry dog biscuits with me to treat any dogs I may meet at a run, hence my nickname “Scottydog.” Here is yet another of my Race Reports With Photos, and my thanks to all the people I interacted with for their graciousness and good humor in letting me take photos of them.


    This was my 44th race of 2015 and my first race of 3 races done for the weekend of Sep 19 - 20, 2015.  The Zero Prostate Cancer 5K and 10k supports research funding for prostate cancer and is an event held in many different locations around the country.  In San Antonio, the race was sponsored by Urology San Antonio and many other local companies. There was a 5K event and a 10K event.  I did the 5K and placed 2nd in my age group, finishing in 33:51.  Quite a nice turnout for this event, and the weather was bright blue skies and sunshine.



    The start and finish was at San Antonio Missions City Park, which is located in the vicinity of the historical 17th century San Antonio Spanish Missions.  A very nice park, recently renovated; it has an event pavilion, a large patio area...and actual restrooms, nice for a change not to have to use portapotties at a race.  I arrived with about 40 minutes to go until the 8 a.m. 10K start time, with we 5K folks starting about 10 minutes after that.  Roamed around getting photos of some of the participants, volunteers, etc.


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    My good friend, Sally, who did the 10K in honor of her brother.

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    My good friends, Minnie and Lana with, who did the course set-up, timing, results, etc.  Minnie, get off the phone!  Isn't phoning and photoing illegal in San Antonio? 


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    Go Team RWB (Red White and Blue) San Antonio!  A veteran's group of which I am also a member.  There was quite an RWB presence at this event.


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    Got this photo of my fellow RWB member, Ernie, for my friend and fellow RWB member, Dana, who is good pals with Ernie



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    The medals awaiting the age-group winners

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    Our event MC, Mark Purnell, with another of my running friends, Christine - or is it Kristine? I'm old, my  memory comes and goes  - a lovely lady who volunteered today.

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    I had a nice chat with the 78-year old retired Army Vietnam Vet, who walked the 10K.  Thank you for your service sir!

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    Getting ready to start...

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    ...and blinded by the light, lol...


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    . For the 5K, the course was on paved roads;  the 10K folks did paved roads too, but also went on part of the paved trails that went along the San Antonio River.


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    Nice after party with lots of various foods, drinks, music....and beer!  Oh yeah, love me a post-race beer.   After the event, there is what our local weather folks on the TV stations call "abundant sunshine" so some of these photos are quite BRIGHT. There were even a couple of food trucks there if you wanted to purchase something from that food source.  Definitely did not lack for food and drink at this event! As I wandered around taking photos, it seemed to me that everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.   photo 018_zpslblwxrdc.jpg


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    My really in-shape friend, Bethany

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    Folks from Gonzaba Medical.  The lady on the left did the 5K.  I know her from several local races.  Super nice people and they even gave me one of their Gonaba logo shirts, thank you very much!


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    RWB Team Leader Roy with the event Race Director, super nice lady.


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    Spurs Coyote, mascot of NBA San Antonio Spurs, 'getting down" with this little man..

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    Uh oh...Roy below is mentally 'wandering' again...

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    Very nice event!  I've done this one in the past and it has always been a quality run/walk, with nice tech tees, lots of post-race goodies, a very nice course, etc.  Definitely would recommend this to my fellow runners and walkers.   Mucho thanks to all the sponsors, volunteers, law enforcement, etc., all the folks who made this one happen for we participants.

    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


      Wonderful. And a great cause!


      delicate flower

        Scotty, you have Bluerun beat with the AG awards.



          It's been a real pleasure reading and looking at your race reports all these years.  The photo heavy threads are always great, especially for a consummate people watcher like me.


          Thanks again.


            Nice AG positioning! Congrats on your 44th race of the year!


            Former Bad Ass

              Nice job!  And excellent RR as always.
