Beginners and Beyond


WednesDAILIES: How can we say yes to you? (Read 46 times)



    Hell I am hitting the trails with Rocky tomorrow for an easy 3 miler, I am feeling fucking fabulous 

    My next training cycle begins next Tuesday, though the first two weeks will be building mileage back up. I have my second marathon in March (trail race).

    But again, I wasn't given the chance to actually push myself last Saturday... I know that is the case because I should still be feeling sore or like shit..... shouldn't I?


    Sometimes after a marathon, I feel ready to start running again, only to find out that I'm in for three or more weeks of heavy legs and sluggish runs.


    My left leg feels perfectly normal today but my right leg is still pretty sore. My quad, ITB and hip on that side.  I won't run til next Tues or Weds probably.


    Seven Deadly Shins

      I think it's directly related to how hard you've run your race.



        Hell I am hitting the trails with Rocky tomorrow for an easy 3 miler, I am feeling fucking fabulous 

        My next training cycle begins next Tuesday, though the first two weeks will be building mileage back up. I have my second marathon in March (trail race).

        But again, I wasn't given the chance to actually push myself last Saturday... I know that is the case because I should still be feeling sore or like shit..... shouldn't I?


        That's what I was going to mention the other day. Since your tummy prevented you from giving a full effort (at least your legs), you're likely not as beat up as you normally would be. Of course running 26.2 miles at any pace is still a huge effort and will make you feel like crap either way.


        3 for me tmw as well!


          I think it's directly related to how hard you've run your race.


          Oops. Didn't notice this. Way less words to say the same thing. I like it.

            Start the weather watch, the forecast for the day before my race is mostly cloudy and a high of 48*, absolutely perfect!  Hope it holds. Smile


            My running blog

            Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


              Let's all plan for a FE there once everything passes.


              With the stuff they make these days one hit and you will be out for a week.  lol



                Onemile, Toronto and B+ I am 100% sure that my good feeling is due to not giving the effort I truly, really wanted damn it. I honestly think had it not hit me, I would have been keeping a good pace up to mile 20 lol.

                Dorian, Rocky and I went for a hike today, little over 2 miles at Dorian's pace. The 57 degrees and cloudy seemed to help  him a lot, and it helped not to have my garmin or cardiotracker on, so I just relaxed and followed him Smile

                *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                 26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                Run to live; live to run

                  10.1 this am. Pilates tonight. Long day.



                    I ran out of beer, how the hell does that happen?  Hmph!


                      Out of beer?  That's a stage 4 emergency!


                      11.1 easy miles done.   T-minus 11 days to taper.

                      Life is good.


                        I ran out of beer, how the hell does that happen?  Hmph!


                        Heavy drinking + bad planning. And one often leads to the other.



                          Heavy drinking + bad planning.


                          I vote B.  I stupidly thought 3 would be enough and it usually is when I have more than 3. 


                            Out of beer?  That's a stage 4 emergency!




                            By the way it seems you were not the only one with Garmin problems this weekend.  There was even talk of solar flares interrupting signals and what not.


                            Former Bad Ass

                              Start the weather watch, the forecast for the day before my race is mostly cloudy and a high of 48*, absolutely perfect!  Hope it holds. Smile





                              Former Bad Ass

                                I forgot to do grocery shopping yesterday, so after pilates, I spent all my running time doing grocery shopping.  Sigh.

