Beginners and Beyond


Tuesday Penguins Have Gone to The Dogs (Read 25 times)

Singer who runs a smidge


    I hope you mean a WATER sample.....cuz, as I recall from my military days, a random 'sample processing'  then was a whole different thing...


    Protein sample.  Processing proteins immobilized in gels is a 3-day process, so I figured I should get it started today.  The longest part will be tomorrow, and then I can finish it off on Thursday.


    I got my filters changed, got my sample processed, got my walk done, woo-hoo!  My list is complete.

    When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.


    Return To Racing

      Going to take a RD after 4 runs in a row.  Going to see Boyhood.


      Jack K.

      uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

        Hi Pens.


        No running for me today. I will try for a few miles tomorrow. I was much more sore after the HM than I was expecting. I put up a RR with a few lame pictures.  Have fun today.


          We're home again, after three months on the road.  I'm not sure whether I'm happy to be home again, or not, but I am glad to be getting back to running again.  One run a week didn't do much to keep me in shape, so it feels like starting over, especially since most of my runs on the road were pretty flat. I ran 4.5 yesterday.  My first hill is only 1/3 mile from the house, so I knew right away that I had lost a lot of conditioning, despite our daily walks and hikes.  I wonder how long it will take for running to feel easy again?


            Ginny, if you just got home and ran 4.5, you'll be back to your old self in no time.  When I had to come back last year, I remember building back to being able to do a 5-mile run.  I hated the fact that my body responded to it like it was a "long run," and it certainly felt like one at the time!  But I swear that it wasn't very long from that point before 5 miles started to feel like a normal, easy distance again.


            faster than a glacier

              Hola penguins! Gonna try 2 miles on the TM after work and see how badly my IT band tightens up. Hopefully not too bad, I'm trying to ramp up slowly. Have fun training/resting everyone!
